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I woke up from the loud ringing from the alarm clock. I turned it off and felt a bad sneeze coming. I knew it, I'm sick. I don't really mind since it's not that bad. I still have to go to school today although I got knocked up pretty badly last night.

I pushed the blankets away and got up from bed, trying very hard not to trip. I lazily walked to the mirror and looked at myself. "I'm a mess" I stated. Well looking back, I have never even tried to fix myself so I'm always a mess. I went to the bathroom, shaking off the negativity.

I took a shower and got ready for school. I then ate breakfast and got out of the house or apartment rather. "Ittekimasu." I said to no one in my empty apartment.

While walking to school, scenes from yesterday evening kept flashing. I could feel my chest tightening and I feel very much dizzy. "Forget about it already" I said to myself. Although deep in my thoughts I knew that I couldn't forget it that easily.

Upon reaching school, I went straight to the classroom and sat down on my chair. The whole walk to school was unsteady for me. I feel unwell, I think the cold is getting to me. I felt a bit dizzy once again. I'm awfully regretting that I got soaked in the rain last night.

I could hear my classmates making an uproar and as always, I ignore them. I looked at the window beside me and got lost in my own thoughts.

Most of the times I feel alone. I feel scared that tomorrow may be too far away. I already regret half my life because of the decisions I made. I wouldn't be able to forget all those horrible times.

I always thought like this, even at school. I can't help it. It made me what I am today. The teacher came in ready for class. I brushed off my thoughts and focused on the upcoming lecture.

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