Infinity FP

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You and Florence were dating for 4 years then she suddenly just broke up with you and left on the day you were going to propose but she didn't know that and she still doesn't. The breakup hit you hard, you were loosing yourself, and the motivation to do anything, she was your rock, you couldn't bare to think about living without her but over the last two months that's what you have done, while Florence got a new girlfriend after a week of your breakup or relationship. (No one knows about the breakup/ relationship apart from Scarlett, lizzie, Camila mendes and hailee as they are the only ones aware of your relationship and you wanting to propose). While you locked yourself in your apartment you wrote a lot of songs for your job (you're a world famous singer/model), and you number one 'infinity' hit first in the top 100 music charts and you have been nominated for many awards. Once the song was released everyone speculated it was about Florence as she has said that to you in public many times even before you were dating. The emmys have invited you to sing at there show and you agreed, the song you're going to sing is 'infinity'.
You arrive at the Emmy's with your plus one camilla Mendes as you've been platonic bestfriends since you were kids and neither of you have thought about it any differently.
C- you ready? I know Florence is going to be here
U- I have you by my side I'll be ok
You smile at her, open the limo door for you and hold it open, taking camillas hand as she steps out of the limo.
U- if I haven't mentioned it already you look gorgeous
C- so do you
You both head to the red carpet while the press are taking photos then you hear familiar voices
U- I know it's loud but I can hear you two
You turn around to the side seeing Scarlett and Lizzie sneaking up on you
L- Damn it I thought we were close
S- so did I
You hug them both
U- it's good to see you both
Then they hug Camila
C- hey ladies
L- are you going to be ok—
??- Y/N!
You smile seeing hailee then her engulfing you in a suffocating hug
U- hey arrows how are you
H- I'm good I'm good are you ok?
U- I'll be fine I'll just keep my distance from her
S- she shows up alone
U- ok?
L- this might be you chance to—
U- not happening, I'm not gonna try and get back together with her or tell her I was going to propose to her that night
??- w-what? You w-were?
You close you eyes in frustration and turn around seeing Florence, Camila immediately wraps her arm around your waist
U- I doesn't matter anymore Florence, you don't love me, your happy with someone new and we can't change the past, now if you excuse me I have to warm up
F- y/n/n love I—
U- don't call me that, you don't have the right to call me that anymore, and you have no right to tell me what you think about what you just heard about me going to propose cause it's not going to change anything now I have to go
F- I—
S- flo don't
L- it won't end well
Florence's heart broke more hearing you saying her full name not any cute pet or nicknames you used to give her and it brakes even more that she found out she lost the love her life on the day you were going to propose
U- coming mila?
C- coming love
Florence got filled with jealousy when she heard Camila calling you the nickname you loved when she called you that
H- you need to find a way to tell her the truth about what happened that day
F- I know
S- wait what?
L- what happened that day
F- you don't need to know
Florence leaves
Skip to your performance
You're being introduced to the emmys
Announcer- please welcome to the stage Y/n y/l/n who is performing her newest single 'infinity'
The into to your song stats playing then you start to sing eventually to the chorus
U- I love you for infinity!
Infinity turned out to be a set number of days
When you said forever did you mean till seasons change.
You really had me fooled, I truly thought that you would stay.
But i just wasn't it for you a new girls in my place,
Beautifully done,
I thought I found the one,
Damn you did that.
You sure had me at infinity,
You really got me to believe,
You love me for infinity...
You finish the song and the whole crowd cheers, you see Florence leave after your performance
U- thank you everyone! Good luck!
You get off the stage while everyone is still cheering and you follow Florence into the bathroom.
