17~Hashiras appearence~17

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muzan then got in the way and deflected uzuis attack
"well... ive already called the other hashiras! they should be here very soon!" "when they get here WELL KILL ALL OF YOU!" just then daki apperaed and tried to hit him and then he used these tiny bombs there was an explosion and tanjiro and muzan got seperated from nezuko and zenistu then uzui cut of dakis head "y-you cut off my head..?...YOU CUT OFF MY HEAD!" "yeah stop whining and moaning." "YOU CUT OFF MY HEAD!!!" "im surprised your not stronger... your not truly a uppermoon." "W-wha?.....i-im a uppermoon! i-its in my eyes! I AM! IM NOT ALOWER MOON OR A NORMAL DEMON! I-IM AN UPPER MOON!" "then why are you so weak and useless?" "I-Im not! YOU CUT OFF ME HEAD! I-IM REALLY S-STRONG!" "dont seem like that." "YO CUT OFF MY HEAD! YOU CUT OFF MY HEAD! YOU CUT OFF MY HEADD!! ONI-CHANNN!!!" just then gyutaro came out of her back uzui attacked but gyutaro blocked it and hit him with a sickel soon there was dust and when it cleared gyutaro and daki were in a corner "awww...dont worry im here now...you know you can attach you head back on..right? your not the sharpest tool in the shed ya know?"just the gyutaro attached dakis head back on and then looked at uzui "h-he bullied me! cut off my head! and i-insulted me!he dosent believe i-im an uppermoon!""really...she maybe be not alot on her own but shes trying her best! unforgivable....YOURE UNFORGIVEABLE!blood demon art..:FLYING BLOOD SICKELS" just the gyutaro threw his sickels at uzui and he tried to doges him but got a little scratch and then uzui threw the same tiny bombs and went down to the bottom floor
with giyuu and kokushibou:
nezuko and zenistu went to them and told them what happened "if more hashiras come we should get yall out of here..""but we want to help!" "its very dangerous nezuko and zenistu...and there hashiras there very strong...and i mean you to giyuu." "W-what why?" "take mitsuki..ill go help them" then nezuko and zenistu left "W-why do i have to go! i can help you!" "no.. i dont want you to get hurt.." "please kokushibou! i want to be there for you! no matter what!" "somebody needs to protect nezuko zenistu and mitsuki...please go...""okay...but ill come incase you need me!" then kokushibou kissed giyuu and set off to the fight with the hashira and then nezuko zenistu iyuu and mitsuki fleed the house
giyuu:<---mumza vibes
we were in a mountain that had visible veiw of the whole city i was worried sick..im just hoping kokushibous gonna be okay...just then i heard footsteps rushing twords us i looked and saw  SHINOBO! she tried to attack me but i moved out the way SHIT!if i get even scratched by her blade i might get poisined...i grabed my katana "NEZUKO ZENISTU! TAKE MITSUKI!" then nezuko grabbed mitsuki and left the mountain with me and shinobo both in fighting stance and then rushed twords eachother and spared our katanas..
Tanjiro:<----:< im sad for dis part
i was with muzan-sama "you should be safe here tanjiro... i have to help daki and gyutaro." "M-muzan-sama! let me help! please!" "i dont want anything happening to you..." then muzan-sama left me in this dark area i wanted to help so i grabbed my nichirin blade and moved but then i tumbeled back to the ground..."shit..." i couldnt walk at this pont...man i feel sorry giyuu had to deal with this for 9 months... but i didnt let that ruin me. i took my blade and headed to the nearest fight to help i smelt giyuus scent the closest so i head to him to make sure hes okay...just then i met up with nezuko! "TANTAN!" "nezu-" i tumbeled agian "Are you okay?!" "y-yes just...well yknow the same thing that happened to giyuu is to me now..." "REALLY!!! YAYYY CANT WAIT! but why are you going?" "to help giyuu if hes in trouble..." "but you cant!" " ill try atleast zenistu.. go find safety or make sure people get out i can tell its gonna get damaged..." "okay tantan!" soon they went to go evacuate people and i finally got to where giyuu was i saw shinobo sparing with giyuu and the mist hashira was about to attack him from behind i then stopped his attack by clashing our swords "Tanjiro! ill be okay get outta here!" "Least i can do it help!" then i was battleling the mist hashira as giyuu battled shinobo
Nezuko:<----i feel happy when she comes upp!
