Chapter Eight

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Darian must have been more popular than I gave him credit for. His house was huge and it was packed to the ceiling with teenagers.

I recognized most of the people at the party, but there was a lot of people that I had never seen before.

"At least we aren't over dressed." Morgan said as she unconsciously fiddled with her dress. It was on the short side and silky and it would ride up with every step she took. Still she looked good. Morgan had a fuller figure so she filled out the dress better than I did.

I studied the white two piece top and skirt that I had decided to wear. It was true. We weren't over dressed.

"We definitely should have brought the guys." I said as we walked through the living room of the huge house.

I didn't like that it was just us here. I liked the presence of having a group with me. And as much as it hurt my pride to say it, having a guy friend to have your back made me feel way safer at a party.

Morgan shrugged. "I didn't want to ruin pop's birthday dinner."

I knew that if she could, she'd have Bryan right beside her. Instead of making her think about it any longer I linked arms with her and scanned the room for Darian.

There was two reasons I wanted to find Darian.

The first was because it was his party and he had invited me. I wanted to at least say hey to him.

The second reason was because I knew that Aiden would be with him.

FYI the first reason was bullshit.

I spotted him, leaning against the stairs with a red solo cup clutched in his hands. He was puling it out of reach of a drunken Marley Sanchez who was leaned against him sloppily putting her cleavage on display.

"Let's go say hi to Darian" I shouted over the music pulling Morgan towards the stairs.

Whatever she replied with was lost in the music.

Darian spotted me when I was about five feet away and a quick look of relief crossed his face before he smiled at me. "Hey, Grace, glad you could make it."

I sent him a smile back, looking between him and Marley. "Trouble in paradise?"

Marley sent me a disgusted look. "Don't you have to go blow somebody in the bathroom?" She slurred wrapping her arms tightly around Darian's neck."

I widened my eyes taking a quick look at my wrist. "What, is it twelve already?"

Morgan and Darian laughed as Marley continued to glare at me. Truthfully I had never had an encounter with her before in my life. I knew about her and she knew about me but we didn't cross paths socially.

In high school I was more popular with the troublemakers. The guys that talked to me wouldn't have been on Marley's list. She liked the all American, Harvard bound, no tattoos having kind of guy and that wasn't my style.

But that begged the question, what was she doing draped all over Darian one of the biggest trouble makers in town.

"We were having a conversation." She said her voice sort of sobering up. "I'm sure you can find some other low life to put your moves on."

I didn't know where all this aggression was coming from,

"Ouch." Darian said using Marley's distraction to tip the red solo cup over into a house plant. "Low life?"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, like you care. Fine, I'll talk to you later." She said before pushing herself off of him and sashaying away.

"Sweet girl." Morgan said sarcastically.

Darian smiled wide. "The sweetest." He turned his attention to me. "I assume you're looking for Aiden?"

I tilted my head to the side. "Aiden who?"

Darian laughed before grabbing me by the arm and leading me around his enormous stairway. "It just so happens that Vincent has been eying the house waiting for you to pop up too. Do me a favor and don't have sex in any of my guest rooms."

I frowned pulling my arm out of his grasp. "What the fuck?" I paused standing still in the middle of the living room. I hadn't fucking blushed in four years but I could feel my face getting hot and by Morgan's expression I could tell she noticed it too.

Darian seemed oblivious to the mood change. "Oh, save it for your pastor. I've been watching this little game of you guys' for three years. Let's call this little truce what it actually is."

Morgan giggled and I smacked her arm with the back of my hand. "I sincerely hope you haven't had this conversation with Aiden."

Because that would be awkward.

Darian just laughed, lifting the sleeve of his crisp white t-shirt to reveal a large purplish bruise. "Where do you think this came from?"

I smiled now because he was obnoxious and I was sure he deserved to get punched. "Just keep your mouth shut from now on." I said allowing him to lead us back to where Aiden was sitting.

When I saw him, my heart started pounding to the point that I could feel it against my chest. This was stupid. We literally lived together. Why was I acting like seeing him at a party was a big deal.

Because Darian had gone and made shit weird.

Aiden was sitting on the couch, a red cup in hand and his feet resting on the coffee table. He looked comfortable, if not a little on edge and his eyes kept darting across the room. When they landed on me he visibly relaxed.

His eyes raked down my body and this time there was nothing motherly about his look. To keep myself from blushing and embarrassing myself I turned my attention to Morgan.

"You want to sit?"

She gave me a skeptical look before nodding her head. I led her to the same couch Aiden was sitting on before taking a seat next to him.

It was awkward.

"You look nice." Aiden said his eyes intense as fuck.

I pursed my lips feeling my nerves rise. This wasn't me. This wasn't how I acted at parties. I was better than this.

Pushing my thoughts back I reached over and grabbed his cup out of his hand. Luckily it was half full or I would have been embarrassed. I downed the rest of the contents immediately holding my breath to let the burning in my throat pass. When the coast was clear I handed Aiden the cup back. "You look nice too.

Morgan laughed.

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