Akashi Seijuro

982 19 4

Title: arranged love

Trigger warninggggg
An attempted rape scene, please don't read it if you're easily triggered
(You guys are adults here just in case anyone is confused)
C/n= company name

You'd been married to Akashi for about three months now.
It was an arranged marriage and the contract you signed said that if you were unhappy, you could divorce him after a year. Unfortunately for you, you'd unknowingly fallen for him. Akashi had been married before but his first wife had cheated on him and ran away with a huge sum of money.
Because of this, you don't feel like you have a chance. Akashi loved her, you could tell. He obviously didn't love you, he wasn't rude but he'd ignore you and give you the cold shoulder. Better than being insulted you thought.
You got up this morning the same as usual, you made Akashi's breakfast and your lunch (he buys his own at work) you're the Secretary at C/n and Akashi is the CEO of his company, C/n.
You head to work as usual and begin the long day.
Akashi made his way to the table, finding the plate of food you'd made for him, he smiled softly but then frowned what was this...this fluttering feeling he felt in his heart?
He sat down to eat and the more he thought about it the more he realised that he liked you...
He felt a wave of guilt for treating you coldly the past few months and vowed to make it up to you...

End of the day...

You began packing up, about to go home but you'd received an email, you opened it and squealed with delight.
Your boss had decided to promote you and you would have a meeting in three weeks time, you were so excited you skipped back to your car.
When you got home you began making dinner for Akashi, (you ate as you made the food so you weren't hungry) half way through you hear the door open and you grin wanting to tell Akashi about your promotion...but then you remembered he didn't care.
You turn to look at him when he entered the kitchen and he gave you a soft smile, your heart lept into your throat at his small acknowledgment, was he finally warming up to you?
He sat down to eat and you began to leave
'Aren't you eating?' He asks
'I ate earlier, i um, i got promoted' you blurted out then immediately curse yourself.
'Wow really? That's great!' Akashi said, not what you were expecting, you smile then go to your shared bedroom flopping down onto the bed with a goofy smile on your face.
Was this really happening?
Was Akashi finally warming up to you?
You jump as your phone goes off, you check it and groan, you'd forgotten to rewrite this one paper and so you sat on your desk and began the work.
By the time you'd finished, it was 11:30, you got ready for bed and your thoughts travel back to Akashi...
Usually he doesn't come to bed, you think that he sleeps in his office to avoid you but now that he was acknowledging you, your relationship might be saved.
As expected Akashi didn't come to bed last night but you didn't mind, you got up and went through your morning routine and went back to work.

After work, I'm lazy. Don't come for me

Akashi smiled at you again, making your heart flutter. You made his dinner and your's and you conversed quietly for the first time in your marriage.
'Y/n, I'm so sorry for ignoring you. It's not your fault and it was a terrible thing for me to do-'
You cut him off.
'Yes, it was. But i forgive you' you smile at him then notice the slight blush on his cheeks, making you smile more.
Akashi spent more time with you over the next few days, learning what you liked and what you disliked.
After clearing away the plates Akashi had informed you that a coworker was going to come over and go over some stuff with him, you appreciated the fact that he told you since before you were left in the dark.
The bell rang and you went to answer the door.
'Hi lovely to meet you! I'm mako, you must be Akashi's maid!' The woman squealed.
You stood there to stunned to speak.
'Actually this is my wife.' Akashi corrected, there was a slight edge in his voice.
'Right of course! My mistake!' She grinned and breezed past you, Akashi's jaw tightened before he reluctantly followed her.
You closed the door and continued your work in your room, after a while you went to the kitchen for a glass of water, on your way there you noticed Akashi and Mako sitting on the sofa with papers scattered around them.
Akashi sat uncomfortably straight, leaning away slightly as Mako tried to make obvious moves by leaning towards him, relief washed over his face as he saw you.
'Y/n, would you mind giving me a hand?' He asked, you nod and make your way to them, once you were close enough Akashi pulled you onto his lap and lifted up the papers so you could see.
You were pretty sure your heart stopped beating but you took a look at the sheets and began explaining and suggesting solutions, once you were done you saw Mako practically shooting lasers with her eyes.
You gave a smile then turned to Akashi who pecked your cheek.
You were startled and you blush as you make your way back to your room without a glass of water.
'Akashi Seijuro just kissed me' you muttered aloud.
You hide your red face in your pillow, your heart felt so full in that moment you didn't hear the door opening.
'Y/n? Are you alright?'
You shot up immediately.
'Yes! I'm fine...just a little tired' you rambled and he smiled
'I'm sorry'
'What for?' You ask
'For kissing you without your permission.' He replied and you shook your head.
'No, it's alright. I liked it' you muttered the last part then covered your face with your hand, Akashi chuckled then leaned forward, tucking the loose hair behind your ear making your face heat up for the thousandth time that day.
After he left you decided to have an early night.
You tossed and turned in the bed not being able to sleep, eventually you found a really comfortable position and began drifting off...
Suddenly the other side of the bed dipped down, you open your eyes slightly to see that Akashi had joined you.
'Sorry I'm so late' he whispers and you shake your head closing your eyes again.
'It's alright' you whisper back, this time you were able to fall asleep immediately.

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