Chapter 3- Not Love! part 1

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        The sun was slowly setting as a young woman wearing glasses and a dress with short heels ran through the streets as she said to herself in a panicked tone, "If I miss my curfew, Father will yell at me" She hurried down some stairs, only to trip and fall as her shoe fell off of her, hurting her ankle. A young man wearing glasses as well and a blue shirt with khaki pants walking up noticed the shoe and the fallen maiden as he picked up the shoe and walked to the woman asking, "Are you alright there, Miss?" "Uh, yeah", the woman said, "I think I just sprained it is all" The man placed a hand on the woman's ankle and said calmly, "Just stay still" As if by magic, a green orb appeared on her ankle and once it was gone, the man looked to the woman and said, "I want you to try standing for me" The woman did and said in awe, "It doesn't hurt anymore" The man smiled as he placed the woman's shoe back on her foot before standing up while the woman asked, "What was that you just did? A trick? Magic?" The man chuckled and said his goodbye to woman when she said, "Please, wait. What's your name?" The man smiled and said, "I'm Bradley" The woman repeated his name and then asked as a streetlight came on after the sunset, "Can we…meet again?"

        A few days had passed and Brad held a small flower, waiting for the woman, Angelina . He heard her running up to him and said, "I'm so sorry, Brad" Once she reached him, she panted slightly as Brad placed the flower on her hat, making Angelina look at him and smile. The two smiled and laughed as they ran through the park holding hands, and for that one moment, everything seemed perfect for the two and nothing could separate them. However, one night, Angelina's father yelled at her, "Do you understand me, Angelina?! I forbid you to that man anymore!" "Why?", Angelina cried out, "Brad is a nice and caring man" "I don't care", her father said, "You are to stay in this room until you do" Her father closed and locked the door before continuing, "This is for your own good" He handed the key to the butler and said as he walked off, "I'm counting on you" "I understand, sir", the butler said, bowing and accepting the key. Inside the room, Angelina fell to her knees and softly cried.


        The next day, at Devil May Cry, Akira was in the bathroom, inspecting the scar and saw it was fully healed again, but as a safety precaution, she wrapped some bandages around her stomach and waist before placing her shirt and vest on and leaving the bathroom to see Dante at his desk, feet propped up and a magazine on his face with his hands behind his head while slightly leaning back, and as for Patty, she was over on one of the couches, whining about the TV saying, "Ooooooohhhhh, this darn thing" "Hey", Dante said as Akira sat on the desk, "keep it down, will ya? It's not like a Genie's gonna pop out and fix the TV" Patty wasn't listening as she continued to whine, "And today's the final episode" "Well", Dante said, "that's too bad. Me? I'm bummed because my nap's been interrupted" "Life's full of disappointments, Patty", Akira added, "Besides, that TV's older then us" Patty stopped and said-no-demanded to the two Devil Hunters as she stood up, "Go out and buy a new one, now!" "If we had the cash", Dante and Akira said in unison. "How in the world can you two blow through all that money so fast?", Patty asked as she walked to the desk. "We've got a Devil woman taking all our money", Dante explained in his care-free tone, "and a tight-fisted bastard of an agent. You can look for some change under the couches" Morrison walked in hearing the "Tight-fisted" part and said, "Hey, who you calling, 'tight-fisted'?"

        "Here with some more jobs that won't make us more money?", Dante asked as Akira sighed at his behavior. 'I know I've always asked myself this', Akira thought, 'but how on earth is it that I'm able to keep up with his antics? Oh, Sparda help me' "Oh, you know me", Morrison said sarcastically, "I bring you jobs that pay out. On the condition they're done right. Akira can do a better job then you when it comes to minimizing destruction, at least she knows when to hold back her strength" "Thanks for the boat of confidence, Morrison", Akira said, "But even I have my moments" Dante just glared at Morrison as the magazine fell off his face with Patty running up to Morrison asking, "Hey, Morrison, do you know how to fix a TV?" "TV?", Morrison asked confused. Patty pointed to the TV on the table and whined, "It's broken, and today's the final episode of 'Bolero in Spring'" "You got your car here with you, Morrison?", Dante asked as he got up and put on his trench coat while Akira's her jacket. "Yeah", Morrison said. Patty turned to see Dante and Akira walk past her as Dante said, "We'll take the job, as long as I get some sleep on the way. I've been losing it 'cause of that broken TV" He opened the passenger car door, letting Akira jump in the back before he sat in the passenger seat, leaning back in a reclined position. "What are you waiting for?", Dante said impatiently, "Let's go. Anywhere is fine as long as I don't hear her whining"

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