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Pulsing in your chest

and beating in your breast-

Flooding through your veins

and freezing your muscles with invisible chains-

Shivers running down your spine

and twisting round your heart like a vine-

Raspy gasps come from your throat

and all over your skin goosebumps cover like a coat-

Tongue as dry and parched like desert sand

and lips shaking worse than an earthquake shakes the land-

Aching pain within your head

and pools of sweat upon your bed-

Eyes opened wide like the full moon

and ears ringing with a haunting tune-

Hands as cold as a block of ice or a frozen lake

and your body shakes so bad your bones might break-

Feet so numb they feeel like they aren't even there

and nerves on edge that the slightest touch gives you a scare-

Images in your mind play with your sanity

and you feel like you're on the edge of insanity-

Your face becomes white as chalk

and at your window terrors stalk-

Things that make you gasp

and sounds that cclutch your heart's clasp-

This is when you hide in fear

and when all your nightmares come near-

Deep EmotionsWhere stories live. Discover now