Chapter Six

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I slept in the next day, since I went to sleep so late.

Mr. Vincent came in to let me know that we'd be going to some fancy dinner with Rory and Sin on Sunday and asked if I needed a new dress to wear. I thought it was cute but I respectfully declined. I had a dress. I also didn't want to go to dinner with Rory and Sin.

First of all, I didn't really know Sin. The only thing I knew about him was shit I'd heard from other people.

Secondly, I was embarassed. I had burned all of my bridges with Rory and I didn't want to be forced into a meeting with her. I could admit when I had been an asshole. Of course I was still going to go. I'd just have to figure out my game plan.

I woke up at one in the afternoon and I had a headache. I quickly hopped into the shower turning the water cold for the last ten minutes to fully awaken myself.

When I got out I brushed my teeth and prepared to have my first cordial conversation with Aiden in three years.

We had decided on a truce. A water under the bridge type situation and honestly I was happy about it. If I could scrape together any piece of the happiness I'd felt when we were friends then I would gladly take it. Definitely if he wasn't going to bring up any of my past shit.

I pulled on a pair of biker shorts with an oversized Harvard t-shirt. Since my pedicure was still good I pulled on my Ugg slides with no socks. I tossed my hair into a ponytail and then headed for the kitchen.

For the first time, I wasn't nervous about running into Aiden. I was anxious. There was a difference. Because I was kind of excited. I wanted to see if this was going to work.

I wanted this to work.

When I heard gunshots coming from the living room, I realized that he was playing the game.

"Suck my dick Vincent,  you're definitely looking at my screen. "

The voice was unfamiliar. I knew most of the boys that Aiden hung out with and I couldn't think of who it could be so I waited a beat.

"If I wanted to play with a pussy, I'd have a girlfriend." Aiden said with a laugh.

I pursed my lips as the thought of Aiden with a girlfriend floated through my mind.

"Why get a girlfriend when you have a perfect set of tits sleeping right next door to your room." The stranger spoke again.

I rolled my eyes.

"Watch your mouth." Aiden growled causing a stupid flutter in the pit of my stomach.

Okay, it was time to make myself known

"Our bedrooms aren't really next door to each other." I spoke as I stepped into the living room. "It's more of a three doors down situation."

Three pairs of eyes immediately turned to me. I recognized Darien Washington. He'd been a part of Aiden's group for a while and he was actually a cool person. Sure he was a bit of a trouble maker but I was the last person to judge on that. Plus, Morgan had told me he'd given her a ride home from work one night when her car wouldn't start. That made him aces with me.

The other guy, I had never seen in my life. Though he did seem a bit familiar. He was blonde, pale blonde like jack frost. He was average height, with a cute baby face, but his eyes gave me the creeps.

He stared at me.

"Grace." Aiden said as a greeting, pulling his gaze from his game for a split second.

I sent him a wide smile. "Aiden. Nice to see you keep such classy company." I sat on the couch next to Darian taking a huge bite of the apple.

"Ah... I thought you had plans today." Aiden replied going back to his game.

"Not until later." I responded taking another bite of the apple. I had to go and meet with my therapist today. I wasn't really interested but it was a big part of the deal Mr. Vincent had made with the judge. Plus I had already met with her once and she was cool. I enjoyed talking to her.

"Got a gas station to stick up?" Darian asked raising his brows teasingly at me.

I sent him a wide smile. "Why? You gonna give me some pointers from experience?"

When he chuckled I relaxed into my seat.

"Looks like you already know Darian." Aiden spoke without looking at me, his eyes too focused on the TV. I couldn't say the same for his friend who kept stealing glances at me. "This is Emmett, he moved here last month."

"Never seen you at school." I said casually.

Emmett turned to me, giving me a quick almost subtle once over. "I finished online. Wasn't a point in joining at the last minute."

I didn't like his tone, but it could have just been my bias. He spoke to me like I was his maid. Like he had power over me. Almost like he owned me.

"Not that you ever went to school." Damian commented laughing to himself.

I tilted my head to the side. "I was in school when you slipped in dog shit on the football field."

Aiden laughed ,  finally finishing his game and spinning his office chair. "What time are you going to be done with your plans?" he asked casually.

I knew that he knew I had therapy. He'd been present at the court when the judge had made that stipulation. However, I appreciated him not putting my business out for everyone to know.

"Couple hours." I replied just as lightly.

"Great." Darian said leaning up in his seat. "That means you can come to my party tonight. Sort of a beginning of summer thing."

I'd never been to a party at Darian's house. I didn't really like to purposely put myself where I knew Aiden would be. But that was before we had this amazing truce that was going so well so far.

"I knew you liked me Darian. You make it super obvious." I joked raising from the couch now.

Aiden rolled his eyes. "If you want to ride with us, we're leaving at nine."

I didn't want to ride with Aiden, because then he would control when I would leave. "How about I meet you there?" I said instead making my way back towards my room.

Because that was enough of testing out this whole 'speaking to Aiden' thing.

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