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You're the Sith Lord!"
"I know what's been troubling you. Please listen to me, don't continue to be a pawn of the Jedi Council!"
Anakin Skywalker hesitated, subtly moving his free hand to turn on the security recorder on the far end of the chancellor's quarters. He narrowed his icy blue eyes, and for the first time in his life, he saw Palpatine as he truly was.
"Ever since I've known you, you've been searching for a life greater than that of an ordinary Jedi. A life of significance. Of conscience."
The Jedi Knight's left eye twitched and he felt a familiar tug towards Palpatine's words. But the veil of a caring mentor had been ripped away, and he rejected the temptation in his promises. He finally connected the dots, that Palpatine, or rather Darth Sidious, has been nothing more than a concealed serpent, pouring venom in his ears.
"You- you've killed billions of people. You started this war!"
Palpatine stopped his pacing, and turned to look at Anakin, clearly it wasn't the reaction he was expecting.
"You speak of the lies of the council. Yet all you ever did was lie. If you think I'd trust you for a second, you're sorely mistaken, your excellency."
Anger boiled in the pit of his stomach and his lightsaber seemed to tremble with rage. "I am a Jedi. I'll never join you. I'll never turn to the Dark Side." He felt a familiar darkness pass through his bones, cold, yet hot like fire. Palpatine smirked, and his blue eyes flashed a bloodshot yellow for a moment. In their empty depths, Anakin saw into his soul, nothing but an all consuming, unfeeling, ravenous void of hatred. The darkness lusted for something, anything, to quell it's insatiable hunger.
He knew he should be afraid, but all he felt in that moment was rage. Everything, everyone he lost, was caused by the man standing before him. And Anakin wanted nothing more than to tear him apart.
"Dear boy, your heart is not in your words. Even now you embrace the Dark Side. It drives you, it fuels you, as it has for years. Join me, and all the power in the galaxy can be yours."
Anakin sneered, the cold crept further into his bones, and fire coursed through his veins. The raw power he felt was intoxicating, but something, no, someone, held him back. Every ounce of love he once had for this man he saw as a father to him had turned to raw hatred. This is what he felt when he allowed his anger to take over. This was the Dark Side. His fingers gripped his lightsaber with a vengeance. "Strike me down if you will, Anakin. Complete your turn to the Dark Side, and seize the power to save your wife. Kill me in cold blood, just as you did a defenseless Darth Tyrannus."
At last Palpatine had made a mistake. The thought of Padme seemed to flush the darkness from his heart, and he was suddenly thrown back in time, to two naive people, laughing and rolling through the grassy meadow. The feeling was so warm, so comforting, so wonderful, it made the darkness feel like a poison. The rage ebbed from his mind, and Anakin disengaged his azure lightsaber. "No." he responded simply and firmly. He threw his lightsaber across the room and faced the most powerful man in the galaxy completely unarmed, without a trace of fear. "Never. I will never join you. I won't kill you either. Your reign of terror is over. You failed."
Finally, all the diluted, sickly, milky blue faded from Palpatine's eyes, fully revealing him for what he truly was. His face twisted into an inhuman, wicked snarl, and a lightsaber appeared in his hand. "If you will not join me," he said, barely concealing his visceral hatred, "then you are no longer of any use to me."
He engaged his scarlet lightsaber and lunged at Anakin, slicing through the air in a deadly arc. Barely dodging it in time, he swerved to the side, narrowly missing another blow that barely grazed the skin across his chest. Palpatine sliced again, quicker than lightning, and Anakin rolled out of the way. He tried using the Force to push Palpatine away, but with no success. Darth Sidious grabbed him by the throat with the force, and flung him into the nearest wall, choking the life from his lungs. Anakin sputtered and gagged, but his attempts were futile. This was nothing like Maul, Dooku, or Ventress, or any other Dark Side user he'd ever met. The raw, unhinged, void-like power that consumed Palpatine was more powerful than he could've possibly imagined.
