Chapter 13 "Sick"

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Oak's POV:

Today, It is just a normal relaxing Day and We got another day off which We need breaks if You know what I mean.

But To be honest, I am kinda bored, I am just watching TV in The Livingroom, I heard My Phone ringing and--

Daveed Calling

My heart skipped a beat because Daveed usually call Me if Isabella is alright or not.

I quickly answered it and--

"Hello?" I Asked


"Isabella? Is that You?" I Asked

"Are You okay?" I Asked

"D-ada h-elp"

"What's the matter?!" I Asked as I grabbed My Car Keys and I was about to run out of The House and--

"D-addy i-s s-ick"

"Sick? Who? Daveed?" I Asked


"Where is Daveed?" I Asked


"In Bed?" I Asked


"Is Rafa There with You?" I Asked


"So, You are by Yourself?" I Asked


"Hold on Baby, I am coming over right now, Just don't hang Up The Phone" I Said as I was running over to The Car and--

(Call Ended)

My eye twitched.

"I swear to God, I'm gonna kill Daveed" I Said.


(Skip Time)

Once I arrived at Daveed's House, I walked over and I realized that The Door wasn't even locked, It was just open, Not Wide Open but Someone didn't locked The Damn Door.

"Guessing that Daveed's best friend doesn't know how to lock a freaking door..." I Said and I open The door and I saw--

"Izzy!" I Said and Isabella ran into My arms and I gently kissed Her on Her cheek.

"Where is Dada Daveed?" I Asked

"B-ed" Said Isabella and She pointed Upstairs and--

"Alright, Let's go" I Said and I carried Isabella Upstairs, Once I walked Up The Stairs and I gently open The door, I put Isabella down and I saw Daveed laying in bed.

"Hi Daveed" I Said and Isabella climb onto The bed and She sat on top of Him.

Daveed's eyes started to open and--

"Oak? What are You doing?" Daveed Asked

"Um, Isabella called Me on Your Phone and She was telling Me that You were sick and She wanted Me to help You, Man" I Said

"Where is Your best friend? Why isn't He taking good care of You and Izzy?" I Asked

"He went with His Parents for a couple of Days, So He won't be coming back in a couple of days" Said Daveed and I sigh.

"And He just leave You hanging?" I Asked

I sigh.

"I'm gonna take care of You and Isabella for a couple of Days until You are better" I Said

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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