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You think you stand above eveyone else as a star

and underneath you pedestal the ground is so far-

You think that none will ever be able to bring you down

and that none will ever be able to take away your crown-

Yet these beliefs will lead to your doom

and only have one outcome, one full of gloom-

So full of yourself you see not all the hurt

and yet someday you will be as low as the dirt-

You have your head up in the clouds

and you know no that you're just another face in the crowds-

If you continue down this path, you will meet your downfall

and then you will lift your head but none will heed your call-

They leave you in the dust like you left them

and in the mud you will sit, a fake and forgotten gem-

But until then you are so full of your own desires

ignorant of all the work you've done on your funeral pier that will be lit by flaming fires-

Deep EmotionsWhere stories live. Discover now