ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

Bethany thought she was nervous when she first walked into the studio for the open house, how wrong she was. Her nerves right now were sky high as she stepped into Studio A ready to audition for A-troupe.

She was just glad that she knew at least a few people, seeing as she met them yesterday, so that was the only positive outlook on this. She just hoped that if she made it onto the team that they would make it too.

"Beth!" The blonde heard a voice call out to her as she rounded the corner into the open space of the studio.

She turned to her left to see Cassie waving her over as she stood with Amy and a girl that she hadn't met before.

"Hey, guys." Bethany smiled as she walked over to them, giving both Amy and Cassie a quick hug before turning to the new addition. "I'm Bethany, but you can call me Beth."

"Hi, I'm Piper." The nervous girl smiled back up to the blonde, surprised at how she was so confident.

Little did she know that inside Bethany was screaming with nervousness, she just figured that introducing herself to as many people as possible would be the best way to get people to like her.

"Are you guys a little nervous?" Amy continued to stretch along with the other dancers.

"To say a little nervous would be an understatement." Bethany laughed hesitantly.

"Really?" Piper spoke up. "With the way you just walked in you don't seem like the nervous kind of person."

"Thank you, I think." Bethany laughed. "I just prefer to show people that I'm not nervous but inside there's a whirlwind going on."

"Well, I'm incredibly nervous, I hope we all make it." Cassie told them.

"I'm sure we will, I haven't seen you guys dance yet but you all seem like the type of people to be dedicated." Amy assured them all.

"Attention dancers!" Kate called out as she walked further into the studio. She handed Skylar some cards for her to pass around to the dancers.

Bethany stopped stretching with her new found friends and stood to face the studio head as she bellowed for everyone to listen to her.

"Welcome to the A-troupe auditions" She welcomed. "Skylar is handing you all envelopes right now. Inside these envelopes you find a coloured card that will determine whether or not you're auditioning in the morning or the afternoon. Does everyone have one?"

"Um, I have two extra cards." Skylar held up the spare cards in her hands and walked towards Kate to give them to her.

"Where are Eldon and Amanda?" Kate asked as she looked across the room in hopes of seeing them.

Bethany remembered the names, she had remembered meeting Amanda yesterday and she could never forget Eldon's name seeing as he was the male soloist at Internationals.

"Eldon and Amanda will be here shortly but for now I can take their envelopes." Michelle affirmed as she held out her hand for Kate to pass her the envelopes.

"Okay. Alright, everyone, please look inside your envelopes." Kate turned her attention bad to the auditions.

Bethany opened her up her envelope and pulled out a black card, she looked to her right to see that Cassie, Amy and Piper were holding up white cards, of course it would be her to have the odd card.

"If you have a white card, please raise it up." Kate instructed them and people with white cards raised their hands. "You will be auditioning in the morning. If you have a black card, please raise it up."

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