Field Trip to Avengers Tower YB

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You and peters class are on a field trip with the school to your home, but no one knows that you live there or that you and peter have the highest security clearances in the tower. You all enter the tower and are greeted by pepper Potts
Pep- hello everyone welcome to the avengers my name is pepper Potts but please call me miss Potts or I will not answer you, and I'll be leading you around the facility today, mr stark would like me to remind you all that you don't touch anything without permission by myself or anyone who work here and who have security clearances Peter, y/n it's been a while
U- sorry pep we've been busy
Pep- well it's good to see you both
P- you too
F- excuse me miss Potts
Pep- yes?
F- two questions how do you know penis Parker and his lesbian lackey? And two is there a chance that we will be seeing some of the avengers here today? Preferably Spider-Man and the masked witch
You and Peter look at each other
Pep- there might be some avengers who may be appearing today, yes. Some are closer than you might think
She winks and you and Peter
Pep- this way follow me
F- cool! Did everyone hear that on live?
MJ- this is more boring than I thought it was going to be
U- that's cause we are here all the time
You all follow pepper to the lab
Pep- okay everyone, this is mr starks lab and workshop usually there are no civilians allowed but mr stark agreed to let you all come in and see
Sam- hey! Isn't that y/n?
Bu- yeh it is
S- y/n!!
U- hey Sam
He hugs you than Bucky
L- eww why are you guys hugging that lesbo
Bucky gets angry and is about to punch her but you grab his fist mid punch
U- trust me buck she's not worth it
Bu- fine
You let go of his fist
Sam- y know she's pissed at you
U- yeah I didn't make the safest decision did I?
Bu- no you didn't you sister and girlfriend will probably kill you
U- I can handle them
Y- oh can you now detka
U-hey moya lyubov
W- what no hey for you sister
U- hey Wands
F- wait what?! Peters lesbian lackey is the scarlett witch's sister
Y- and my girlfriend cyka
F- what does that mean
U- bitch
L- how did this faggot pull a black widow assassin and be related to the most powerful witch
U- not related to the most powerful witch I am the most powerful witch
Y- watch what you call her bitch or I'll kill you!
U- detka detka calm down
Y- calm down?! Did you hear what she called you?!
U- yes I did I'm used to it so calm down
Y- no! No one gets to talk to you like that ever!
U- babe please
Y- fine
You hug her
U- I've missed you
Y-I've missed you too but...
She pulled away from you
Y- you haven't been here you home for a week so go to the training room
Sam- I told you to stay here
U- oh fuck off
Pep- I guess we will continue our tour to the avengers training room follow me
P- y/n good luck
U- thanks Peter I'm gonna need it
W- y/n you have powers use them you can easily win
U- I don't want to hurt her Wands so no powers
You all get to the training room
Y- In the ring now
You get into the ring
Y- Nat can you start please
N- of course I don't want you to kill my future sister in law... ready...fight
You and yelena started fighting, you class just stand in shock as they never thought you of all people could do any of the moves you are doing or actually beating an assassin in a fight. You eventually pin her down
U- looks like I won princess
You kiss her nose and she scrunches it
U- now can we stop fighting please?
Yelena says nothing and flips you around so she's on top of you pinning you down
Y- now we can
You laugh
U- then can you get off of me please
Y- what I thought you liked this position printsessa?
U- yes in our bedroom when no one is watching and you wearing less clothes
Y- I think that can be arranged
She leans in and kisses you
W- ok! Not here with y/n's class mates and sister is here!
Yelena reluctantly gets off of you And helps you up
Y- ruin my fun maximoff
W- well no one wants to see you and my sister fucking in the training room I don't want to have a repeat of the last time
U- no one does
Y- our room now
Yelena leaves
U- pep I would do the tour but I live here so I'm going to go
You run upstairs to your room and you see yelena looking upset
U- babe what's wrong
Y- I didn't think you wanted to be together as we didn't talk much over the past week two days after a big but petty argument and I'm worried that—
U- there's no need to worry I will never break up with you, I will always love you and I'm sorry we didn't speak I was preoccupied with Peter, Ned and MJ and I'm sorry about the fight o shouldn't of just walked away then text you the next day that we are good
Y- I'm sorry too, I'm just glad you're back
U- me too
You kiss her
Y- I've missed this more than you know
U- me too lena me too

A/n- who would read my Ava Sharpe book if I published it?

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