Chapter 4- Not Love! part 2

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        At a local bar, Brad sat at the bar, reading a book when the door opened and Dante and Akira walked in when the half-devil asked, "Mind if we grab a seat?" "Yeah sure", Brad said, "Go ahead" "I'll take a beer", Dante said to the bartender, "and a pizza. Any kind without olives" "I'll have a soda, please", Akira said as she and Dante sat. "Go about your reading", Dante said to Brad, "Don't mind us" "O-ok", he replied, "I believe I will" 'Could he get more conspicuous with that statement?', Akira thought tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear. Back at Angelina's house, the phone rang and the mayor answered. "What?!", the mayor demanded, "You still can't find Angelina?! Don't even think about coming back until you do" He slammed the phone to hang it up as he asked himself, "Is she at that greasy bastard's place?" "I offer you my deepest apologies, sir", the butler said with a bow, "It was because I took my eyes off of her-" The door opened to reveal Angelina back, safe and sound as the butler said, "Miss, you're back" Even though he was relieved that Angelina was alright, his anger got the best of him as he walked to Angelina. "Father, I-AHHH!", Angelina tried to explain but was cut off to a slap to the face, knocking her against the door and she fell to the floor. "Do you understand?", the mayor said as Angelina was placed in her room with tears falling down her face, "From now on, your meals will be brought to your room and you will be watched where ever you go" He slammed the door and locked it as Angelina looked out the window and softly said Brad's name.

        Meanwhile, Brad continued reading his book until Dante asked, "What's the book you're into?" "It's a romance novel actually", Brad said. "Really?", Akira said, "I've hardly read romance novels" "I see", Brad said, looking to Akira, "May I ask of one novel you've read?" Akira thought for a minute and said, "Well, there is one book I've read, though it was considered a few different genres. It's called 'The Hunger Games'" "'The Hunger Games'?", Brad asked, "What is that about?" "It's about this country known as Panem that is ruled by a Capitol with twelve districts being forced to bring in one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen known as 'tributes' to fight to the death after a rebellion of the districts. A thirteenth district was eradicated during the rebellion and the districts surrendered", Akira explained, "Years after that rebellion, a girl named Katniss Everdeen volunteered after her younger sister as chosen to be a tribute. It's actually a trilogy, and they even made them into movies, which were good" "It sounds good", Brad said, "As for this book I'm reading, one person's love for another is a wonderful thing. True love is a powerful thing" Dante merely chuckled at the comment, making Brad ask, "You find it strange?" "Nope", Dante said. The bartender walked up to them and placed the beer and soda down, making Dante look to him and say, "Well, that sure took awhile for just a beer and soda. And my pizza?" "They're making it now", the bartender said. "Damn", Dante muttered as Akira thought, 'Talk about slowpoke McGee. Fredi can make pizzas faster and have drinks out in a shorter time span' Dante held his beer and said to Brad, "Drink up" Brad grabbed his drink and said, "Uh, yeah, you too" Dante took a few big gulps out of the beer and sighed with satisfaction as Brad took a few small gulps out of his.

        "By the way", Dante said, "You seem like a drifter. Where you from?" Brad was silent for a moment when Dante spoke up again, "It's ok if you don't want to tell me" "I should be going now", Brad said as he stood up and headed for the door. "Here's your pizza", the bartender said, "Sorry to keep you waiting" "Hey, there's olives on these", Dante said. "Oh, stop being such a baby", Akira said taking one and eating it, "Just pick 'em off and hand them to me if it makes you happy" Dante just glared at her and sighed heavily before looking at the door. Brad walked down an alleyway when a large shadow appeared beside him and out came a demon that said with laughter, "Everyone's been saying the gate will open tonight haha" "Will it now?", Brad asked the demon, only to have it say as it licked its fingers, "But to leave the living world like this is a shame" "So then", Brad said, "it was you killing those people" "I'm very fond of the taste of the warm flesh and blood-who did that?", the demon said when a plate was thrown like a Frisbee and smashed into the demon, gaining Brad and the demon's attention, and walking down the alleyway was Dante and Akira. Dante shoved a whole pizza slice in his mouth as Brad asked, "Did you two follow me?" Dante gulped the pizza down his throat before he said, "Eating a large pizza in five minutes" "Gotta say, baby", Akira said, "that's new record for you" "Don't you two mess with me!", the demon roared as his hand went through the wall, only to reappear to grasp Dante and Akira, shoving the young woman into Dante, making her out of instinct place her hands on Dante's chest. In another time and place, and without the demon, she would've been ok with it as Dante said, "Oh, some handshake you got there" He had already drawn Ivory and had it at his hip and shot at the demon's hand, making it let go of the two and withdraw his hand as Akira drew Phoenix  and aimed it at the demon as it tried to grab them again, only to have her shoot a few bullets, making the demon yell in pain and withdraw back into the shadows. "You two are as strong as I've heard"

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