Chapter 3

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The next day I woke up and got ready for group. I ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, put on some makeup and changed. I wore my BVB tank top with some black skinny jeans which were ripped at the knees, my black lace up vans, and my black cardigan again. Jenna walked me again and I walked down to the circle of seats and sat down. I looked around and Kellin wasn't here yet. We were about to start and he came late sitting next to me.

"Hey." He said from behind me as he sat down on the brown chair next to me. I smiled.

"Someone's late." I smiled looking at him. He smiled back at me. We started and it was boring as usual. Almost everyday there's always someone who breaks down or gets up and leaves or something. I didn't want to hear other people's stories and what they had to share, just because I didn't really care. And I didn't care about making friends, or if people cared to listen to my story. I'm an open book, I don't have any secrets. And I've been screwed over so many times I don't want to try to make or hang out with "friends" anymore. I'm just tired of it. And I push people away.

I answered the same questions as yesterday. My names Mae, I'm 18, I have depression, I selfharm, I'm anorexic. I'm recovering. As I was sharing someone asked me why I was depressed, and I let it all out.

"I'm really insecure of myself, and I don't like my body, and so that was part of it. And by me being insecure I think that's what ruined one of my relationships. And people always screw me over, don't care about me or my feelings, leave me out, bully me, and I took all of that out on myself. And I still do. I tell myself that I'm the problem, something's wrong with me, or I'm just simply not good enough for anybody. Because people never stay, and I don't have any family or "friends" in my life anymore." Then I got a lecture from the counselor telling me how it's okay to feel like that, I'm not the problem, blah, blah, blah. I've heard that over and over and over again and nothing ever changes for me to believe them anymore. I just sat there and looked at the floor as I listened to everyone else's conversations.

"Well, Mae thank you for sharing. This concludes our group or meeting today. Thank you for coming." She said as she got up and took a sip from her water bottle. Now was free time, and-or "visiting hours" if people wanted to visit their kids or friends here. I got up and was walking to the big room with a stage, and couches and tables.

"Hey." I heard a voice from behind me. I turned and saw Kellin. He was wearing a black hoodie that was over his head with some blue skinny jeans and black TOMS.

"Hey." I half smiled. I'm so weird around him. I stopped and he came besides me.

"It's Mae, right?" He asked smiling at me. Wow he knew my name. We continued to walk together to the room.

"Yeah. And you're Kellin correct?" I asked and smiled.

"Yes, ma'am." He said in a silly way. We walked towards a purple couch and I sat down, him following me. There was some weird colored furniture in this room, I'll admit.

"I never got a chance to thank you yesterday. So thank you for sticking up for me. I don't know why you did, but it was nice." I looked over at him sitting besides me. He sat up and came close to me and looked at me.

"No one deserves to be talked to like that. Even if I don't know you, It doesn't matter. That was a dick move and you didn't deserve to be talked to that way. Like I said before no one should." He finished and leaned back against the couch. I turned to face him.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Of course." He smiled. I saw him look down at my shirt.

"Nice shirt. What other bands do you like? Or what music do you like?" He asked me curious. He leaned against the couch looking at me.

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