Chapter 2- Highway Star

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        The night was one of many excitements, and it was true as three bikers raced along one of the city's bridges. Not too far from them, two men in black suits watched the bikers race. One of the bikers suddenly slows down due to the swerving it was doing. "Hey", the biker behind the leader yelled out, "Michel" "What is it?", the leader, Michel said. "You're riding way too fast tonight", the biker said, causing Michel to look back and yell, "If you don't want to push it, then slow down" Michel sped off, with the biker yelling for him, but he couldn't hear the biker as he laughed and said to himself, "The sound of the wind's sweet tonight. There's no way I'm stopping now" He looked in the mirror to see a biker with red headlights speed right past him. He knew it was him, the famous Red Eye. Michel growled and pushed his bike to race Red Eye, "You want a race?! Bastard!" He sped on to catch up to Red Eye, only to swerve and crash. By the time paramedics arrived, he was dead.

        Meanwhile, in another part of the city,  the rain began to fall as a man ran down the streets. He stopped at a club with a woman in a hooded coat and said to the woman, "Heh, the rain sucks, don't you think?" She said nothing as the man continued, "So, you waiting your boyfriend? Your husband? You could freeze if you stay here. Tell you what, forget your boyfriend and come with me. I can get you a warm place, and a nice dinner" The woman looked at the man and nodded as if the last sentence got her attention. The man smiled and said, "Nice answer, sweet lady" The woman began to walk, making the man open his umbrella and follow her. Seeing he was inside a warehouse, he laughed about it and said to her, "This is a joke, I see what you're doing. There's nothing here" "That's what you think", the woman said before walking to a door, opening it and causing a skull to fall out. "What", the man asked, frightened, "What's going on here?" The woman took a few steps forward and said as she looked to the skull behind her, "My, have you forgotten? So insensitive of you, considering you're the one who did this. They say that a string of missing women have happened in a neighboring city. Each woman was picked up by a guy, treated to a nice dinner, spent the night with him at a hotel, and then went missing after he brought them to this abandoned building" The man soon laughed at her story and fixed his shades and said, "Come on, you think I did this What human being in their right mind would do it?"

        "But you're not human", the woman said, looking at him with her mismatched colored eyes. The man suddenly transformed into a demon and tried to strike the woman, only to tear her coat off, revealing a school girl like outfit as she reached for her gun, shooting at the demon. The woman chuckled and smirked, seeing the demon's true form as she said, "I prefer you in this form better" The demon roared and tried to strike her again, but she moved too quick, but not quick enough as her gun was knocked out of her hand, making her reach for two more, a pistol and a sub-machine gun with a knife at the end of it. She fired multiple shots into the demon, even severing it's arm as the demon bled out until falling, signaling the woman the job was done. "Impressive skills", a male's voice said. "Who the hell are you two?", the woman asked as she put away her guns. "My associate and I are from The Highway Department", a tall man in a black suit with sunglasses on, "We've been looking for you for some time now" The man's associate, same outfit but a bit shorter stepped forward and said, "The female Devil Hunter, who takes any job and never fails. Miss Lady, but your real name is-" "What do you want", Lady demanded with her eyes narrowing before the man could say her real name. "We have", the taller man said, "a little job for you"


        The morning came at Devil May Cry with Patty back and decorating the shop, much to Akira's protests. "Unbelievable!", Patty said as she worked, "I swear, guys' places are such a mess. No one will want to come to a style like this, especially clients" Dante simply ignored her as he rummaged through a magazine while Akira sighed with frustration as she thought, 'She was cute when this was an anime, but she's more annoying in real life' Giving up for now, Akira leaned against the desk and let out another sigh. She reached for the scar on her stomach, remembering the nightmare she had last night. The little white haired girl flashed in her mind and what she said to the phoenix. 'What could that mean?', Akira thought, '"You cannot protect them", it must've meant Vergil or maybe Ann. No, Ann's safe back in the real world and Vergil's dead. I know it's true, but she placed her hand on my stomach-' "Mr. Dante!", a voice shouted, breaking Akira's thoughts. "A customer", Patty said then spoke up, "Hello!" Dante, who had stopped reading, was looking at Akira, and noticed she placed her hand on the scar Mundus gave her in their battle at Mallet Island. He couldn't help but feel his heart break at the memory, seeing her almost die in his arms, his mate, nearly on the verge of death and joining his parents and brother. Dante just sighed heavily as he walked to the pizza guy, who noticed the sudden change in his office as the half-devil said, "Thanks. I'll pay you guys everything at the end of the month" The pizza guy closed the door and left as Dante walked back to his desk as Patty said, "Pizza again? So when do you think clients will start coming today?" "Well, Patty", Akira explained, "People come in when it's very important for us to come and handle the demons. We're not ninjas that get D-Rank missions all the time"

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