Cheater FP

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Flashback to 2018
You and Florence have been dating for three years and have been friends for even longer, you started dating after she broke up with Zach Braff, recently they have been texting a lot which worries you but you trust her so you don't think about it more. But yesterday I saw Florence's phone with a text from zach saying 'have you told y/n yet? Have you ended it with her yet? Are you ending it with me again?' I thought I'd never had to feel the pain when someone cheats on me again. Florence keeps texting me like we usually would do but I haven't replied back just left her on read while I've been packing my stuff and crying my eyes out.
Florence's PoV
I hate myself cause I'm cheating on the best girlfriend in the world on my ex boyfriend, we haven't had sex but we've been making out a few times, I've tried to stop what we have been doing but I can't cause I think in some way I still love home but I love y/n so much, She doesn't know anything I think. The guilt is hitting me like a bus but I don't know what to do, I'm heading home early  to be with my beautiful girlfriend, we usually text a lot even when we are busy but she has just left me on read all day so I left early cause I got worried. I entered the house and see y/n crying, I automatically run over to her to comfort her but she just pushes me off of her
F- baby what's wrong
U- don't call me baby Florence I know you fucking cheated on me with your dick of an ex boyfriend! We are done Florence I've packed my stuff and I'm leaving
F- w-what? How did you—
U- you left your phone on my bed and I saw a message pop up and it was from zach, I thought we were honest, loyal and don't keep secrets from each other so I looked and I saw the message he said about you telling me about him and breaking up with me now cause of this I'm going to do it for you so we are done don't try and contact me again
F- y/n I love you please! I can't loose you!
U- don't! You can't say that to me anymore, you broke my heart once you made me vunrable, you broke down all my walls when I said I will never do that for anyone ever again but I did for you and you broke me more than anyone else and I've learnt my lesson and I'll never make that mistake again.
F- I choose you! I love you only!
U- well I should of been your first choice without you cheating on me!
F- I'm sorry he texted me and I got confused we didn't even have sex just kissed a few times
U- that doesn't make it better! I'm done! Leave me the fuck alone! Bye Florence...forever
You leave the house and Florence grabs your hand and pulls you into a kiss, you started to meet into it but you remembered what she did
U- don't, I have a flight to LA soon I'm going to stay with my sister for a while
F- y/n baby please, I don't know your sister I want to know that you're safe
U- I will be with her and like I said goodbye Florence
You leave in your car seeing Florence collapse on the ground crying outside the house you once called home and you head to the airport for LA.

Back to beginning of filming of black widow
You and your sister scarlett Johansson are heading to the black widow set for the first time to start the movie
U- so do you know who plays yelena yet
S- no I don't they said they won't tell me until I get to set
U- and why am I here
S- cause it might be my last movie with marvel and I want support from my sister
U- ok
You finally get there, you get out of the car and you are greeted by Kevin feige
K- hey ladies I want to introduce you to the actress who will be playing yelena Belova, scarlett, y/n meet Florence Pugh
F- y/n/n
You don't say anything you're just in shock and staring
S- so you must be the woman who cheated on my sister with her dick of an ex
K- have we missed something here
S- nothing for you to be concerned about Kev I'm a professional I can work past this
K- good I'll let you all get to know eachother
F- y/n/n?
You still don't say anything
S- y/n? Hey snap out of it
She snaps her fingers and you come back to reality
U- sorry just in shock
F- can we talk please
U- no Florence
F- please
U- stop you have no right to ask me for anything or for me to do anything for you you lost that right when you cheated on me with you shitty ex boyfriend even though you literally cried on my shoulder for hours yet you cheated on me with him years later when we were talking about our future together, we even talked about having a wedding together
F- y/n/n...
You just walk to Scarlett's trailer but Florence followed you into the trailer
F- you've got no where to run now, so we can talk
U- fine! Just make it quick what do you want to say
She just kisses you
U- no no no you can't just kiss me and think that it will all be ok again Florence
F- I know it won't, I know that but I want it to be a start, I fucked up badly causing the love of my life to be in so much pain you had to move fucking continents away from me and I lost you, I royally fucked up and I'm so sorry about what I did, i know everyone says this but if I could take it back I would, I guess they are right you never know how much you love someone until they leave and since that day I know I can never live without you
U- you have done for Ages
F- I haven't really my sister literally has to call me everyday and visit most days to make sure I'm eating and that I'm ok when I'm far from it, I know I have no right to ask you this but I would never forgive myself for this if I didn't ask and try to get you back. So y/n y/l/n can we please try again I'm lost without you
You cave in as you are still in love with her despite of what she did
U- ok... but we are taking things slow, at my pace
F- yes? You're being serious?
U- yes I still love you so if we start from scratch we can try again
F- oh thank god, yes! Can I hug you
U- you don't have to ask
She hugs you and spins you around
F- I will never repeat the mistakes and the massive duck up in our relationship again
U- good, and all my mistakes I'll do the same

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