"cmon zenzen!" just then i stopped as zenistu floped onto the floor because we were running "n-nezuko-chan whats wrong?" wait... if im resictance to the sun then...IF I GIVE BLOOD TO MUZAN AND THE OTHERS THEY MIGHT BE TOO!"cmon zenzen were making a quick stop to every fight! i felt that muzan daki and gyutaro were closes to we went there "why are we here nezuko-chan?" "if i give them my blood... they might be able to walk in the sun for a little while!" then i aproched the battle to see who is here it was the snake and sound hashira with musan daki and gyutaro gyutaro and muzan were fighting so i aproches daki first "W-what are you doing here! you might get hurt!" then i slit my finger and said "drink this..." she drank my blood "you will be resistane to the sun for a little...mostly a day... be useful with it." "t-thank you nezuko-chan!" then i did gyutaro and then musan and headed to kokushibo  turns out he was with the flame and wind but they were stunned..."Nezuko!its not safe!" "wait come here!" i gave him my blood "you will be abkle to walk in the sun for atleast a day..." "wait...wheres giyuu and zenistu?" "giyuu me and zenistu were attacked me and zenistu are trying to evacuate the people but then i remebered i was resistane to the sun... so-" just then it was to late for me to move.. they cut my neck.. "NEZUKO!" but instead of me decaying... i just picked up my head and re attached it.. "H-huh...?""i can walk in the sun..but..giyuu and the insect are in a fight.." "WHERES MITSUKI!" he siad that clashing his sword agiant the wind pillar "JUST SHUT UP AND FIGHT GOD DAMN. FOR UPPERMOON 1 HAVE LEAST WORRIES ABOUT PEOPLE!"(btw sanemei got his arms re attached idk how but LOGIC KAY?) ill still help humans though... no matter what im on no sides...not the demons or demon slayers... im on my own... "giyuu is at the mountain to the west..." "thanks!" then kokushibou fleed with the hashiras following him and me and zenzen when back to what we were doing we came back and mitsuki was crying "we have to put her to sleep first though nezuko..." "okay then!"
uzui:<---IM A LADIES MAN! "flashyness aroun him appears like when inosuke was in da forest with giyu in da anime
DANM THIS. i started coughing up blood and then the posion is spreading fast... i-i cant hold anylonger... i-i have to... i cut my arm off and just like that i passed out...
Obanai:<---dont fukin talk walk or breathe twords me
for some reasom sound pillar uzui cut his arm "UZUI ARE YOU-" he cut his arm and passed out i could not comprehend why but before i could react i was stabbed bye that bitch uppermoon the boy....shit....t-this poisions not enough k-kept fighting! For mitsuri! for everybody! show THAT DEMON WHO WILL LIVE TILL THE END! i slashed his neck but he didnt decay?.....why not... wait.... T-that means.... maybe i have to slash the sister? i headed for her and tried to slash her but his sickels got me..agian... p-please...give...me...more...strengh..."THIRD FORM: COIL CHOKE!" i slashed from as many directions as i could to just try to get her neck but then i forgot about muzan...he stabbed me...right in the chest...thats all i remeber....its....dizzy...did....i.....fail...? its....black....and...calm......im....sorry...mitsuri.....forgive...me...
