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Tanjiro:<----MF dont smell in on my per rn...
i woke up in bed with muzan wraping his arms around my waist "ouch..."my kegs are hurting like hell today thats for sure..i go to the bathroom to put some clothes on and i guess muzan was awake because not to long after i felt arm wrap around me "how was your night dear tanjiro?""i guess you got what you wanted..Now put something on!"i put on a black kimono covered with flowers it was my favorite honestly then i remeber about giyuu and i wanted to go check on them *knock knock..*i knocked the door and nobody opened it was open so i decided to see for myself i walked in and saw giyu hugging kokushibou and there sleeping on the floor against the corner "thats cute!" i wispered but then they woke up WHY IS EVERYBODY WAKING UP WHEN I SAY SOMETHING? i quickly left and i know they saw me so i try my best to get away before they start askimg me why i was even there but i hope giyuu is okay now...
Giyuu:<---_i now cannot insult mama giyuu.
i woke up and saw tanjiro leaveing im still wondering why we slept on the ground...i was gonna tell the others today i first wanted to get it to kokushibou though...
i refused to talk and talk all the time they asked me "master...this kid dosent seem to talk just throw him away."understandable for muichiro to say the "yeah hes right master he wont give us any leads on giyuu!" the girl seems more worried on giyuu then ever maybe she likes him? i kinda feel bad...giyuu is with kokushibou..."hey insect hashira..""hm?you finally gonna tell us""do you like giyuu?""i-...umm-"give me a break some day she does!on how she treats him all supposed to be a joke?there also more proof i saw her im the forest yerning and moaning about how much she wants to save him"....sorry to say ur chances are broken..."and i didnt mean to say that outloud...shit.."What do you mean?" pink haired said that i was trying to get them distracted while i untied the ropes...then try to make a run for it..."you dont understand that?....means hes already taken? for the love hashira i thought you would!""by who!"she was mad at me but i knew if i told her who she will be heart shattered so i didnt "thats none of your concern..""do you even know who?" great now the flame hashira..."yes i found out when they first met idoits...""hey you cant call us that!"of course the sound hashira gets offended hes never been called that!he has like 3 wifes!"youre acting like an idoit for never answer our questions now...what do you know about muzan and them going missing?"i was scarting to get a little scared he out his katana up to my throat agian "dont have the demon girl to save you now huh?" the ropes were untied i has to wait for him to get away tho... so i decided to give him what he wanted..."i do know things about muzan...i know where he heads mostly...""where then?" he put his katana alittle away more "he usually goes to tokyo....its a crowded place its kinda hard to find him...""what about the kid tanjiro?" he mostly never leaves muzans side your mostly to find him with him if you were looking for muzan....""do you know why?"this i had to save tanjiro.."n-no i dont  know why tanjiro never told me..." shit i stuttered..."did you lie?." "no. i really dont know why..""and now giyuu!" "giyuu always stays hidden he dosent go out alot unless its somewhere hes been to recently for like that house the fire and insect hashira found...but giyuus mostly not gonna leave anymore...""why?" that i couldent tell her... they were all back away "sorry my times up..."i left as fast as i coulkd of course they followed me i knew where akaza or douma was if i gone there i could lead them to them...might as well lose the first...wealready been running for i while i got a lucky spot on the trees i tried to then fall asleep because i ran faster and my stanima will regain so i did....
                                                                                                     time skip
i woke up and they were all out of sight well i thought..... i went back to the enterance of the infinity palace what a long walk though...i walked in "now time to get around here..." i ran to the enterance 0f the infinity palace and found my way to the main rooms "TANJIRO!!" i kept screaming his name...damn...i cant get anywhere arund here...i then stumbeled across nakimes room "gya! nakime!" i scamed into the room and saw nezuko with nakime "Nezuko-chan!""ZENZEN!!"my nezuko-chan is okay! just the i heard 2 sounds ive been hearing for the past days the hashiras! "Cmon we have to go!""huh whats going on?""nakime i think the hashira followed me i need to get away from the infinity palace so we dont lead them here! after me and nezuko fled to lead them to another place "there!" turns out it was the same hashiras the flame and insect but the sound hashira came from behind us we had to run faster even though there hashiras they could catch us we just need to lead them far away from the infinity palace "hurry zenze-!Gyaa!" then the sound hashira hit nezuko we were on brances i stopped and the branch broke off! we all feel off the last thing i remeber was hitting my head...
Kokushibou:<---hello so when u and giyuu gonna marry eachorther>?
we were looking for nezuko and zenistu then we found them! 3 hashiras too... basically nakime told us that zenistu was followed and it might be hashiras.... turn out theres 3 "zenistu! nezuko!" nakime got sad seeing her friends on the ground fainted she pushed the sound hashira out the way and grabbed nezuko and zenistu and put there heads on her lap "there fainted... ill take them just hold them off for a little!""them?"they giyuu stood next to me "GIYUU!""G-Giyuu!""know what ill hold them off!" Nakmie then held them off "giyuu! you know you couldnt come with me...youre you know and i dont want you getting hurt...they might get you!""please let me help kokushibou!...i dont want my friends to get hurt... cant stand it!""look just i dont want you to get hurt stay here......"i hope im making the right choice...i pecked giyuu on the lips and then went to help nakime...
