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I looked over the window beside me as I sat on my chair in school. I took my time admiring the cherry blossoms as it was still early and the teacher has yet to come.

I thought about what happened last week. I haven't seen her since that occurrence because I don't really go out much. It was peculiar, but it was somehow pleasant, I guess. 'Will she come to my school?' 'Is she at the same grade as me?' I asked myself these questions, curious about her.

Why am I even thinking about her? Sugisaki Nene, you're the oddest person I have ever met and now you're making me interested in you. What am I even thinking about? Why do I even remember your name?

I suddenly hear my classmates shouting about a transfer student. 'Will it be her?' Impossible, she wouldn't transfer here. In the event that she will really transfer here, what will I do? I'm thinking about her too much, why? I have so much questions yet no answers have come to me yet.

I peered at my watch, 5 minutes till class starts. Great, another boring day at school. Another day of listening to the endless chatters of my classmates, another day of discussions and lectures given by our teachers, and another day of me being lost in my own thoughts.

Sometimes I wish this would change somehow. I wish my days wouldn't be the same boring, tiresome, dull life. A change would be great, but ever since that terrible day I can't help but become more dreary.

I was disrupted from my thoughts when the teacher walked inside ready to start class. Usually, I would ignore it and go on with what I'm doing, but today seemed different. The atmosphere felt light and it wasn't wearisome at all.

The teacher went to the front, smiling, and said "Class we have a transfer student coming in! Please all welcome her." Her? So it's a girl huh? The transfer slowly walked inside and was a bit shy. This is impossible. I knew it. It's her. Absolutely absurd, I can't believe this.

"Good morning, my name is Sugisaki Nene. It's nice to meet all of you." she smiled widely. She examined the room till she saw me. We stared at each then she suddenly waved at me, smiling like an idiot. Our classmates are most likely confused at how we knew each other. I looked away and grinned a bit, which is unusual for me.

She's the first person that I'm quite interested in, she's the first to witness me crying, she's my neighbor, and now she's my classmate. What else will she be in life?

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