Kokushibou:<----yolo chile my manz
i went to the montain and saw giyuu and tanjiro i immeadently went to help giyuu but then i heard tanjiro scream "GYAHHHH!!" me and giyuu both looked and saw that the ones that followed me here stabbed him in his lower side "TANJIRO!" the girl attacked giyuu but i attacked her back...shit theres 4 hashiras! just stay calm....its gonna be okay.....then i felt a strike shit! that was too close to my neck! stay calm! "NINTH FORM:SPLASHING WATER FLOW!" he was aiming for the insect pillar "FOURTEENTH FORM: CATASROPHE ,TENMAN CRESENT MOON!" we both headed for her but the mist hashira got in the way instead we slashed him... blood splattered "AHH...." he fell to the ground with a weird marking on his head... "MUICHIRO!" we looked back at them and saw a pile of blood coming from tanjiro...if we dont help now.. hell die from blood loss! we got rid of those 2 because she went to tend to the youngers wounds "god demons dont give up...lets us just kilyou and the traitors.""Your wish!SIXTH FORM:PERPETUAL NIGHT LONELY MOON!""FOURTH FORM:TURBULENT!""FIRST FORM:UNKNOWING FIRE!" instead of heading for me the flame pillar headed for giyuu and got him good that made a perfect chance to kill hi though...we were right bye the cliff i rushed to him and pushed him off.... then i completely forgot about the other hashira... it was then all black....
Sanemei:<-----how much i want to fuck.................................ING KILL YOU.
i wanted to finished off that kid first so i went back and saw him he was in his own pile of blood it looked like he was dead to how much blood he lost....i think he is? eh... i grabbed giyuus nichirin sword and stabbed him in the shoulder "just stay there till you die..." i stabbed him and pinned him to a rock he could bearly move... so im guessing that he cant get out as i walk walking away o heard more footsteps SHIT HES STILL ALIVE?!
Tanjiro:<----startin to cry.
i-it hurts...f-forget the pain....-y-you have to fight....till the d-death... itried striking him but instead he moved out the way "still alive? wow...guess ill just tprture you to death!" hes grabbed my hair and knocked me down to the ground he kicked me in my head many times "this the arm your supposed to be protecting with?" he stabbed me agian "i guess you cant protect if you cant use it!" "eh the suns coming up...ill just let yall rot and die."i-i cant get up....the sun is almost coming up...giyuu might live....please help kokushibou get out before the sun comes then...please.... if i really do go out like this from blood loss my finally words will be simple..."im sorry." it was all then blank...and cold....im sorry everybody....
                                                                                                    1 hour later.....
the district was distructed...nezuko and zenistu got everybody out as most fights ended...then giyuu finally woke up...
Me:<------im telling the rest....:<
giyuu woke up by the edge of the mountain....the suns almost up! he took kokushibou to the shade where the sun could not reach him and looked for tanjiro "TANJIRO!" he then found tanjiro on the floor piled in blood his kimono blodded up his katana filled with it giyuu went to check him he looked like he was gonna die then and there hes been stabbed 4 times still managing to breathe "TANJIRO!" giyuu rushed to tanjiro and fell but got up and tried to check him he was still breathing "tanjiro...."just then muzan showed up... "T-tanjiro!" he was looking for tanjiro when nezuko told him he was here and muzan looked at the almost lifeless tanjiro "i-im sorry! i really am!..." "can you give me and tanjiro a moment giyuu?..." giyuu then passed tanjiro to muzan and left back to find a better hiding spot for kokushibou muzan then started to tear up holding tanjiro "M-muzan-sama!....""TANJIRO!..." muzan then sqeezed tanjiro "d-did we win?..." "hopefully..tanjiro dont worry!o-okay?"y-you gonna be okay! alright?"tanjiro had forgotten what happened "why are you saying this m-muzan-sama? ofcourse ill be okay! im fine!" muzan tought he didnt remeber anything from earlier "d-dont worry tanjiro...your gonna be okay!" "i-i feel sleepy...d-do you mind if i get some rest?..." "Y-yes! a-anything for you tanjiro...""okay! ill be asleep..." tanjiro closed his eyes as muzan carried tanjiro bridail style and then cried out for this...

the end.....(or is it?....)


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