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Harry's POV
Today i had so many visions. I thought my head will burst.

I was chilling in a Gryffindors common room with Ron, Hermione, Hugo and Rose. The kids were with Draco so we will go see them later.

I decided to speak with them about my visions.

"Hey guys?" I whispered to them.

They turn their heads to me.

"What's up Harry?" Hermione asked.

"So remember how i told you about a vision 2 days ago?" I ask and they nodded their heads.

"Did you have another one?" Ron asked.

"Yeah. I had them all day. I also wanted to tell Draco today since i didn't have time to tell him yesterday." I mentioned.

"You can tell us when we meet up with him in the Room of requirement." She said as she reassured me.

I nodded. We all got up and went towards the room.


"So you're telling me you can have visions?" Draco asked.

I nodded.

"I have been getting them a lot lately especially today. They're all the same." I said.

"What are they about?" Scorpius asked.

"I don't know if i ever told you kids in the future but they are about some kind of long dark hallway, with some kind of glowing snowballs and a snake." I said.

The kids looked terrified as i said all of that.

"By the looks of your faces I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about." I ask.

"Dad, just don't blame yourself after this because how could you know what could've happen." Albus started.

"I mean, Voldemort was getting into your head a lot." Scorp agreed with his brother.

Lily just stayed quiet as she hugged Albus.

"What do yo-" as i wanted to say something i felt another burning on my head.

"Aahh." I groaned in pain.

"Harry!" Draco put his hands on my shoulders worringly as he stayed close to me.

"I'm okay." I said as the pain went away.

"Is that how vision appeared to you. Like your scar burns?" Ron asks.

I nodded.

"Do you think it's real?" Draco asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiosly.

"What if he's just messing with your head?"

"Draco's right. How can we know if it's all just an act to get you where he is?" Hermione asks.

I shrugged.
"I don't know guys and all i know is that I'm tired of all that. My head hurts so much." I said as i laid down on a nearby bed.

The kids went up to me and sat around me on the bed as Draco sat next my right.

"Dad it's going to be okay." Scoprius told me.

I smiled at him.

Hermione and Ron said goodbye as they went out with their kids to hang out somewhere, probably at Hagrid's or the lake.

While we stayed here, we spent talking and getting to know each other.

"Next year is gonna be rough on you mom." Scorpius said to Draco.

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