Giyuu:<--- hi mama giyuu!
i was in the forest when kokushibou and nakime were fighting the hashira but it felt weird then i felt something sharp him he...my body was numb i couldnt move!"tomioka-san....Your okay!i wont let you go now....."i didnt feel anything i was still awake though....and i could still speak...the thing didnt last long though my movement was slowly coming back..."giyuu ever since ive been meaning to say something to you.....i-" then she got interupted by a big boom i was recovering fast my movement was good now so i pushed shinobo and went to check out what happened turns out the hashiras were knocked out and koko and nakime were stunned a little "tomioka-san!..."then i felt something stab me agian this time i got woozy and went to sleep....
                                                                                                          Time skip
i woke up i woke up this time in shinobos masion and the hashiras were in here to shinobo then said "giyuu your awake!"she then hugged me before i even sat up..."ahh they look so cute together!"mitsuri said then wait...does she like me?...."shinobo...i have a question..." then everybody looked at us "this might be it!"mitsuri started hugging obanai sqeualing "o-okay!""d-do you like me?..."mitsuri started sqealing luder and the kanoe aoi an dthe girls came in im guessing she did "i-...yes!"she started getting red and looked away..what?.."shinobo...i-...im sorry...i dont feel the same..."they mitsuri stoped sqealing everybody started even the girls in here looked at me "i-im sorry im also already in a relation ship.."shinobo stood up and so did it i then walked out while they kept looking at me "w-wait!""hmm?""tomioka-san...with w-who?...and how long....""i dont want to say but a month and 3 weeks..and why are you so concered about me all the sudden?.."i then left i headed to my water masion and then i collapsed.."ngh...""huh giyuu?" master then came to help me up "giyuu are you okay?.""a-ah y-yes im fine!""giyuu you dont seem fine..""yes master..im sure ill be able to make it to my old masion for now..""giyuu ill walk with you.."master then helped me walk to my old water masion i wanted to tell master about me and my kid..but i though he would get mad still maybe if i just tell master that i am the father of the child of uppermoon 1 i dont think...i just dont know what to say at this point..i guess ill take chances.."master i have something to say..""yes giyuu?""after i was g-gone i got..""got what?""i got pregnant...""what?."master seemed pretty shocked we then stoped"wow giyuu thats great!"master then smiled "may i ask..whos the father?""im n-ot quite comfotable saying that...""heh its okay giyuu! i fully support what decisions you make! as long as your happy and healthy!by the way.. am i able to tell the others?"i had to think.."i quite not comfortable with that..!""well looks like we are here.. giyuu if you need to talk with anybody im here!""t-thank you master..:D" i walked into my masion and saw my stuff i decided to clean it up...maybe take my mind off of koko.."
Master Ubuyashiki:<---master gonna share sum newss
im happy giyuu is starting to be more social but wow honestly giyuu as a dad! thats surprising! he gave me permission to even tell the hashiras.i hope they will like the news..i went to the butterfly masion it took a walk when i walked in i saw shinobo rengoku geyomei muichiro obanai and mitsuri talking "Master!""no need!""master i must ask you seem in a good mood whats going on?"uzui said "heh im happy for giyuu thats all!""whats up with giyuu master?"muichiro asked "giyuu is getting more social im happy hes talking more to people instead of hiding up..""what did he tell you?"i thought about what giyuu said "im afraid i cant tell its kinda a personal item.""well im very happy for giyuu..."shinobo said she seemed a little sad "shinobo are you okay?""o-oh yes master!""well i hope yall stay safe and i have missions assinged for you..feel free to set off anytime!"i feel bad shinobo seemed sad...i wonder why?...
kokoshibou:<----hes pissed.
giyuu......is.......gone....?.."kokoshibou...i know youre mad and all that but please come out!"i locked myself in my room....and im not coming out till giyuu is back...you know what?...im going to get him back..."im going to get him back nakime ill e gone for some time.""h-huh wait THERE HASHIRAS!""im taking zenistu.""WAIT!-"i snuck into nezukos room and saw zenistu with nezuko nezuko was sleeping and zenistu was making stuff "zenistu i need you to tell me exactly where the corps is.""oh its #############!""thank you zenistu."i then left as fast as i could im going to get him back.no matter what.it was night so i raced over the treesand followed the wind and looked for where zenistu lead me to.i should have kept him near me otherwise this would never happyen im so sorry giyuu...i should have listened to you..please kept yourself and our child safe..!



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