House of Sibuna/House of Arguments

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When everyone arrived back to Anubis house, Joy and Alfie came running downstairs, Eddie and Fabian hurried inside, and Nina, Patricia, and Amber followed close behind.

"Sibuna meeting now!" all seven of them exclaimed at the same time.

"Wait," Nina paused. "You four have been part of the mystery too?"

They nodded. Joy and Alfie indicated they'd been working together, and Eddie and Fabian indicated they'd been. Which meant they all had a lot of catching up to do with everything they found.

"Before we go into any detail," Joy swallowed, "we need to show you something."

Jerome watched as all of them headed upstairs. He went into the sitting room area where the little kids were. They greeted him as he came in.

"I really hope I'm making the right choice right now," he muttered to Lucille.

Meanwhile, the others were gathered in Willow's room where Willow lay unconscious and no one really knows why, though Joy and Alfie know who. And it was time everyone started from the beginning.

"Ok," Eddie began, "Perry told me my dad is on work leave and he's replaced him as principal. And the letter meant to be given to Trudy mentioned Trudy was part of the Secret Society, and she needs to recruit the next member."

"I knew Trudy was up to something," Joy admitted. "I overheard her on the phone, but she said she wanted out, and something bad happened to the last person who tried it."

"So, Mr. Perry and Trudy are baddies," Amber declared. She complained, "But not, Trudes..."

Patricia added. "And that creep knows Eddie took the letter, and he wants to scare him into not telling us about it, but it's too late for that."

"He confronted me about that," Eddie mentioned.

"And," Nina continued the conversation, "we overheard two people in Mr. Perry's office talking about how something could kill you guys, and they'll keep doing it until the Osirion and Chosen One turns themselves into the society." She glanced at Eddie as she said this.

"Do you suppose that's what Perry has done to Willow?" Alfie pouted.

Nina didn't respond, but she made a facial expression that, in a way, gave Alfie the answer to his question.

"We saw someone coming into the school," Eddie reminded Fabian.

"Vera Devenish," Fabian swallowed.

"Vera?" Amber repeated. "I assumed she died."

"We actually never knew what happened to her," Nina said. "And there was a familiar voice in that office."

"Vera's voice," Patricia confirmed.

"She's wearing a disguise, but I still recognized her," Fabian sighed. After he realized no one had anything to add, he summarized all their findings, "So, we know Mr. Perry runs this Secret Society, which in the letter mentions it's what Victor wants, and Trudy and Vera are a part of it for sure. And they have a meeting coming up soon. They're plotting some mission to get to the Osirion and Chosen One through us, which is most likely why they took Eddie's dad. Anything else?"

Eddie added, "And I snuck into the principal's office, and in Perry's file, it says Victor was a reference for him. I wanted to speak to Victor and see how they knew eachother, but I don't know where he lives."

"Where's Jerome?" Amber suddenly asked.

"He's not part of Sibuna anymore," Nina told her.

"Did you kick him out?!" she exclaimed defensively.

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