ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

Bethany had done what she viewed as impossible, she had made it into A-troupe. Even better, her new found friends had also made it, and as far as she knew it was all going to plan.

Seeing as it was their first official day on A-troupe, Piper had asked if Cassie, Amy, Sloane and Bethany would meet her in the rehearsal room.

"Hey." Piper grinned as she watched the four girls walk into the room. "How nervous are you guys about being on A-troupe?"

"I'm wonderful." Amy told them, keeping up the smile on her face.

"Fantastic." Cassie chuckled.

"Um, I'm great." Sloane nodded.

Bethany looked at the three girls with suspicion, those smiling faces weren't fooling anybody and she figured she'd be the first one to speak up.

"Well, I can tell you all right now that's it's kind of freaking me out." She chuckled.

"That's makes two of us, Beth. I am out of mind terrified." Piper exclaimed.

"I'm terrified." Amy admitted.

"Yeah, I thought I was the only one." Sloane told them.

"Okay, for our sake, we need to do something." Piper told them. She turned to Amy. "On a scale from one to one hundred percent, how nervous are you?"

"Ninety one point seven." Amy told her while Bethany just chuckled at her answer.

"Ninety four?" Cassie said in more of a question.

"Ninety six." Sloane answered.

"For me, some days I'm one hundred percent and even other one hundred, we need to do something." Piper said.

Bethany agreed with Piper, since they were all new to A-troupe, they needed to find a way to get there nerves down so they could fully concentrate on the team without any worries.

"Let's form a club." Piper suggested. "The zero percent Club."

"What do we do though?" Cassie questioned.

"We need to talk about this stuff, it's more than just a hug, it's about getting out issues and our fears all the down to zero." Piper told them.

It was true, they were the new girls that had never stepped in the studio until a few days ago, while everyone else had some sort of relation or backstory with why they're at the studio.

"That sounds great, I know for a fact that we'll be needing some sort of barrier to bounce back on." Bethany smiled.

"It's settled then." Piper smiled and held out her hand. "Zero percent on three."

"Zero percent!!"

After they all put their hands in and called out their new club name, Bethany figured that it would be best if they air out some of their feelings right then.

Bethany suggested that they all sat down together on the floor before they got started.

"I was thinking that we could maybe start talking about our fears so we can bring the nervous numbers down." Bethany told them. "Piper, why don't you start?"

"My biggest fear is that people think that I'm just on A-troupe because I'm James' little sister." Piper told them.

"What?" Cassie exclaimed. "You're amazing and none of us knew who James was until you told us yesterday."

Bethany didn't know James personally, she only knew his name because of the duet he did with his girlfriend at Internationals, it was her second favourite after Noah's routine.

"And you did make it into A-troupe." Amy reminded her.

"Cassie?" Piper smiled.

"Okay, I'm afraid that I'm not gonna stop growing, I'll lose my coordination and I won't be able to dance anymore." Cassie told them.

"Cassie, you're extensions are literally insane, they're so beautiful." Bethany assured her, it was true, she wish she had long legs so she could extend them the way Cassie did.

"Thank you, Bethany." Cassie smiled. "Sloane?"

"My biggest fear is that I'm a hip-hop dancer and I'll never be able to do the contemporary dances aswell as you guys." She told them.

Bethany had to agree with Sloane there, even though she wasn't all too fond of the girl. She had only ever learned contemporary and lyrical dancing so she hadn't had much time to work on her hip-hop.

"Everyone here is great at something and not so great at the other thing, but, we'll work together and we'll get better!" Piper told her.

"Yeah, and, you're a better hip hop dancer than any of us, so, we'll help you and you'll help us." Amy smiled.

"Okay." Sloane nodded. "What about you Bethany?"

"I fear that Im going to fall behind everyone because I have no competition experience, everyone here has been to competitions while I haven't because my studio couldn't afford it." Bethany shrugged.

"Beth, you're an amazing dancer and I can assure you that you have the most technique out of all of us when it comes to dancing." Amy told her.

"Exactly, you're such a beautiful dancer it's actually insane." Cassie nodded.

"Thank you guys, that's really knocked my nerves down." Bethany smiled. "Amy, what about you?"

"I fear that I'll forget the choreography and I'll just mess up the entire dance." Amy told them.

"Yeah, we can't help you with that." Piper said, causing all the girls to start laughing.

"That's never going away." Cassie chuckled.

This is what Bethany wanted, friends to laugh with about their troubles and thankfully she had found what she had been looking for.



hey my loves,

I know this was a short chapter but it focused a bit on the friendship which I loved, also, I can't wait for richelle and Bethany to get closer because they are definitely similar in some ways and richelle needs a friend

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I love you guys!!

As always please comment and vote on this chapter as I love to hear your guys inputs and thoughts <3

love you all

word count| 967

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