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Rather than holding my hand, she pulled me towards home. She wasn't exhausted after all the running, while I on the other hand was dying from it. When we finally reached home, she finally realized that her hands were still interlocked with mine. She then shyly let go of it and apologized.

"So you apologize for holding my hand yet you won't apologize for dragging me home?" I calmly said to her. Her face flushed and then said "I'm sorry for that too."

"Oh, I know! So as an apology, I'm inviting you to my house for dinner. Although my Aunt won't be home tonight, so I'll be cooking for you." She was very eager to know what I had to say to her request. Well she looks like she really ought to do it. "Fine then." composed, I agreed.

"Ojama shimasu." I said as we entered her house. We both took off our shoes and she lead me to the living room. We sat on the couch and she began talking again. "Neh Shou-kun, when's your birthday?" she asked me. "Why are you asking me this so suddenly?" I questioned her.

"I just want to know you better." she smiled at me and waited for the answer to her question. "Alright then, my birthday's on May 7."

"Really?! My birthday is on the day after!" She's all excited again. Where does she get all this energy? She continued to ask me questions about myself and tell me stories about her little adventures.

She asked questions like what's my favorite color, favorite food, why am I so quiet, why do I look so collected most of the times. Her little question time made me chuckle, which is pretty much rare of me. I also found her story telling rather amusing.

After all those questions and stories, she stared at me for a while. She then asked me "Neh Shou-kun. Why did you cry at that time? Is it alright if you would tell me now? I mean, we're friends already." I can feel that she's really concerned. It's been a week, I thought she would forget about that already.

"It was just a little thing, no need to be concerned at all Sugisaki-san." I told her. It was a bit needless to tell her about my problems. I don't want her to be troubled or worried. I also wouldn't want her involved. Maybe I'll tell her someday, but definitely not now.

"Alright then, but if you feel down or sad you can come to talk to me. We're friends after all! Oh and you can call me by my first name since I already went on called you by yours." she smiled as usual.

"So when are you planning on cook dinner Nene? Isn't that why you invited me?" I questioned her, changing the topic. Her face reddened and she got up the couch looking very sheepish. "Ah sorry, I forgot." Embarrassed, she said.

I chuckled again at her actions as she went on to the kitchen. She's absolutely odd, but that makes her even more interesting. Sugisaki Nene, what are you doing to me?

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