Palpatine strode forward, still holding Anakin in a chokehold. He gasped and gagged, by no air came, and his struggling gradually became increasingly weaker. "Such a waste." Palpatine hissed, his voice dripping with contempt. "After I kill you, the Jedi will all die in moments. Perhaps I'll pay Padme a visit when they do. I hope you know that when she dies, it will be your fault."
He released Anakin from the Force Choke, and the Knight was barely able to keep himself from immediately blacking out. "They'll stop you," he rasped painfully.
"Stop me?" Palpatine howled with laughter. "I've already won! The Republic has already fallen, you just can't see it. The galaxy is mine."
He cackled gleefully, and white hot bolts of electricity arced from his fingers, paralyzing every nerve in Anakin's body. All he could do was writhe and scream in pain. He'd felt Force Lightning countless times before, but this was different. It was excruciating, seeming to tear apart every fiber in his body. He knew there was only one way out of this, but he had to end it. He had to kill Palpatine, even if he died as well. His family and the galaxy would only ever be safe if the Sith Lord was destroyed.
Gathering all the rage and anger he possessed, he reached in the deepest, darkest reaches of his mind, and for the first time in his life, he intentionally harnessed the full power of the Dark Side. In his remaining organic hand, he felt a unique tingling sensation, and electricity erupted from his fingertips. Not at all controlled or calculated like Palpatine's, the lightning was like that of a storm from the most violent hurricane in the galaxy. It was sporadic and unpredictable, uncontrollable, and sent the Sith reeling backward, freeing Anakin from his brutal torture.
Gasping, he called Sidious's fallen bleeding lightsaber to his hand and with a mighty Force assisted leap, he flung himself at the stunned sith, plunging the blade through his chest. Anakin held his face mere inches from Palpatine's, who, for the first time in his life, looked surprised.
"That-" he growled, "was for every life you destroyed."
Palpatine's lifeless body dropped to the floor, and as the darkness inside him weakened, Anakin Skywalker stumbled back a few steps before falling to his knees and collapsing into the floor, his body still convulsing a bit from the violent electrocution. He coughed and gagged so hard he tasted blood, and looked over his hand, which was webbed with lines of burned flesh, and his clothes smoldered and smoked.
He pressed the comm device on his wrist, coughing horribly for a moment before speaking. "Artoo, ge-get to the-the Chancellor's office. As fast as you possibly can buddy."
Groaning, he used his only still functioning arm, that being the metal one, to pull himself towards the room's center console, punching in a few sequences, burning the footage of the events onto a drive. It quickly spit it out, but Anakin knew he didn't have much longer left. The lightning burns reminded him of the fatal injuries of Asajj Ventress, who was killed by Sith Lightning. He wondered how he was even still alive, assuming she succumbed rather quickly.
Fingers trembling, he grasped the drive, as black spots danced before his eyes and his vision blurred. The doors snapped open, and R2D2 rolled in, screeching and beeping in distress. Anakin grimaced and held out his hand to the little astromech he trusted with his life. "Geh-get this to the co-council, buddy. Don't let anyone but Yoda himself have it, understand?"
Artoo swiveled his head, agreeing, but displaying extreme worry. "I'll be OK buddy. You- you can d-do it." he patted one of his droid's 'feet' and Artoo quickly wheeled away.
With his last bit of strength, Anakin made one last call. It rang for a few moments, til he heard the most beautiful, wonderful voice to ever grace his ears.
"Yes Ani?" Padme responded. Anakin swallowed, biting back another coughing fit. "No-nothing," he choked, closing his eyes. "I ju-just wanted to hear your voice."
"Ani, is something wrong?"
"I like the name Leia." he gasped. Slipping further away. "I think it's a beautiful name."
"Anakin, is everything alright?"
I love you, Padme. I love you so mu-" he trailed off, his voice failing him. "Anakin? Anakin!" she cried desperately.
His lips moved to respond, but none came. He did it. He freed everyone. Avenged everyone, saved everyone. And that was all he had ever wanted. His only regret was that he'd never get to see his child grow up. But he knew they'd be well taken care of. For perhaps the first time, Anakin Skywalker was able to let go.

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