[̲̅7]- last act

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When it's written like ( ) and there's some words there, it's Betty Nolan's POV, not mine

All of us made it to the rooftop. Everyone in the audience looks at us and they cheer. I wave at all of them, and some of them wave back. I see a little boy looking at me and smiling happily. I smile softly back, knowing that he isn't smiling at me.

Henley's the first to say something to the crowd, "Hello, New York!" The crowd cheers more.
"Thank you for the magic."

I look at everyone and tell each one of them (except the FBI or Interpol. They're shits I don't give a fuck about), "And thank you for being such an incredible and dedicated audience." I continue talking, "Unfortunately, like all good things, it must come to an end."

"So we would like to start our show tonight..." Danny says, in a sad kind of voice. I can't believe this journey's about to end. Well, either way, this won't last for a long time. Merritt talks next, "By saying goodbye." Some of the crowd 'boos', as we're leaving. I give small air-kisses, and Henley reminds everyone,
"All we wanted was to bring a little magic to the world."

Danny mentions to them after her, "And thereby bring a little magic back to the world."

"This has been one hell of a ride for all of us." Merritt says, and I continue with what he was saying, "But it's time for us to disappear." Danny shouts to the audience,
"Good night, New York!"

"And thank you for believing in us."

And each one of us jump off the roof, and about 1,200 dollars of fake money falls down to the ground, just like with Etienne and Paris. We got to frame Mr. Bradley, and it was fun to break into his car. We start running again, laughing as we went. I just wished that Jack was here to spend this time with me.

We had made it down and once we got to Time Square, we saw each of our faces, and us jumping from the roof. I stared wide-eyed at everything and sighs, "I wish Jack was here to see this... he would've loved this." Henley whispers to me, "Do you have a crush on Jack?"

I stay silent. I don't want to lie to her so I whisper back, "Y- yes..." Henley looks at me, shocked. I don't fully blame her for being surprised, I always said I hated his guts. And I sort of do, in a way. She smiles happily and hugs me, and I hug her back.

"Finally you admitted! Finally!" I smile as well, and I see Danny look at Henley and give a soft and warm smile. She lets me go and I chuckle, "We should get going before someone spots us." They all agree and we leave, going to Central Park.

We made it to the gate, and the top shows 'C P'. Henley is first to mention something,
"It's locked."

That's when I hear someone say, "Weren't you listening? Nothing's ever locked." I then see
Jack Wilder. I smile as I see him, and he picklocks the lock for the gate. Once it opens, all of us enter and Henley mentions, "Well done, Mr. Wilder! Good work." I went straight to Jack and full on hugged him.

"Hey Jack. I missed you." He looks at me and smiles, "I missed you too." Jack's hands are on my waist before he kisses me softly and passionately. I hear the others in the back 'oohing' in the background, and once we stop, I flip off all of them. "How could you, Temperance?"
 I hear Henley joke.

Merritt grins at Jack, "You're a big boy now, Jack."

Henley gives me a thumbs-up, and I give her one back. I hold Jack's hand and we go look for the Lionel Shrike tree. I mention to all four of them, "What if all of this was just leading up to us getting mugged in Central Park at 2:00 am?" Danny sighs, looking closely and carefully, "No, I'm telling you, we're right where we need to be. We just have to find..."

Henley interrupts him and points at a tree with a card encased in glass. "That?"

"The Lionel Shrike tree."

She goes closer to the glass, "And the card encased in glass." I ask each of them,
"What do we do now?" Henley takes out her tarot card, and each of us take out our cards and they suddenly put together in each other.

Finally, there's a sound of a carnival, and we see a carousal. Huh? "Damn..." I breath out, and Jack laughs. I see that he's just as shocked. But the thing that surprised me the most was to see Dylan Rhodes in front of the carousal.

Merritt says, in shock and adoration, "Oh my gosh! I did not see that coming. That's impossible."

"Now way,"

Danny admits, which is really hard for him to do, "That was actually- uh, pretty good." Rhodes has a smile on his face and responds, "Thank you."

"When I said always be the smartest in the room..." Danny says, in voice trailing off.
"We were in agreement." Rhodes nods, which made him sigh of relief. "Okay... right."

Rhodes then looks at Henley and greets her, "Henley?" She just stares at him, with utmost admiration. I chuckle, smiling, "I've never seen her so speechless." Henley tries to speak, "I- uh,"

"I'll take that as a huge compliment." Jack apologizes to him, "Aye, man. I'm sorry for kicking your ass, really." Rhodes looks at him and nods his head. I don't know if he forgave him, or if he's secretly plotting vengeance.

I just show my hand out and I say, "I believe we've met before, Rhodes." He takes his hand out and we shake hands with each other. "Yes, we have."

Merritt continues talking, and I let my hand go from Rhodes', "And listen, for the record, I have always been a 100 percent believer in the amount of energy I have expended to keep these guys on point." Rhodes replies back, making him quiet, "You're in."

"God bless."

"Come," Rhodes says to us, walking to the carousal. All of us do as he says, and he keeps talking, "The real magic is taking five solo acts and making them all work together. And that's exactly what you did. So welcome. Welcome to The Eye."

And as the carousal spins, we successfully made it to The Eye...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now