Jealousy ♦ ♾

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Karlnap again, kinda angst

Tw: Overthinking? 

Karl and Sapnap have been dating for 2 years. Everyone in the school know's, but that doesn't stop girls from flirting, Everytime someone flirts with Karl, Sapnap gets mad and yells at whoever was flirting with Karl. Karl on the other hand gets sad, and over thinks it.

Karl and Sapnap had one more class together before they split, Sapnap must go to computer science, and Karl drama class. And right now they were sitting in geography, whispering, laughing and just flirting. Sapnap's hand was placed on Karl's inner-thigh, squishing it gently, Karl was working trying to find some city in the map book.

After about 20 more minutes the bell rings and everyone runs out of class, Sapnap included. Karl packs his things taking his sweet time.

Sapnap runs back into the classroom, helping Karl pack his things. Then he drags Karl out of the classroom, to Karl's locker. Karl went to unlock his locker, but Sapnap stopped him by turning him around and slamming him against the locker, Karl let out a small gasp.

"Hey cutie" Sap says, making Karl blush. Karl giggles, before picking his boyfriend's cheek . Karl tours around and out of Sapnaps grasp, finally unlocking his locker.

"Hey Nick~" A female voice says from behind them, it was that bitch Ellie, she winks at Sapnap and gives Karl a bitchy grin. Karl's thoughts wondered of.

'what if he likes her, what if he breaks up with me?' The tears that were pricking in Karl's eyes stared, running down his cheeks. Karl wiped his tears away, so Sapnap wouldn't see 'em. Karl grabbed the things he needed for the next class. Sapnap turned back around, and at the same time Karl turned around and ended up in Sapnap's chest. Karl smiles down at his boyfriend who gives a crooked smile back.

"What i bitch, does she not know not know i have an amazing, beautiful and sexy boyfriend" Sapnap's voice was soft, Karl smiled even wider. "Gotta go to class now baby" Sapnap says, they share their 'goodbyes' and head off to class.

Sapnap walks into the classroom, trying to find a seat, only to realize the only free seat was next to Ellie "Fuck" Sapnap cussed under his breath. He walks over, sitting down next to Ellie.

"You look good today" Ellie is really trying to get Sapnap, too bad he has a boyfriend. She was moving her hair a LOT, Pushing her chest up. Sapnap just ignored her and listened to the teacher.


When they were working Ellie moved closer and closer to Sapnap. And then placed her hand on his knee, the raven haired boy was shocked by her movement. She just sat there with her hand on Sapnap's knee working on her project. Sapnap tried to move his knee away, but she moved closer, basically hugging him.

'Kill me' Sapnap thought to himself.


Karl had just got out of class and went to go wait for Sapnap. To his surprise his boyfriend was sitting in class basically guddling Ellie. A salty tear dripped down Karl's cheek. 'How could he do this? Does he even love me anymore? Did he ever love me?' Karl was snapped out of his thoughts my Mr. minecraft (AKA Philza)

"Jacobs don't you have class? What are you doing here?" Mr. Minecraft asked.

"No,i'm just.....i was waiting for someone but....nevermind, i'm leaving now sorry" Karl said, he closed the classroom door, and left. He ran to a bathroom that was kinda hidden, him and Sapnap often goes there stuff. He opened the door to the bathroom and threw himself on the floor sobbing. Karl heard the bathroom door open, and close then felt a pair of big strong arms around him.

"Hey, hey, shh calm down. Can you tell me what happened" They said, turning Karl around to let him sob into their chest. After Karl calmed down a bit he told the person what happened.

"I'm gonna kill him" They laughed slightly.

"Please don't Dream. He is your best friend after all" Karl responded, Dream nodded and let Karl hug onto him, crying. ( A friendship i love)

Sapnap POV

"Jacobs don't you have class? What are you doing here?" Mr. Minecraft asked. Karl was standing in the doorway, tears in his eyes. 'No,No shit'

"No,i'm just.....i was waiting for someone but....nevermind, i'm leaving now sorry" Karl said, and closed the classroom door. 'Fuck!' I stood And walked to the door " Nick? Where do you think going?" Asked Phil.

"To my boyfriend" I answer, looking directly at Ellie while saying 'boyfriend', making sure she understands he is my boyfriend. Then I left, running to mine and Karl's hidden bathroom.

When I got there I opened the door to see my boyfriend sobbing it..... Dream's arms. The door closes loudly behind me, getting both Karl and Dreams' attention. " Dude, you're my best friend and all but cheating is not okay, in any shape or form" Dream's were cold, and I was taken aback. "No,no, you have to believe me she came at me! I was...I was- I don't know!! I just know that she came at me! Please Karl, you have to believe me!" I practically begged. Dream was blocking my way to Karl.

" I knew this was gonna happen!!" Karl cried, i want to hug him so bad!

"No! no! Please believe me" I was crying at this point but didn't care. " She kept moving closer to me! She placed her hands on me, I tried to move but she literally hugged me!" I finished.

" It's true, and I'm sorry. I never realized how serious you guys were, I thought you guys were 'friends with benefits'. I'm truly sorry" It was Ellie, with George behind her, he had a tight grip on her shoulders, almost like he was fringe Ellie to be here.

"S-so you do l-love me?" Karl asked, standing up.

"Yes! Of course I love you Karl! Oh god that you would ever think i don't. You are the most beautiful person ever and i-" I was cut off by Karl smacking his lips on mine, the kiss was sweet and it felt so good. We broke apart, but kept our foreheads together.

"if you lay hands on me i will kill myslef" Dream said "And i if you do as much as think of George I will, find you kill you, your family and the cats...wait, cat are cute, i will kill you, your family and take your cats" Dream finsed. Ellie looked shocked, George just stood there dumbfound.

" Oh my god. Dream you are such an idiot! George giggled. All 4 of them, Laughing, and Ellie, was long gone by now.

After school the went home, and watch movies being stupid teenager. 

1134 words

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