Season 3 Episode 6

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Story so far
Drago and Marine have won the double battle against hop and Gym Challenger Deneb and a mysterious trainer interrupted chairman rose at the end of round one

The episode begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drago: who are you?

GL Bede: I am a new gym leader of the fairy type gym


GLBede: after being put through humiliating training with the old ass I'm gonna kick your ass!!!!!!

Drago: hopefully she trained your attitude so you can't act like a fucking jerk

GL Bede:if anyone remembers I am and I have a score to settle with Drago an I'll do in in a battle.

Drago: well prepared to have your ass beat.

GL Bede: GO,Mawile

Drago Go, Obstagoon

Both Pokémon appear on the field ready for battle

Drago: obstagoon use throat chop!

obstagoon grabs Mawile and chops his throat and it faints

GL Bede: agh go, Gardvoir

Drago: throat chop again

Gardvoir is dealt with the same way as Mawile

GL Bede: I'm not done yet go,Rapidash

Drago:obstagoon use Night Slash

obstagoon charge it forward and quickly slashes Rapidash and it fants

GL Bede: agh I'm going to my last mon no matter Gigantamax!

GL Bede returns Hatterne and Gigantamaxed him

Drago: wow that's a giant ass hat no matter obstagoon dynamax

Drago returned obstagoon and dynamaxed him

Drago: use max darkness

obstagoon let loose two beams of dark energy that instantly knocked out Hatterene in one hit

Gl Bede: no that's not how it's supposed to go down now I know why you were able to get here all 8 gym badges i concede defeat.

Back in the locker room

Drago: finally an asshole is gone he's a real nuisance

Lillie: yeah I can tell Hated him

Marine: well he won't be bothering us anytime soon

Drago: well now it's time for my Match with the champion

lillie: you can do it Drago I believe in you

Drago:Thank You Lillie

Back on the field

Leon: well Drago I never expected for you to be my final match

Drago: you should be expected I'm very special

Leon: well let's do this match story started we are going to have an absolutely champion time!

Drago: Bring it on!

Leon: go-

Rose: sorry to interrupt the match Leon I'm going to start the darkest day

Leon: what are you insane????

Drago: no you can't it will destroy the entire region

Will Drago and Leon stop Rose's evil plan? only time can tell

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