Chapter 24 - by EmmaWeasleyBarton

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Chapter 24- Elena pov

Fred and Rae kissed....that kept playing over and over in my head. When they said that, I felt my heart shatter. I thought she understood how I felt. She let him spend so much money on him. I was such an idiot.

"Lena," I heard Dad say beside me. I turned and looked at him. "Are you okay? You've barely said a word. Are you coming down with something?" I smiled sadly. He always worried.

I nodded. "I'm fine. I just miss Rae," I lied. He frowned. He knew I was lying but he didn't press the subject. I went back to my thoughts.

The next few days went by rather slowly. My thoughts tormented me and I stayed in my room.

By the third day, my dad knocked on my door with some news. "I think its best if you go to the Weasley's for Christmas. You've locked in your for days and you've barely ate. "

I swung my door open. "I don't want to go there. I wanna stay here." He sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair. "please don't make me go there," I finally lost it again. My dad pulled me into a hug.

"Elena, sweetie, what's wrong?" He soothed. I cried for awhile more. I was hurting so much. I didn't understand why it hurt so much.,

When I finally calmed down, I explained everything, "They kissed...Fred and Rae... She knew how I felt about him and she did it anyway. I am such an idiot. I knew he was so angry with me but hey what did I do? I bought him Quidditch tickets."

"I'll be right back. I'll send an owl saying you're not going. I'll cancel on dinner with them on Christmas." He left me crying on the floor.

The next day as I was coming to the living room, I heard, "She's fine. She caught the flu. She likes to lock herself away when she's sick. She just got over it."

I hurried down stairs and saw Harry, Ron, and 'Mione, "Hey! I'm fine, really I am. I wasn't taking very good care of myself these last few months."

Ron said, "I'll tell mum. She was worried. We all were...well except Fred and Rae..." I figured that was the case but still it hurt.

"Ronald.....they were too worried," 'Mione shot.

"They said she probably wants attention," he replied. I shook my head and looked away. I hated her in that moment because I knew that she resented me.

"I'll see ya on the train. I think im going to lie down now." I went upstairs and cried myself to sleep.

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