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Monday morning came and with it the case of mondayitis. So Lena pulled herself out of bed, showered and dressed with the same enthusiasm that everyone lacks early on a monday morning. Pausing for just a moment from her usual routine she was about to slide into her car when she noticed a peach covered rose wedged under her windscreen wiper with a ribbon that connected it to yet another note.

Plucking them out and throwing them on the passenger seat, she couldent help but wonder what kind of creepy stalker would leave these just laying around for her to find.  She mulled over it the entire way to the small coffee shop near the school ordering her usual. Taking the first sip of her coffee, Lena finally reached for the envelope.



It slightly sadens me that you will be getting the rose and my note at the same time today. Assuming that you leave your house today at all. I would preffer you mull over each rose and their meanings before reading my thoughts, but I suppose today that won't be the case.

Peach is Apretiation

Because I do apretiate everything you do and everything about you. The way you dress in all black or atlest dark shades that add such contrast to your fair and pale skin and deep and mysteryous emerald green eyes. Your wrighting that never fails to head down a diffrent path then everyone expects. Your crule words, and although they cut right through me and hurt me more then I should let them, it makes each one of your kind words so much more meaningfull.


Apretiation, huh? Finnishing off her coffee she started her car and headed to school only to realise that she spent too much tine looking over that note and she was now running late yet again. Damn these things! These roses were driving Lena into distraction. How can someone even apretiate someone who constantly belittles them? Lena now found herself wishing that she wasn't such a rude bitch to every person that so much as looked at her. It would at the very least help her figure out who kept sending these.

Before she knew it Lena was wandering through the empty halls of her highschool, every now and again hearing the voice of a teacher lecturing a student about something that she couldn't fully understand from the thickness of the walls, in the tone that only teachers could pull off. You know the ones that could almost put you to sleep but for some reason there was no way that it could actually let you fall asleep. Opening her locker there was another rose sitting there standing up on her locker, held there by a small blob of blue-tac. This one was orange.

At this point Lena wasn't expecting another rose mere hours after recieving the first one. Somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered when she started expecting them to show up at all. Pulling the rose out carefully and mindlesly dumping various textbooks and papers into her locker. She made her way to the janitors closet, figuring that she was already late to the first half of class so missing the rest of it wont hurt. Plus she could always hassle someone for anything vital that she missed. Once there she pulled out some scrap paper and her phone to search up what orange stood for.

Desire and enthusiasim.

Well that is less then helpful. Desire is easy enough to get. Sure she might not have guys and girls fawning over her like Alex does, or lure them in with her ditsyness like Kara. But she knows that shes hot, and although theyll never have the guts to say or do anythibg about it, guys do lust after her.

Enthusiasim, that was a little harder to pick. Although she didn't show much enthusiasm on the outside for anything really, well apart from chess, and crushing any girl stupid enough to hit on her boyfreind while she was around.

Figuring that so far her stalker had only picked one aspect for each color. Searching on her phone again for the meanings of all the diferent colors she had already received. While scroling through the diferent websites she decided it was completly hopeless, for most there were atleast five different meanings, and then half of those would double up with other colors. Hell, who would have thought there was so many different meanings behind colored plants. Hearing the bell ring for second period, Lena placed the rose in her bag and headed off to class.

It all started with a roseWhere stories live. Discover now