25 help

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Luke pov
"Okay everybody, the Hemmings family are grateful for all of your presences" my mum speaks up as the huge room of god knows what creatures attention goes towards her.

" the war is coming on us, witches are extremely powerful and cunning so we need a plan, well if we are to survive which is my goal right now" she says as I sigh.

"Among the room of creatures there are many varieties and opportunities to create plans based around our many powers, perks and skills" she says earning a couple of nods.

"Okay, get on with it there are mermaids, ghosts, demons, elementals, vampires, werewolves, Shapeshifters, warlocks and of course the shadow shifters" Harry says proudly sending a quick wink in Mali's direction earning a hook in the jaw from Liam as he stumbles to the ground spluttering a bit.

"Shame you cocky prick" I smirk as my mum shoots me a glare.

"Language, I don't care how old you are watch it" she says as I roll my eyes.

"Actually there are way More, excuse Harry being a dumbass" Liam says in a cocky tone.

"Right now, they are most likely preparing to attack in revenge of Kimberly" zayn cuts in.

I snarl at the sound of her name.

"We have no contact with them, so we are just going to have to be prepared very well" zayn says as I scratch the back of my neck becoming bored.

Just get to the fucking point and save Reece.

"So, there are two main entrances in to the castle, and two main entrances in to the courtyard which are connected to the wall that guards the castle, so we obviously need brave species to guard the castle walls" zayn says as Niall walks up in front of them.

"Okay so elementals are pretty damn powerful, water elementals can cause tsunamis summoning the water from their own hands, putting out dangers to do with fire. Fire elementals can cause so much damage it's not funny" Niall says lifting up his top to show a large burn scar from Michael when Niall kissed his girlfriend when he got drunk as he rolls his eyes.

"Earth elementals can shift rocks and the ground, from making barriers to picking up a large mound of earth and throwing it. Wind elementals can cause tornados and stuff like that, so you could screw up their flight if any of them choose to fly or bring any flying creatures" Niall says earning nods everywhere.

"So what I'm thinking is that we place all of the elementals upon the castle walls, earth elementals make a large barrier just for extra protection, and the others do your best to eliminate them all" Niall says as they call out a couple of yeahs and nice ideas.

" we have werewolves and mermaids, and we know wet dogs don't work well together" Louis says as mali shoots daggers speaking up for her pack of wolves, as do the other packs.

"I know that werewolves are really aggressive creatures so I'm thinking that all of them fill up the area inbetween the earth barrier and the castle wall when they breaks through, then you attack, the large ponds that sit out side the castle entrances can hold the mermaids. They will try their best to hypnotize at any cost" zayn says as I walk towards the staircase.

"The Shapeshifters should be paired with the werewolves so they could Shapeshift in to the same creatures in the army, killing them aswell" I but in as mum shoots me a glare.

"Shadow shifters inside the castle hiding in the shadows and ready for attacking if they get in somehow, the rest should be inside the castle walls ready for attack" Liam says as everybody agrees.

"Okay everybody else is inside the castle walls ready for attack, we prepare tomorrow" my mum announces as everybody nods and begins to leave.

"Wait wait, what about reece?" I yell at mum as everybody goes quiet.

"What about Reece?" She asks genuinely confused.

"We can bring her back." I say with a hint of hope in my voice as my mum shakes her head softly as I bite my lip.

"I'm bringing her back whether you support me or not" I say walking out of the room as everybody resumes leaving.

(Oh shit don't kill me for not updating I'm sorry .....)

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