1~Meeting for once and twice...~1

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I was walking home from a long day of selling charchol and helping villagers down the mountain...
iwas at the enterance of the mountain i live on i kept walking till a hear a voice..
it was old man saburo!

"hey tanjiro!you're not going up the mountain this late are you?"i shouted.."oh dont worry!I have a very high devlouped smell."he responded
"okay...but be careful the demons usually arrive at night!" tanjiro waved goodbye and i did so back...i hope he stays safe...

whenever happiness is destroyed its always followed by the scent of...BLOOD! I start sprinting up the mountain my lungs start frezzing up."NEZUKO ROKUTA SHIGERU HANAKO TAKEO MOM!!!" i kept shouting and shouting there names as i got closer and closer to the summit or top of the mountain the scent kept getting stronger and stronger till...

Muzan:i was in the moment of choking a little girl with a brown coat and pink kimono till i heard footsteps in the soft blanket like snow..
a boy came up and fell he was painting alot of put the girl down and she started sobbing...what a baby i went to the boy and then he was on his knees faced fowards to me...when i saw his face i was genuinely suprised on how his face looked his eyes were dark fires like burning in a darkness his hair was pretty long for a boy with a dark red hair color..he looked prett-WHAT AM I THINKING?!

Tanjiro:"get away from the-!..."

Nezuko:"TANJIRO!" i screamed the strange man that was strangling me earlier went up to my brother then all the sudden i passed out..

Muzan:this boy was very adorable and cute...kinda feel bad for making his sister a demon...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LEGIT FAST FOWARD TO WHEN THERE IN THE CITY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 


Tanjiro:"OH MY GOSH THIS CITY IS SO BIG AND BRIGHT AT NIGHT!!" this was the brightest scene is have ever seen at night!"Nezuko please dont get lost"i started walking around till i got to and unbright street by a fountain i sat by there for a little bit with nezuko and said "When i turn you into a human ill buy you the kimono and bring you here i promise nezuko"

Nezuko:once my brother said that i took of my bamboo and stuttered "I P-pro-mise I will H-elp Yo-u Bi-g b-ro..."i stuttered "nezuko you talked!" he started tearing up and went into a hug with me "t-he bam-boo H-hu-rts..""nezuko sorry about that..."he replied we started laying down and then my brother got up i was wondering what he was looking at and why all the sudden and then he said"UDONNN!!!"

*tanjiro is running while nezuko was naruto running in small form*

Still nezuko: Me and tantan were running for the fate of who gets there first and becomes a winner i turned small and to become faster cause i wouldnt have to carry alot of body weight but my legs were to short!"W-wait up tan-tan!.."i shouted being a few feet behind in the end tan tan won the race but he did say i did a good job!

Tanjiro:"heh!great job nezuko! although i should let you out more often when you awake at night..youre getting easy to beat!"i stopped and remebered what i said IM CALLING NEZUKO SLOW!!"NOT IN A RUDE WAY NEZUKO UHHMMMM YOUR NOT SLOW!!!" i kept saying that and repeating then me and nezuko went up to the udon cart..

Udon seller:thisss kiddd mannn he kept saying his sister was fast when i just saw he beat her by a few good 6-8 feet! then they came up to my cart and the boy said"one bowl of udon please!" i made some udon and he kept talking to his sister..something seem strange about the kids to be honest...when the udon was ready i said"here ya go one bowl of udon!" the kid was about to dip his face to it untill something happned...i knew it wasent good....what happened was...HE STOOD UP AND DROPPED MY PRECIOUS UDON!!!!!he started running with my broken bowl and very hot delicous yummy tasty mindblowing awardwinning masterful udon!"HEY KID YA HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT!!!"

Tanjiro:I immedintly grabbed nezuko and started running i stopped a little bit to put nezuko in my box and ran ran like there was no tomorrow!This scent.....it was the one at my house the strange man is here!!!i kept running trough crowds and said "sorry about the bumby ride nezuko!"i finally got to the strongest point of the scent and there he was!turn out the man was Muzan kibutsuji...i grabbed him by the sholder and then saw him

Muzan:I heard footsteps aproching me fast i think its a demon slayer nobody would ever go up to me normally...i turn around and then i see a boy.....he looks awfully familiar-oh...it was that boy i met 2 years ago hes still kinda fire do-(i HAD TO PLSSLLSLSLSLSL) my "wife" nor "daughter" was with me so i couldnt hide i soon then pulled him in an alley way he looked nicer in the dark then i said"may i help you?"

Tanjiro:This man!how could he act so normal?"Muzan kibutsuji..i know what you doe and who you are..."i said he stated"oh a little demon slayer huh" i started to grab my sword to see its not there"looking for this?..""huh..?how did yo-""i have my ways...but whats your name kid?""kid hell ill tell you!"this man is weird ill never say my name i just want him dead!..i started running then he popped infront of me"going so soon?"he said i fell ontop of his and IT was VERYY embarrasing...i started blushing...WAIT?why am i blushing..?cause of embarresment yeah!..."augh-!" i got off as quick as i can and then get pushed me back downn....next thing i next he was infont of me a few nches away.."G-Get awa-!"

Muzan:this kid is a demon slayer with a demon seems he still kept her...hmmm i find these two very intresting and the boys kinda cute...i then pick him up and grab his sister i then say "nakime!"(IDFK IF THATS HER NAMESS OKAY DJIJHDUIQHIDNDN) and teleport to the infinity palace i set the box down next to tanjiro in the corner and then roll out 2 sleeping bags i get ther girl out the box and put it into the closet u found the bags in i close the door slam shut but not to loud to wake them up i then carry the girl put her in the pink bed with flowers on it and put the cute boy in a bed with red flowers kinda matches his hair...i then sit down in between the beds and look at the boy i start stroking his (yall dirty minded but that might be in a few chapters hehehehhehe) hair its was soft and long how adorable...

Douma:master called all people in the infinity palace to a meeting and said "listen were having guest over ones a demon girl with black and brown  hair a brown coat with a pink kimono with white outlines and another is a human with dark fire redish pink hair a green and black checkered coat and a demon slayer outfit. i expect none of yall touch them in any harmful ways especially the boy." "but masterrrrrrr the boy soundsss cuteeeeeee" i said everyone stared at me but it was true!"maybee master has a crush on this boyy!!"akaza yelled the rest just stared we acted like to perverts but it was akazas fault he taugh me  naughty things!~

endd for dis oneee

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