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Trigger Warning: Torture

A tall man stood at the door of a black stone tower flying the flag of Mythland. The wind rustled through the light brown hair beneath his spiked red and purple crown. His eyes glowed a dark red and an evil smirk sat on his face. He had sun kissed skin and emitted an aura of fear.
"Sausage" The man's voice was high pitched but ominous and he laid a hand on the hilt of his pulsing red sword.
"Hello Joey" A man stepped out of the tall spruce door. The ringed handle rattling slightly as the door closed behind him.
The man had dark brown hair that waved in a way which looked like it might have once born a heavy crown. The man's eyes were a lighter red than Joey's and as he smiled his teeth seemed to have sharpened. The man, Sausage, held a long sleek scythe in his hands. The blade was pure obsidian black and the handle was dark oak. The two pieces were bound together tightly by red vines of corruption.
"Are you ready Joey?" Sausage said, placing his scythe against the black stone wall next to him.
"Always" Joey smirked, "What is the plan?" Sausage reached his hand into his blood red cloak and pulled out a bottle, swirling the dark blue liquid around inside.
"Sleep" That was all that needed to be said. Joey smiled and laughed, snatching the fragile bottle from Sausages hands.
"Wonderful" A deep voice echoed from the top of the tower. Both men looked up to see a black shadowy figure defending on the two of them.
Sausage shrunk back slightly and bowed low to the ground. Joey tipped his head down slightly before looking back up and smirking. Xxornoth fused into his opaque form and pulled Joey to his chest, his mouth next to Joeys ear.
"don't screw up" He said simply before growling slightly and disappearing into thin air. Joey and Sausage locked eyes before they both started to fly up into the air on their shadowy red wings, flying through the sky in the direction of a certain elven kingdom.


Scott stood at his the large doors of his palace, his teal hair blowing in the slight frosty wind. He turned to Rel, smiling as they went off on their typical after lunch banter.
"So right now you should head to the Crystal Cliffs Academy Branch building to meet with Professor Gemini and then some of the villagers would like to speak with you. After that your afternoon should be free." Rel looked up at Scott, locking eyes with him. "Also, Clive is sick so I have to stay here today. Do you think you can handle it?" Rel grumbled.
"I'll be fine Icicle" Scott pulled Rel into a hug before pressing a gentle kiss to their forehead. Rel's face turned slightly pink before they shooed him off to his meeting with the Professor.
   The tall man walked through the streets of Rivendell's working district, his white cloak spread out behind him when he walked and he had a gentle smile on his face as he greeted the many elves walking from place to place.
   A tall building stuck up from the others. It was a quaint little building with a small tower stuck on top. It had Amethyst roofs and a stone foundation. A tall red haired woman stood in front of it. The mountain wind blowing her cloak out behind her, as she tried to wrap her arms around herself for warmth.
   "Hello there Professor Gemini Tay Grimm" Scott took a low bow, holding his crown on his head with one hand, until his antlers touched the ground.
   "Hello there good sir, yes bow to me" Scott chuckled before pulling her into quick hug.
   "Good to see you!"
   "Nice to see you too! I wanted to personally show you what I did with the plot of land you gave the Academy last year." Scott smiled as Gem talked. They walked through the small study hall and extra dorm rooms. The map of Rivendell highlighting the main buildings and historic monuments. It was truly an amazing thing.
   After the tour, Gem and Scott stood outside of the front of the tower staring up at the sky and talking about the mysterious crystals that had appeared overnight.
   "I have them at the Crystal Cliffs too!" Gem pointed up at the ominous, hovering crystal. It was a shining red, and seemed to be pulsing with magical energy.
   "Yeah they seem like they just appeared..." Scott trailed off as a familiar high pitched voice rung in his ears.
   "Hello Friends! How are we all today?" King Joey Graceffa waltzed down the gravel path and up to the front of the house. A huge smile on his face.
   "We are... well?" Gemini answered, crossing her long arms over her chest.
   "Good! Good!" Joey smiled spinning around slightly before turning back to the duo.
   "What happened to your eyes?" Scott asked taking a step back from the eccentric ruler.
   "Yeah are you wearing contacts?" Gem added, staring him up and down as if sizing up her prey.
   "No, these were a gift from my beautiful husband" Joey flicked a snowflake off his shoulder.
   "Your eyes balls.." Gem started before trailing off, "We're a... gift"
   "Yes! And speaking of gifts, I want to show you something. Come with me." Joey started to turn around, but Scott placed a hand on Joeys shoulder to stop him.
   "The last time we saw you, you freed a blood crazy demon into this world because of a crush and now you want us to follow you?" Scott raised a teal eyebrow, his forehead crinkling slightly.
   "I don't think so" Gem added, pulling Scott back towards her.
   "You will come with me" Joey said coldly, "or else" Scott giggled and pulled his sword out of the sheath attached to his back. Gem followed suit, conjuring her large staff in miss air and holding it at the ready towards Joey.
   "There are two of us and one of you, you aren't going to win this fight Joey" Joey growled in his throughly before reaching into a pocket in his cloak.
   "Sausage NOW!" Joey yelled. A corrupt looking Sausage appeared out of nowhere, possibly having been hiding behind a bush or a tree. He laughed maniacally and threw two dark blue potion bottles at Gem and Scott's feet. As the potions shattered a blue puddle was released and it tingled on Scott's skin.
   Scott's vision went blurry and he started to see double as the sword slipped from his hand, landing in the blue puddle. He fell to his knees, his eyes growing heavier by the second as he fought to stay awake. His arm gave out and he fell face first into the puddle.
   "Sle-EAp now" He barely heard Sausage say as he faded into unconsciousness. With his last ounce of strength he called to Gem.
   "Gem..." Scott's vision went blurry black and suddenly he lost full control of his consciousness.


