This was a 'mistake' FP

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Last night you and your best friend Florence was at a party and got really drunk and you slept together, you have had a crush on her since you met her and the feeling was mutual for Florence. It's now the morning after you slept with your bestfriend, you woke up just after Florence seeing her freaking out
U- hey, morning
You smile at her
F- oh my god what did we do?!
U- well considering we are naked the sheets are dirty, clothes scattered on the floor and we both have hickeys on our bodies we slept with each other last night
F- why why?!
U- why what?
F- why did we sleep together
U- cause we were drunk and...
F- and what?
U- look I don't do one night stands and you must Of known I've had a crush on you for ages I've made it quite obvious
F- you're lying cause last night was a mistake you don't like me and I don't like you we are friends, that's it and we are happy like that nothing more nothing less, this was a mistake, you don't have a crush on me, us sleeping together we have to pretend and move on like nothing happened
You heart shattered and tears welled in your eyes
U- o-ok...I-I guess I should go
You try to hide your tears but not very well
F- y/n...
You start putting on your clothes quickly
U- don't... I get you don't feel the same cause it's pretty clear you don't feel the same and like you said it was a mistake and it should of never happened I'm stupid that I thought we could be something
F- y/n/n look at me...please
U- I can't look at you and if I do I will break even more, you're going to get what you want we will forget that this never happened, our friendship is done, never contact me again, we will now be strangers again... goodbye miss Pugh
You grab you phone and purse and go to leave but Florence grabs your arm
F- y/n... stop don't go
U- there's no reason for me to stay, I can't be around you, don't contact me I'll delete your number off when I get in... like I said goodbye miss Pugh
You get out of her grip and leave her apartment, as soon as you close the door she breaks down crying, and she calls her little sister
R- hey flo what's up?
F- I slept with y/n
R- finally I've been waiting for you guys to get together... why do you sound upset though?
F- I told her it was a mistake... then she said that she had a crush on me, I told her she was lying, she started crying, she did she couldn't even look at me and rushed getting changed, before she left I grabbed her arm trying to stop her, she said that she Will delete my number later and to never  contact her again, she said that we are now strangers and called me miss Pugh instead of Flo, love or gorgeous
R- she finally told you huh ?
F- you knew?!
R- of course I knew, the way she drops everything for you, she gave up on an amazing role to get her more famous, her dream role but you were crying and upset cause zach left you she left the audition just so you don't have to be alone, she has always put you first done everything to make you happy and she broke cause of what you said and done this morning
F- she did that for me?
R- of course she did she would do anything for you without question
F- why didn't you tell me
R- cause it isn't my secret to tell, now she will hopefully move on
F- what do you mean hopefully
R- flo you've been holding her back from finding happiness for years now she can finally move on
F- but what I said was a mistake i love her more than just a friend should
R- then why did you react like that then?
F- I was still in shock and hungover
R- you need to go to her place and explain everything to her before it's too late
F- thank you raffie for the advice
R- that's what I'm here for
F- love you
R- love you too bye
F- bye
Florence hangs up, gets changed and rushes to her car and drives to your house ignoring the speed limits and gets to your house in record time, she has a spare key and runs into your house and finds you on call to someone
U- yeah hi it's me, I've reconsidered marvels offer and I'm sorry I can't accept the role of yelena belovas love interest
??- why not?
U- there's a personal reason why I don't and can't work with Florence Pugh
??- what? You're best friends
U- well things change
??- fine ok, but if you change your mind their offer is still open for another 24 hours
U- ok but I don't think I will
??- I'll have a look for other roles you'd like
U- thanks mate
??- bye
U- bye
You hang up and let out a breath you didn't know you had
U- dammit I've just lost the best role I've had in years
You rub your face and sigh
F- y/n
You look up and see Florence
U- what are you doing here, I thought I made it clear we aren't friends anymore and that I don't want to be in contact with you and you made it clear that you will never feel the same now why are you here
Florence says nothing
U- hello? Florence?Why are you here?
She still says nothing but she grabs the back of your neck and pulls you into a kiss, you start to melt into the kiss but you pull away
U- no don't... don't do that
F- do what
U- don't just kiss me and make me feel that you feel the same but you never will
F- I do y/n please believe me I do feel the same and I have for so long, longer than I've realised myself that I feel this way even before I started dating Zack, believe me love
You look down and your speechless, you don't know what to say, Florence cups your face which causes you to look at her, you want to be mad at her because of the way she reacted but as soon as you looked at her all the anger disappeared and all the best memories and feelings you've shared together all come up and you kiss her
U- why did you say that earlier
F- I don't know I was stupid I was scared i-I don't know why I freaked out cause all I've wanted is for us to be together and when we slept together last night I got so worried that you don't feel the same I freaked out and said things that was completely false and it truly hurt you and I lost my best friend cause of it.
U- so you still want to be just best friends?
F- no no! I want to be with you like what we did last night but with dates and everything in a relationship I want it all with you so please say this isn't it for us I can't loose you
U- tomorrow 8 o'clock I'll pick you up?
F- for what
U- our first date
F- really?
U- yes if you want to if that is
F- of course I do!
She hugs you and you both melt into the embrace
F- now two things we are having a movie day today and your calling your manager and taking that offer, so we can work together
U- ok
You do what she says and you have a great movie night, laughing, sharing small kisses, cuddling and it's was a perfect night with your favourite person

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