Chapter 7

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"Naruto! Naruto! Get down here! I need to tell you something!"

Naruto rushed down the stairs to see who was calling him on an early Sunday. Sakura.

"Sakura-chan! What are you doing here?"

"I did it! I did it!" she screamed.

"Huh? Did what?"

"I found the antidote!"

"No way! Really?!"

The two jumped and laughed and gave each other a high-five.

"What's all the commotion about?" Iruka asked as he popped his head out of the kitchen.

"Hello, Iruka-san."

"Hi ,Sakura-chan. What made you come to our house?"

"Oh, I wanted to talk to Naruto."

"Why? What'd he do this time?"

"Eh? Why do you assume it's only trouble when someone comes for me?"

This situation wasn't helping his complaint considering he technically was in trouble.

"Maybe a force of habit. Maybe because it's true."

"No, no Iruka-san," she laughed as she waved a hand in the air. "I just need to speak to him a bit."

The pink-haired girl took Naruto's arm and pulled him out the front door.

"So did you really get the antidote?" the kitsune asked as soon as they were outside.

"Yep! I even got it done before school! It's right here! Ta-da!"

From out of her pocket, she pulled a small grey pill.

"Huh? I thought it would be a potion like the last one."

"No way! After what happened, Sasuke-kun hasn't been drinking anything anyone would offer him. If you just give him a bottle, he would definitely reject it!"

She dropped the small pill into the blonde's hand.

"So this will cure Sasuke?"

"Well, it should."

"Should?! Didn't you test this?!"

"On what?! I didn't test the last one on animals! What good would it do this time?!"

"To see if it's-! Oh, never mind."

The blonde held the pill up in the air where the rays of the sun shone from around the medicine.

"So I just have to put this in his drink and he should be back to normal afterwards."

"Well, it would definitely help if he drank it, but I guess you could slip this in his food without him knowing. All he has to do is consume it."

'This sounds so wrong for some reason,' the blonde thought.

"But I think this would be hard," she continued.

"Huh? Why do you say that, Sakura-chan?"

"Because he won't drink anything offered to him. I don't think even you can do it. I'm saying to put it in his food because it's less noticeable and he wouldn't have to suspect it as much. As far as I see it, you're the person he trusts the most, and the person he is closest to."

Naruto winced at the last statement. Even if this was all due to a potion and now he was feeling somewhat different, he still felt bad about taking Sasuke away.

"Sakura-chan, I'm sorry."

"About what? I said I was fine that Sasuke-kun doesn't like me like that. I can handle being his friend. Besides, after what I did to him, I doubt he would want to be with me after all this..."

Love Potion Messup-SasunaruWhere stories live. Discover now