Chapter 6 "Take a Break"

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Daveed's POV:

"Damn it, My Head is pounding..." Said Rafael and He was drinking water.

"I know, I feel like something just hit Me on The head..." I Said and I took a aspirin pill and I swallow the pill with some water.

Anthony was puking in The Bathroom.

Both Oak and Lin was laying on The couch with an Ice Pack on Their head.

We heard a knock on The door and-

"Hey Guys" Said Christopher and Both Christopher and Jonathan walked in.

"Oh God, You Guys looked awful, What happen? Did You guys went through a terrible episode of Family Guy?" Asked Jonathan

"Jon, You are so lucky that My head is pounding like Somebody hit Me in The Head with a Baseball Bat because If My head wasn't hurting as Hell, I would literally destroy You" Said Lin

"Ooh, I kinda wanna see where That ends Up" Said Jonathan

"Oh My God, Can You Two please talk somewhere else because My Brain isn't connected to My head at all" Said Oak

"Yeah, Especially not around with My Daughter-" I Said but than I realized that-

"Where is My daughter?" I Asked

"Oh She is sleeping in Her Stroller in Leslie's dressing room" Said Christopher

I walked out of My dressing room and I walked straight over to Leslie's Dressing room and I knocked on The Door.

"Leslie, You in There?" I Asked and I knocked on The door.

The Door Open and-

"Oh Good Morning Daveed, Did You sleep well?" Asked Leslie

Leslie was holding Isabella and-

"Oh Good Morning You Two" I Said and I take Isabella from Leslie's arms and I hold Her into My arms.

"Was Isabella okay?" I Asked

"Yeah, She slept through The whole night" Said Leslie

"Did Somebody had a good night sleep?" I Asked

"Yea-" Said Isabella

"Hey, Why don't You, Your Best Bud, Oak, Lin and Anthony just relax, We got Isabella from Here" Said Leslie

"I don't know" I Said

"Don't worry, Isabella will be safe with Me and The Others, I promise nothing won't ever happen to Her" Said Leslie

I sigh and I looked at Isabella and She smiled at Me.

"Daveed, You and The Others need to take a break" Said Leslie

"Take a break" Leslie Sang and-

"Okay, Okay" I Said

I looked at Isabella.

"Izzy, Me and The others are gonna take a nap, I want You to be good for Leslie, Okay?" I Asked

Isabella nodded Her head and She smiled.

"P-inky s-wear-" Said Isabella and I chuckled and We Both Pinky Promise Eachother and We Hugged eachother and I kissed Isabella on Her Forehead.


Leslie's POV:

So, Christopher, Jonathan, Phillippa and Jasmine are gonna stay at The Theatre to watch over Lin, Anthony, Daveed, Oak and Daveed's Best Buddy.

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