Chapter 4

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"You stupid billboard brow!"

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

A number of girls surrounded the pink-haired student and trapped her in a corner. The girl only looked back with a sorry and worried expression on her face. Without warning, one of the girls whipped her hand up ready to hit her. Sakura shut her eyes closed ready for impact, but nothing came. Yes, the sound was still there, but no pain. She opened her eyes to see a large blonde mass in front of her. It was Naruto, and he was protecting her.

"Leave Sakura-chan alone!"

"You! What do you think you're doing?!" asked the girl who struck him.

"I won't let you hurt my friend!"

"You always have to be a pain in our sides, don't you?" one girl yelled.

"I bet you just want to keep Sasuke-kun to yourself!"

"You homo!"

Suddenly, Sakura let her fist slam into one of the walls she was pressed against. Everyone watched in shock, but their eyes widened to see the crack where her fist once was.

"Leave. NOW!" she ordered.

All the girls scattered immediately leaving Sakura and Naruto alone. Naruto turned to her and gave a nervous laugh.

"Are you alright, Sakura-chan?"

"I should be asking you that! You're the one who got hurt!"

Naruto only wiped his hurt cheek with the same nervous chuckle. There was an awkward silence, something that's never been between them before. Both of them took a heavy breath.

"You're not mad at me still, are you?"

Both of them asked the same question at the same time.

"Why are you mad at me?" Sakura asked. "I'm not the one who was forced to make Sasuke-kun drink a stupid potion I made and made him accidentally fall in love!"

"Yeah, but I was the one who...well... took him from you..."

Both of them fell silent again. Sakura pulled a rag out of her pocket and handed it to Naruto.

"Yeah...well, I'm starting to second-guess if Sasuke-kun would really be mine..."

"What? How can you say that, Sakura-chan? What's not to like about you? You're really smart, very pretty, funny-"

"Yeah, but he doesn't see me any different from the other girls who chase after him..."

Naruto let his eyes droop as he brought the rag up to his cheek.

"I'm an important friend to him. That's what he told me one time. I always thought I had an advantage over all the other girls, but now I know that really hasn't changed."

"...I'm sorry, Sakura-chan...but I think it would still be his loss...."

She glanced over at Naruto, looking as guilty as ever, as if he was the one responsible for the end of the world.

"Anyway Naruto, did Sasuke-kun turn back to normal and forget all this?"

Naruto's tan face suddenly turned pale.


"No! Oh Sakura-chan! Sasuke is just as crazy as three days ago! He keeps doing this and that to me and he just won't quit! I thought love-potions were supposed to wear off after a day!"

Sakura stood for a few minutes before going into thought.

"Well," she started as she brought a hand up to her chin. "Most love potions are suppose to last 24 hours, but it's already past the deadline, according to what you say."

Naruto looked at her with a pleading look in his eyes hoping she would have a solution.

"The potion I made was supposed to be stronger than other potions, so the effects should last longer. However, I don't know how long for a person."

"But you tested this thing before, right?"

She turned her body and looked up at the ceiling without changing her pose.


Again, she shifted her weight but didn't give an answer.

"You didn't test this thing before giving it to Sasuke?!?!"

"But I didn't have time! I mean, how's testing something on rats going to help on how it works for humans, anyway? They're two different species!"

"To see f it's poisonous!"

"None of the ingredients I used were poisonous!"

"Have you tasted your cooking?!"

Naruto immediately slapped his hand over his own mouth recognizing his deadly mistake.

"I'll let that slide for now," she muttered with a vein popping from her head.

"Anyway," the blonde said as he slowly pulled his hand away from his mouth. "What do we do about Sasuke? Please don't tell me he's gonna be love-sick forever?"

"No, not forever, but I'm not sure how long. Maybe if I make some kind of antidote..."

"Eh? You can do that?!" he asked and began jumping in place.

"I guess... but it may take some the weekend."

Naruto's body froze again.

"Oh Sakura-chan! Please no! You're smart! You can work faster than that, right?!"

By now, Naruto was clinging onto his classmate while she was trying to push him off.

"Get off of me, you idiot! And yes, it will take that long! You can ward him off for that long, can't you?"

After much complaining and prying, Naruto and Sakura separated and went their own ways with hopes that the antidote will come up after the weekend. Luckily for the little blonde, it was Friday, so it wouldn't be as long as if it were at the beginning of the week. However, it would still mean the rest of this day and two more days with being bothered by the Uchiha.

The blonde gave a heavy sigh as he made his way down the hallway. One weekend with a love-sick teenaged Uchiha. The worst thing that has ever happened to Naruto. When he turned a corner, he felt a pair of familiar warm arms wrap around his waist and pull him into an embrace from behind. It was Sasuke once again.

"Hello, my little Naru-chan," he cooed into the tan ear.

"Look Sasuke," Naruto began in a tired voice. "It's been three days and you have been sexually harassing me the entire time no matter how much I fuss and scream for you to stop. And quite frankly, I'm getting tired of doing that."

"Hmmm...I'm glad to hear that," the raven whispered as he rested his chin on the crest of Naruto's neck and shoulder. It didn't last long before Naruto turned around in the embrace to face Sasuke. Just like his voice from a bit earlier, his face and eyes looked just as tired.

"Which is why-"

The blonde brought both of his hands up in front of the Uchiha's face and began cracking his knuckles.

"-I'm resorting to violence."

To Be Continued....

Love Potion Messup-SasunaruWhere stories live. Discover now