Chapter 27 - by xXMade2LoveXx

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** Rae's POV **

I look at Elena, holding the book in front of me like a shield.

"I-" I pause. I don't want to say anything I'd regret. I close my eyes for a long moment, breathing deeply.

"I forgive you, Elena," I say at last, "but... I think we need some space between us. The way you've been acting has hurt a lot of people. Remus has been worried sick about you. You hurt Fred so badly. Even George. I know that you were mad about the kiss with Fred and I'm sorry, but it's going to take time to build a friendship up again."

I excuse myself and walk out. I'm shaking, wondering if I did the right thing. I was honest with her, I can't promise things will go back to how they were because they won't. I pull my robes tightly around myself and head downstairs, thinking of going for a walk to see if that stray dog is still around. In the Entrance Hall I run into Fred coming inside. He shakes snow out of his hair and grins at me.

"You'll want to put on a few more layers if you're going out there," he says, "oh, Elena was looking for you."

"Yeah, she found me," I say, looking out the door. I decide he's right, it's nearly a blizzard out there. I fall into step beside him as we walk up to Gryffindor tower.

"So, what did she want?" Fred asks.

"She said she was sorry, said she overreacted and was being childish," I answer, "I told her I forgave her, but that she hurt me and it'll take time to become friends again."

** Fred's POV **

I listen to Rae talking. There's a heaviness in her words, I know she's been struggling, but she seems to be doing better. I think about what Elena said. I'm still not sure of my feelings for her. Sometimes I miss the old Elena desperately, other times I never want to see her face again. When she fainted in Transfiguration I was worried, I'll confess. We all were. But after the way she'd acted with Oliver, pushing us all away...

I look down at Rae. We've always been taller than her but now the gap is widening. She only just reaches my shoulder. She's got her lips tucked in like she does when she's worrying.

"It'll be okay," I tell her, "you're right, it's going to take time, but Elena will get there, we all will."

"Do you think there's a chance for you two?" she asks. I shrug.

"If she goes back to how she was before, maybe," I answer, "but like you said, it's going to take time."

We step into the common room and sit down with George and Lee. Rae leans towards George to fill him in on what's just happened. She sits back after a moment, looking a little lost.

"I'll be right back," she says. She walks up to the girls' dormitory. I turn my attention to Lee. He's saying something about dung bombs hidden in first years' cauldrons. I see George glance behind me.

"Where're you going?" he asks. I looking around and see Rae doing up her thick cloak and pulling on a hat. She's all bundled up against the cold.

"I'm going to the kitchens and then for a walk," she says, "I won't be long."

She leans down and kisses George gently on the cheek.

"I'll see you later."

As the portrait hole swings closed behind her I look over at George.

"She's going to freeze."

** Rae's POV **

I step out of the Entrance Hall and into the cold and the wind hits me like a train. I pull my scarf up to cover my mouth and walk down into the thigh deep snow. I trudge along, aiming for Hagrid's hut, a small light in the whirl of snow. The cold cuts straight through to my bones and my trousers are drenched in minutes. Gradually Hagrid's hut gets closer, but when I finally reach it I continue past, into the forest.

The deeper into the forest I go the less wind and snow there is. I pull my scarf off my face and begin calling for the dog.

"Snuffles!" I yell, "Snuffles! Here boy!"

I try to whistle, but I can't. I huff out a white puff of air and wonder if maybe he died while I was away. It's awfully cold out here.

I huddle down at the base of a tree and start drying my trousers with warm air from my wand. The wind is whistling through the trees. I can still see Hagrid's hut, so I know I'm not too deep in the forest. I'd never go wandering around here by myself. I might be brave, but I'm not stupid. I don't know how Fred and George can keep doing it. Idiots.

I hear a stick cracking behind me and straighten up quickly, pressing against the tree as I raise my wand, all of my senses on high alert. My palms are prickling as I try to keep my breath even and quiet. I hear a slow footstep and swallow hard. That's not human. And it doesn't sound like Hagrid either.

Hagrid. I glance towards his hut. It's within running distance, maybe only thirty seconds at full sprint, but that footstep sounded a lot closer. I could always scream, but that would give me away and there's still a chance that whatever that is doesn't know that I'm here.

I listen as the footsteps slowly move closer. My heart is pounding in my throat and my hands are shaking. I wrack my brain for the best spell to use but in my panic can only think of a few useless ones.

The footsteps seem to be right behind me when they stop. There's complete silence, even the wind has died down. I let out a long, slow breath as time passes.


I scream as the giant dog jumps out from behind the tree and barks at me. He flops onto his back and wriggles, then rolls onto his belly and looks at me with his tongue hanging out, as though smiling. I can still feel my heart beating.

"That wasn't funny!" I half-yell at the dog. He rolls onto its back again as I slide down to sit at the base of the tree, shaking all over. I reach into my pocket and pull out a package wrapped in foil.

"I brought you something," I say. The dog immediately sits up, interested. I unwrap the foil, revealing two chicken legs. I toss them to him and he pounces on them, devouring the meat in seconds. He picks up the bones and trots over the lie next to me, pressing his body against my leg and chewing on the bones. I run my fingers through his fur, leaning into his warmth. He nudges me with his nose and gives me a knowing look. I smile down at him.

"You want an update?" I laugh, "Okay, well..."

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