U- you ok? You kinda just ran out of there after the song? And you're crying
F- I-I'm ok
U- well your tears and facial features say otherwise
F- like you care
U- annoyingly I do! Even though you shattered my heart and broke me beyond repair you were still my bestfriend before we started dating so I care
F- I broke up with the girl who I wish I never dated, I wanted to talk to you about why I broke up with you and explain myself but then I heard what you said on the red carpet and the song and I—
You cut her off by kissing her quickly
U- don't let that get to your head I did it cause it's always been the only thing to stop you rambling, now explain
F- I broke up with you cause i got a text about you cheating from your friend with evidence then I broke up with you but once I did she told me it was fake and she just wanted you to herself
U- that's why she kissed me
F- she kissed you?!
U- yes but I punched her but that's not important why would you believe her? You don't even like her? And why didn't you talk to me I was your girlfriend?
F- i don't know I was just so upset it got the better of me
U- yes but you have to talk to me about it instead of blindly believing someone who you know has never liked you
F- I know and I'm sorry, then today when I heard you about to propose to me that night i broke more. I'm still so in love with you I've always have been And I think I always will be and I will never stop loving you, I know you will never agree with what im about to say but I need to ask you something
She takes your hand
U- what is it? You can ask me anything
F- I know I've royally messed up and it will take you a while to trust me again that's if you even accept... y/n m/n l/n will you be my girlfriend again and I promise to never mess up again
You just stare at her in shock. Out of all the outcomes you thought of tonight this wasn't one of them
F- I-I'm taking your silence as a no
Tears start to form in her eyes
F- I hope you find your true love and pure happiness cause that's what you deserve
She lets go of your hands and is about to walk out of the bathroom but you grab her hand causing her to spin around back to you really closely, close enough you both can feel eachothers breath on your lips
U- I was just in shock you never gave me a chance to answer
F- shock?
U- out of all the outcomes I played through my head this...this wasn't one of them
F- so it's a no
You closed the small gap between eachothers lips and you kiss her softly
U- you're's going to take time for me to trust you again and you're also right about me finding love and happiness, the only place I found that is with you, so yes I'll be your girlfriend again, but are we keeping on the down low like last time or..
Florence just jumps into your arms hugging you
F- I'm so happy!
You giggled at her happiness
F- I missed that laugh
U- I missed you
Florence kisses you
U- so about my question
F- I'm not fully out yet, the girl i was unfortunately with after you it was secret so the whole world doesn't know but speculates but if it's ok with you, we don't officially tell them we just be a couple in public and everywhere else and if someone asks we tell them
U- I can live with that
F- so that's ok?
U- yes yes cause it means I don't have to hide me being in love with you but we aren't telling our friends cause they don't like you right now so until they can see that we are happy and "friends" the we can tell them if that's ok
F- me neither and that's fine
U- we better head back to the show
F- but I don't want to let go
U- I know neither do I but we have to show, looking at the time your category is up in 5 minutes and I know you'll win and after the show we don't have to go to the after party you can come back home and we can watch the rest of the tv show we've been watching
F- that sounds perfect... home?
U- it's still your home if you still want it to be I mean
F- you still want to live with me
U- yes cause I have missed and want to wake up to your beautiful face every morning but I'm not proposing until later
F- then let's go home
You smile at eachother
U- now let's get off of me so I can see you win the Emmy
F- ok
Florence gets off of you, you both fix your makeup and run back to the room just in time for the nominations for Florence's category (a/n: I don't know how the emmys work so bare with me and the real or fake facts of how the emmys work) When you get into the room Scarlett and your friends look at you weirdly as your holding Florence's hand and you go to sit next to her at her table with the spare chair.
The emmys end and Florence won, you and Florence practically run out of there and get into your car and drive back home. You walk in witn Florence behind
F- I've missed this place
U- the place has missed you
You take her hand and kiss her on the cheek
U- come on I still have our matching pjs in my cupboard and our blanket for movie nights let's go change
F- really? You still have them I thought you would of thrown them away
U- i could never, Scarlett and Camilla tried to but I stopped them
F- I'm glad... what's with you and camilla
U- nothing she's like a sister I only love you ok?
F- ok
You guys get changed and had a perfect night in watching the tv show (you pick) and movies. It goes past 2am and you both drift off to sleep holding eachother in comfort

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