Karma is a Bitch

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I counted to ten as my top-level executives came rushing in like kids at an ice-cream shop.

Good. They needed to know how to obey orders.

As they sat down in their allocated positions, I straightened to my full height.

I was 6 foot tall and at times like these, my height could intimidate people more than words.

My long ponytail brushed my waist as I raised my head to look at the quaking executives in their chairs.

Something bad was going to happen.

And they very well knew it.

I began in my sugar-sweet modulated soft voice that I used in the board room, the voice that would make the mafia proud in intimidation.

"There has been...", I began slowly and they inhaled collectively, "... a situation."

"I have been made aware, that photographer Arnie DeVitto had touched a model indecently. Who here.....was in charge of her portfolio?"

Neil raised his hand, the fear evident in his face.

He knew.

He had always known.

"And what did you do to counter her complaints?", I asked, my pen in my hand.

I wanted to kill him for keeping quiet but I had already fulfilled my quota of violence for the day.

Any more violence, and my stylist would scream my head off for ruining my nails.

God! The hardships of being pretty.

I needed more maintenance than an average mansion needed in a year.

But back to the matter at hand.

"I told her that she needed to act more professionally, that Arnie would never do that and-"

"You are fired.", I said primly.

"Excuse me?", he asked bewildered

I didn't speak.

Jules, my COO and dear sister who was sitting beside him whispered loudly.

"I think she is telling you to fuck off, mate.", she said in an exaggerated Australian accent.

" But what did I do? ", he stammered.

"You didn't do anything, mate. That's your fault.", she replied, the same anger in her tone.

Jules had once been in this position before. She knew better than anyone.

" You can't fire me. My dad is in the board of directors.", he threatened.

I smiled my victory smile.

God! I loved it when they said 'daddy' as if that would save them.

"Then your daddy is fired too. You can pick him up on your way down."

I said not at all bothered for firing two  important executives in one stroke.

I worked with no regrets.

You broke the rules. You were gone.


"Call security, Jules. We need them to escort him out.", I ordered.

But before she even took her phone out, Tori was ushering him out.

My other executives watched wondering who would get fired next.

Let them be scared, I thought.

A little fear would prevent situations like this.

I went around the long conference table in a circle and spoke loudly this time.

"Let this be a precedent of what will occur if anything happens to the models. I pay you through the nose not to sit and do nothing. All the executives will check in personally with the models, every week to make sure nothing happens to them. Same with all the staff members. No one lays a hand on my employees."

I paused.

Then looked them each in the eye.

"This will not happen again.", Jules promised me quietly.

" Any models who we hire through agencies will also be in our protection. I will not let Boss Lady's reputation be tarnished. All of you will report to me, with a comprehensive check."

They nodded like obedient puppies.

"Now, I want suggestions on how to deal with this mess."

Riley piped up,
"We should issue an apology to the model and compensate her. No drama no rumors. "

I glowered at her.

"Must I also fire you?", I asked.

"We take public responsibility of our mistake.", my newest executive Bree said.

The girl had potential.

"Elaborate.", I commanded.

" Boss Lady is a company that prioritizes women as their primary customers. We should hold a press conference and talk about what happened and what we are doing to fix it. It will make our consumers more aware of the brand's initiatives building an emotional connection to with us. Rather than being consumer and sellers, we will be seen as a brand with women standing up for women. It will increase employee loyalty, that the company is willing to stand by them and help them. We will see growth in our sales then.", she

"So, we rebrand?", I asked contemplating it.

"Yes, exactly."

Jules too was nodding her consent.

"You are in charge of operations, Bree. Others follow her lead.", I said and walked out of the room.

Jules soon came up behind me.

"Only two members fired in one day. You are losing your edge in old age sister.", she smirked.

" I am 33 Jules. I am not old.", I said annoyed.

"Yes, and I have no cellulite in my thighs even though I keep inhaling those chocolate cupcakes. . Gosh, the lies we tell ourselves to feel better."

I rolled my eyes.

"Go, find someone else to pester. I have places to go, people to fire. "

"Yes, boss. Oh, and you are still killing it at 33."

That I was.

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Love you all

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P. P. S-Describe Sana in one word.

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