Feliz Navidad

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The wind shifted through the strands of my hair and I felt more peaceful than I have felt in a long time. The champagne glass rested on the open deck where I was lounging in my white chrochet bikini. We were all here at the French Riviera in Monaco, on my yacht taking a much needed vacation with family and good food and wine.

Loud music drifted up from below as everyone indulged in a little bailar and fun. Though, we did not let loose completely like a bunch of madwomen because there were kids around. The vast expanse of the blue sea around was calming. We had left civilization far away. I introspected on the year that has gone past instead of joining the fun. No doubt one of my captains was going to come up any moment to drag me down and make me dance with them.

I rarely enjoyed such moments of peace. The kids were playing in the pool inside and Josh looked like he was having the most fun of his life. Today had been hectic to say at least. We had all enjoyed sightseeing and shopping early morning, then had gone to watch the F1 Monaco Grand Prix. The kids had been over the moon when they were able to meet some of their favorite drivers at the paddock and touch their cars. It had been a very successful early Christmas present for all of them. . I smiled....glad to know that money could atleast buy some happiness.

For adults, Christmas wish lists were filled with things money couldn't buy. Not that I wanted much....not that I had anything to want to begin with. Christmases had been lonely affairs in the Bianchi household. A hard piece of raisin cake wrapped in a newspaper would have had my eyes lighting up like fairy lights. Now, I only wanted some time with my man, who regrettably had to stay back home for work. Saving lives was a full time job and I couldn't be prouder of him but I missed him. It was a constant ache in my heart. Was it love? I wondered, terror stark in every beat of my heart. Was love always this terrifying? For the first time in all my thirty-three years, I was breathless and despairing- the feeling that poets so loved to write about. It unfortunately had none of the romantic flair.

"Stop moping about. Your hair is not all grey yet. ", Jules said coming to sit beside me. She lowered her sunglasses to the bridge of her nose to show me her eyes. She wore a lavender one piece 1940's style swimsuit that made heads turn. Her sleek blond hair reflected the light and it certainly one very handsome head turn towards her.....

"I will stop moping when you you stop moping.", I said sipping the liquid bubbly happiness.

"I am not moping.", she muttered.

"Caldron cannot take his eyes off you.", I teased.

"He probably wants to throw lasers out of his eyes to kill me."

Knowing these two, it wasn't that impossible. My lawyer and my COO made quite the pair.

"You really like him,don't you....your hot blond doctor?", my sister asked point blank.

No point in denying it.

"I miss him every moment I am not with him. How can I feel this way about someone I had known for like six weeks?"

"You are scared, yes?"

I laughed hollowly.

"You know what happened the last time I fell in love! It nearly killed me."

Jules glared at me.

"Stop! What you and Todd had was nowhere near love. If I had a chance Sana, I would have killed him. But you wouldn't let me do anything."

"It's okay, Jules. You don't need to get caught up in my drama. You can go enjoy your vacation."

"Only when you stop sulking! I hate it when you are sulking boss. I swear I am going to tickle you if you don't show me your smile."

She made tiger claws at me and then growled adorably attempting to tickle me below my ribs. I shrieked and ran back and she tackled hugged me and clung to me like  a monkey. I laughed out loud and pulled on her ear.

She started singing horribly off beat in my ear.

"Oh baby! all I want for Christmas is you....."

"Stop it.", I swatted her away.

" Oh, oh, oh, All I want is for Christmas is your money....
Because money money money is sweeter than honey...."

She made up horrible lyrics in my ear and nearly gasped from laughing so hard. My Prada sunglasses nearly fell out of my face, I moved so much.

"Come on ladies!", she shouted dramatically at the top of her voice. " Let's show the boss lady how to remove the pole from her keister."

I rolled my eyes so hard, they might have fallen out of the socket.

"Put on the good music, damn you!", Georgiana huffed and a familiar sexy Spanish tune caught my ear. Despacito in the voice of Luis Fonsi oozed raw sex appeal.

They put a best boss sash across my body forcefully and wrapped a red feather boa on my arms. I sarcastically curtsied when they placed a tiara on my head and made me give them a ramp walk on the deck. The crew tried to watch stoically but even they were laughing. They held my arms and spinned me around. Our hair flapped crazily. I must have looked as if I had been zapped by static electricity. But who cared, this shock therapy had cured me of my bad mood.

"HERE'S TO THE CRAZIEST BITCHES OF ALL TIME! HERE'S TO MAKING MORE MONEY AND SUCCESS!!!!!", we shouted in wild abandon. They even convinced to twerk a little.

" Take lots of pictures. Ethan will be green with jealousy. Nobody upsets our girl."

"Show me that fabulous ass baby!", Jules gestured lewdly. I wasn't against a little mischief either. I posed fabulously like I had seen models do, leaning on the rails with my head back an my body in a sinous arch and my tie and die wrap open at the seams.

" Magnífica, niña."

They oohed and aahed and showered flattery as I gave them a show.

Alcohol, otherwise known as the nectar of the gods flowed as we danced or did some drunken manouvering  across the deck. We ground, swished our hairs, shook our booties and hugged the shit out of each other until all the bad thoughts were gone with the see breeze. We danced barefoot as the sun warmed us and when the sun was as tired as we, the music slowed automatically into a slow, nostalgic melody crooning about love. Jules, Georgiana and Bree held me tight in between them and I lay my head on Jules' chest as we swayed from side to side on unsteady legs and an overflowing heart.

The wind picked up as the sun emitted a fiery orange glow setting the blue waters aflame. Held tight in their hands, I understood why their support meant the world to me.

"Feliz Navidad, mi hermana. I hope you fulfill every wish of your heart.", Jules said.

Feliz Navidad indeed.

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