family meeting SK (Paige)

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You are a wrestler in the WWE and her family are a massive fan of you. You met Saraya (Paige) in NXT while she trying to become the new WWE champion which we succeed. You were there through her whole training and when she was going through her rough patches through her training and you got closer and closer and it ended up in her asking you out and you've been dating ever since. That was 6 months ago. She beat AJ Lee and become the womens Divas Champion, now its time for her to go home and you are coming with her so she can surprise her family with you and tell them that your dating. You arrive at Norwich with saraya (Paige) and you get your car and she gives you the directions to her house. You eventually get there and she can see you're nervous and she can tell.
S- hey hey they already love you ok? No need to be nervous, just cause they don't know we are dating doesn't mean they won't like you ok?
U- thanks love
You kiss her
P- ready?
U- yeh
She kisses you one last time and gets out of the car and you walk inside
P- Guys! I'm home!
R- guys she's home! Our WWE Diva Champion is home
He gets to where you are and he freezes
R- Zack! Raya! Come here!
Her family comes to you
Z- why didn't you tell us that the y/n y/l/n is coming here
P- I thought it would be a surprise
Z- this beyond a surprise
P- wait till I tell you about something later
S- dick me dead bury me pregnant
U- there it is again
P- this is y/n
R- when did you meet her
U+P- NXT development
S- would you ever consider wrestling at our place?
U- sure, me and Paige can tag team like we've practiced right love?
P- y-yeah sounds g-good
Z- why are you stuttering you never stutter?
P- piss off Zack
U- you must be her brother?
Z- nice to meet you mate
U- likewise
Z- I love you in the WWE
U- thank you I saw you videos you're great
Z- thank you it means a lot... how does it feel that the new diva has the title and you don't
U- I'm very happy and proud that she won it, I've won it before and other championships and for Paige winning the divas champion on her first match was outstanding
R- you weren't jealous
U- not at all she's one of the most talented developmental wrestlers I've seen for years and beating AJ Lee proved me and sex tape right
R- who's sex tape?
S- you made a sex tape?!
P- what? No I didn't make a sex tape with y/n tape is the guy who recruited me and not Zack
R- then why do you call him sex tape
U- he makes people famous, sorry can I use the bathroom please?
R- of course just go straight down to the left
U- thank you
You leave to the bathroom
Z- oh my god
Zack starts laughing
P- what Zack?
Z- mum never said anything about you making a sec tape with someone specifically but when you said you haven't and I believe you you said that you haven't made a sex tape with y/n mum never said anything about y/n
Paige's face went red and goes in a slight panic
S- is there something you want to tell us?
P- umm.. this can wait until y/n is back
They keep asking her questions about you then she snaps
P- can you guys shut up the fuck up for two fucking seconds please geez
That's when you return
U- hey love you ok?
Paige's demeanour changes and her family noticed
P- better now
You smile
U- I'm glad
Z- you're dating my little sister?!
U- you told them? I thought you were doing it later love?
P- i didn't they guessed and you just confirmed it dickhead
S- don't call your girlfriend that
U- she's called me worse and sorry for confirming it
P- it's ok I'm going out
U- babe—
P- I'm fucking going out!
You rub the back of your neck
U- o-ok I'll stay here, be careful
P- whatever
She leaves
Z- I'll go and look after her
U- thanks
Zack leaves to find Paige
R- so how did you get together
U- well we hated each other at first, at each other's throats but then something happened at a bar we was in, she was drunk, I helped her home keeping her safe she drunkenly asked me to stay and we got closer relalising we never hated eachother
S- that's sweet...does this usually happen, she storms off
U- yes but there was always someone to go after her cause after the first time I followed her and it got worse
With Paige and Zack
Z- ok what the fuck was that?
P- what was what?
Z- the way you treated your girlfriend. It was bad
P- no it wasn't compared to the way you treated Courtney
Z- oh come on sis didn't you see the way you hurt her when you shouted at her
P- she knows I get angry I've done it before
Z- and it hurts her more and more every time, you need to apologise so that we con go back and have a nice bloody dinner and get to know your girlfriend cause I've never seen you this happy before and you deserve happiness
P- ok let's go home
Paige and Zack arrive home
P- babe?! Mom! Dad?!
S- in the kitchen!
Paige and Zack enter the kitchen seeing y/n cooking
R- she's cooking for us
P- y/n/n babe can we talk?
You take a deep breath
U- yeh sure, mrs knight just keep stirring so it doesn't stick to the pot
S- of course
You and Paige go to her room
P- I'm sorry
U- you keep saying that every time you shout at me for no reason
P- I know and it's stupid and I hate the way i treat you sometimes, I love you, I don't say it enough or at all but it's true I love you and I'm sorry for not being the partner you deserve
U- I'm the one who doesn't deserve you, your amazing girlfriend and person, we just need better communication than running off everytime one of us shouts at the other
P- you were ok?
U- yeh
You smile and she kisses you
U- now let's go have dinner
You guys have dinner with her family, they loved you and they are happy for you, Zack gave you the 'big brother' talk and said you've never made his little sister happier, you went to her room and fell asleep early cause of jetlag

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