Kuroko Tetsuya

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Title: Jealous

You stood with Reiko and the others, talking casually until you heard the door open.
'What? What are you doing here?' The boys ask.
'Satsuki? Are you okay?' You stuttered, you took in her appearance, she was soaked from the rain and she seemed to have been crying.
'Is Tetsu here?' She asked, her voice cracking.
'No not right now' Hyuga answered
'What's going on?'
'I don't know'
'It seems serious'
'But this is crazy, what do we do?'
'ArE hEaRtS aRe pOuNdInG!'
then they proceeded to stare at her with that stupid blush on their faces. As per usual, both you and Reiko hit the back of their heads.
'Come with us Satsuki, we can lend you a towel and a spare shirt'
'I just texted Kuroko and the others, their on their way' Reiko informed.
You huddled Satsuki towards the girls changing room and Reiko handed her a spare shirt.
You and Reiko went to wait with the boys and you sighed, what had Aomine done this time? You knew it was him that got her all upset like this, there was no way she would go through all this trouble for anyone else.
Satsuki came back looking slightly better.
'Thank you...um it's a bit tight though' she said and all the boys oggled a second time.
'I dOnT bElIeVe tHiS! ThE bEaR ThE bEaR!' They whispered
We're good here, so go run laps outside!' Reiko announced with a smile on her face, you nodded in agreement.
'But it's raining outside-'
'Tetsu!' Satsuki yelled and began running
'Momoi-san?' Kuroko stood with Kagami and Teppei...
'T-THE BEAR-' Teppei yelled.
'Testu!' Satsuki wailed while throwing herself at Kuroko making you feel a little jealous.

'Kuroko i hope you die' the boys seathed.

'And that's what happened' Satsuki sighed after explaining why she was so upset
'But don't you like Kuroko? Who cares if Aomine likes you or not?' Kagami asked
'Yes but that's not the problem! It's different from how i like Tetsu, I'm worried about him and i can't just leave him alone!' Satsuki burst into tears leaving Kagami frantic.
'Uh! SORRY' he stammered while waving his arms around.
'You made her cry.' The team chorused
'NO I-'
Kuroko sighed 'you lack delicacy'
And Kagami stared at him with his mouth open, you bite you lip forcing yourself not to laugh.
Kuroko patted Satsuki's head.
'It's okay Momoi-san, Aomine won't hate you over that, he knows you were just worried about him. Let's go back together, I'm sure Aomine is looking for you' he said, comforting her.
'Tetsu...Tetsu!' She jumped into Kuroko's arms and you felt another pang of jealousy
'Kagami, that's how you do it' Hyuga lectured.
'Shut up! I get it!'
Satsuki and Kuroko leave together, knowing Kuroko he'll probably stop to show her his new technique.
Cue Kuroko baffling Momoi

You decide to go find Aomine.
'Hey! Y/n, over here!' He calls, you trudge over to where he was sitting and punch him.
'Don't call Satsuki ugly. It hurts her feelings' you lecture and he nods, whincing.
'Yeah i know. I feel really bad about that, i was trying to find her to apologize...'
'She's with Kuroko'
'Shut up.'
'I didn't say anything!' He shouts in defence.
'You were going to. I could tell'
He chuckles and ruffles your hair.
'Don't worry about it Y/n, if it's meant to be then it'll happen'
'But what about satsu-'
'She'll understand. She would respect your's and Kuroko's choice'
'Maybe' you mumble
Aomine throws an arm over your shoulder comfortingly and smiles, you smile back before sighing.
'I miss how we all were before.
'...so do i' he mutters 'sometimes i go to call Akashi or scold Murasakibara or to joke with you but i realise your all not there anymore' he confesses and you nod, totally relating to how he feels.
'I know, i always want to call everyone up and see how they are...but...' You take a deep breath.
Aomine pulls you in a little, giving you a hug.
'If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here' he says and you smile.
'You too'
You both sit in a comfortable silence until Aomine breaks it.
'How are your team? Not giving you to much trouble?' He asks and you laugh.
'I love them all, they annoy the hell out of me but still. I don't have to listen to the whole nO oNe cAn bEaT mE ExCepT mE nonsense anymore' you tease
'Hey! It's true! No one can!' He shouts and you snort
'I bet i could if i hadn't torn my ACL' you taunt
'Actually i think you could...BUT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT!' He says, he waves his arms aeound to distract you and you burst out laughing.
'HA! I knew it!' You shout as Aomine throws you over his shoulder and marches to the basketball court.

'Y/n? Aomine?' You hear and turn your head to see Satsuki and Kuroko.
Aomine chuckles and puts you down then rests his arm on your head.
'Aomine...' Satsuki mumbles and he stands up straight.
'Nice seeing you brat, come see me again sometime' he says and begins to walk away with Satsuki, you snort knowing that he was definatley going to mess up the apology to Satsuki.
'Y/n, we should start heading back too' Kuroko says, your heart leaps into your throat as you turn to him, you had forgot he was there...
As you walk back you both make a stop at the burger place.
'Y/n...are you alright? I've noticed you've been down lately' he asks and you shake your head, there was no way in hell that you'd say you were jealous, let alone confess.
'Nope! Everything's good! Just a bit tired, I've been trying to give Kagami and Teppei some extra help with training' you explain and Kuroko nods and sips his vanilla shake.
'What about you? Are you okay?' You ask and he nods then turns away, you lean forward to get a better look at his face.
'Hmmm, you don't seem okay...'
He sighs.
'Do you like Aomine?' He asks and you blink, taken aback.
'No? (YES.) We're friends, i like him but not in that way, why? Are you jealous?' You tease, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.
'Yes' he mumbles
You choke on your drink.
'What about Satsuki?'
'What about her?'
'She likes you???'
'Yes but i don't like her back, i...i like you, Satsuki respects my choice, i just...i had thought you liked Aomine' he mumble, his face turning a bit red.
'You...you like me back?' You asked, it all seemed a bit too far fetched.
'Yes, i do. Will you be my girlfrind?' He asked shyly and you leaped up, smooshing him in a hug.
'YES!' You shout

Bonus scene:

Is satsuki okay?
Aomine chuckled at your messages and turned back to Satsuki,
'They have officially become a couple' he announced and She smiles at him
'I'm happy for them!'she says with a smile
'What about you? I thought you liked y/n?' She asks and Aomine shrugs with a smile.
'Yes but y/n liked Kuroko and i want her to be happy, you know how i feel right?' He asks and she nods.
They were both happy though, you both had finally confessed after all those years.

A little bit of a bittersweet ending :)
How was it? I honestly think it went okay.
But seriously, I. FEEL. SINGLE.
Nearly every single one of my friends are in a relationship or talking to someone and I'm just here like 0_o
Oh well can't have everything in life.
Tally ho

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