Chapter 3

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"So then, Haruno," Tsunade started with an annoyed expression on her face. "Explain to me why such a big commotion broke out in the school today."

Sakura gave a nervous laugh while tightening the grip on her skirt.

" see..."

"Out with it!"

"I tried to make a love potion and give it to Sasuke!" Sakura managed to spill out all in one breath.

The busty principal only looked at the pink haired girl in a bit of confusion.

"Wha- Sakura. I thought you, of all people would know better."

"No wait! You see, I know that those fake potions they sell in those stores don't work, but I thought about what I learned in science class. [A/N: Going to shorten this because it would take too long to explain. Plus I don't know all the terms. XD] If I make the right mixtures of chemicals that react with hormones, then they can cause the hormones to react every time they see a certain person, particularly the first one they see. I thought that would make the perfect love potion."

Tsunade looked at the student a bit longer before folding one arm and burying her face in her hand.

"I get it, Sakura. You <are> one of the smartest in the school..."

'But not the brightest,' the blonde principal thought. 'Damn! This is probably what Orochimaru meant by the right methods for wrong deeds.'

"But that doesn't mean it was right," the blonde continued. "You shouldn't do something so reckless as that. Have you even considered what the consequences could be? I mean, now Sasuke's- HEY!"

The lecture was interrupted by her sudden notice of what was going on behind Sakura. The dark haired love-sick boy was currently occupying the blonde boy's lips with his own, leaving him in a breathless (and lifeless) state. The principal yelled again forcing Sasuke to stop his actions and turn to the source of the noise.

"What?" came a cold reply.

"Baa-chan! For the love of Kami! Please help me!"

"Uchiha. Get away from Uzumaki."

Sasuke only challenged her by tightening his grip on the whiskered boy's waist.


He leaned closer to Naruto's face. Naruto only shook in fear.




Right next to his face...


He placed a small peck on the whiskered cheek. The next second, Sasuke was sprinting out of her office dragging the blonde kid behind him, followed by flying pieces of what is assumed to be pieces of Tsunade's now-broken desk. The angry woman fixed her attention away from the boys and onto the girl brave enough to still be in her office.

"I don't know how you did it, but you're going to have to find some way to reverse this..."


"Why *pant* the hell *pant* did you do that?"

Both boys were bent over gasping for air with their hands on their knees. Well, only one hand, because they were holding each other's hands at the same time.

"Well...*gasp* what right...does she have *pant* to tell me not to touch you?"

"Because she's the principal, you idiot!"

Naruto glared at Sasuke, but the raven wasn't intimidated at all, only returning a blank stare.

"And why are you-? Let go!"

Naruto yanked his hand away and stormed to the classroom to get his book bag. After finding his things, he turned around to leave the classroom only to find Sasuke standing in his way.

"Move," the blonde commanded.

He did as he was told, but only followed close behind as they made their way down the hall, with quite a few eyes watching them. Sasuke reached his hand out and tried to hold Naruto's hand once again, only to have him screaming in anger once again.

"What are you doing?!"

"Trying to hold your hand."

"Well don't! People are watching!"

If they weren't watching before, they sure were watching now.

"Why should I care?"

"You probably don't, but I do!"

"Well, you can either let me hold your hand..."

Sasuke reached out and wrapped his arm around Naruto's waist.

"Or let me hold you."

This lead to screaming, kicking, and other violent moves, but in the end, Sasuke won. So, Naruto, defeated and blushing like crazy, let Sasuke hold his hand and lead him out of the school gates with many people in horror. This went on for several blocks until they reached the final corner before they departed.

"Alright. I've got to go, so you can let go now..."

Sasuke stared at the blonde for several seconds before he slowly began to release his hand. When Naruto thought he could finally get away, he was suddenly pulled into another kiss.

"Sorry, but I can't ever do that..."

With that last sentence, he slowly let the tan boy go and walked his separate path. Naruto stood in a bit of a daze, letting all of what just happened sink in before dashing to his home. He completely ignored what Iruka yelled at him about slamming the front door shut and ran into his room and dove into his bed.

His best friend, because of some horrible love prank, was now acting in ways he never thought would happen. Now the times they spent together were all meaningless, a part of the past. They could never go back to joking, laughing, and playing in the same way they did before, knowing that they made contact with their lips and possibly could have gone further. Even with all of these fears passing through his head, he couldn't shake the fact of losing him as a friend forever.

The night passed, but sleep didn't help him at all. His worries soon came flooding back when the day before passed through his mind the next morning. So exactly how was he supposed to face his "best" friend again? That was the only thing that was passing through his head when he walked through the front door...

...and into a pair of lips.

"Hey there, Dobe..." were the words that came out after they both separated.

To Be Continued....

Love Potion Messup-SasunaruWhere stories live. Discover now