Chapter Twenty Seven

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The rest of the trip passed by like a dream.

Everything went absolutely perfect and I found myself not wanting to go home. 

Emmett left me alone, not even bothering to send me dirty looks any more and Aiden didn't bring up the conversation we were supposed to have when the trip was over.

Instead we spent all of our time together.

He tried to teach me how to surf, showing patience when I fell off of the board multiple times. I showed him how to not drown while snorkeling. 

We had to endure multiple jokes about our relationship and Darian made plenty uncomfortable innuendos.

During the last night, instead of separating ourselves in the hotel room, we sat in Darian's car with the seats reclined and we talked.

I told him about how my life was in the foster home and I tried to catch him up on the last three years without ruining the mood. He told me about his siblings life and he gushed about Addison. 

As the night grew late, our conversation grew deeper. 

Aiden grabbed my hand, his eyes not meeting mine as he looked at the stars through Darian's sunroof. It had been quiet for a while and I knew whatever he was about to say he had thought long and hard about it. 

It made me nervous, but I tightened my grip on his hand.

"Why'd you do it?" he asked, his voice low. 

I didn't pretend like I didn't know what he was talking about. we were past games and I was uninterested in playing. 

Instead, I gave him the best answer I could at the moment. I had already decided to tell him for a couple of reasons. First, I was done letting my past ruin my life. Things were different now with Aiden and I wanted things to be better. I knew he wouldn't judge me.

Secondly, I was done letting Emmett think he could blackmail me. It was sick and I was beginning to see that he was sick.

But I didn't want to get into that conversation in the middle of the night on a trip with his friends so I simply replied, "I didn't mean it."

It was the truth. I hadn't meant what I said all those years ago. 

Now his eyes met mine, "I didn't think you did. I thought you were just mad at something I had done and once you got over it or decided to fucking talk to me about it, I thought you'd apologize. But you didn't. Which means whatever the reason you said all those things, you still feel that way."

I closed my eyes in frustration. "It wasn't anything that you did Aiden. It was me. I was confused and young and stupid."

He chuckled. "We both were. I'm not holding it against you Grace. I think we both know I couldn't hate you if I gave it everything I had. I just want to know why you did it. I want to make sure it's not something you still feel."

"Can this be something we talk about when we get home too?"

He sighed and I squeezed his hand. 

"I'll tell you Aiden. We'll put everything out in the open and we will see where we go from there. I just don't want to do it on this trip."

He stared at me for a while before nodding. "We got a lot to say when we get home."

I smiled. 

we ended up falling asleep in the car and being woken up with Darian making all kinds of dirty jokes. Still, I had to chalk it up to one of the best nights of my life. Which was fitting because when we finally made it home all hell broke loose.

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