   Joey adjusted the tall elf on his shoulders. His head hanging limply against his arm, and his body draped over Joey's neck. Sausage carried Gemini, with her head rested on one of his shoulders and his arm tucked under her knees.
   "Why do you get the lightweight?" Joey asked, a hint of exhaustion in his voice.
   "Don't worry we're almost there" Sausage chuckled, showing his sharpened teeth. They approached the gates of Mythland and a yell sounded from the gatehouse. The tall iron gate slowly lifted open, and the two kings walked through.
   A large, menacing palace sat on the top of a small hill. Joey and Sausage headed straight towards it. Civilians ducked out of their way and stared in shock at the two unconscious rulers that Joey and Sausage were holding.
   They walked through the large spruce doors and down a hallway, passing a few servants along the way. They turned a blind eye and kept at their work. Joey smirked as Sausage led him down a flight of steep stairs and into a musty dungeon.
   There were two cells, neither of which had anyone in them. Glow berry vines hung from the ceiling and a few patches of moss clumped on the stone floor. Joey walked into one of the cells, tossing Scott carelessly on the thin straw bed. Joey peeled all of Scott's armor off of his body, tossing it in a careless pile, just outside the cell, the netherite clanking and scraping on the ground. Joey turned back to Scott, pulling his heavy white cloak off of his shoulders and throwing it on top of the armor pile. Joey smirked as he looked down at the elf king. He then reached down and carefully removed the spiked crown from the teal haired elf's head. Joey tucked the crown under his arm, before straightening Scott out on the 'bed'.
   Sausage chuckled as he walked into the secondary cell, placing Gem roughly on the thin straw mattress. He pulled off her few armor pieces and her long purple cloak. He unbound her long braid and tucked the piece of leather into his pocket. Gem murmured in her sleep as Sausage undid her braid, letting it fall loosely on her shoulder. He pulled off her boots and put them on the ground next to him along with her necklaces and bracelets. They weren't letting either of the rulers out.
   Sausage picked up all of Gems things and walked out of the cell, hearing it close behind him. He walked over to a barrel lined wall and started to place the items carefully inside. Who knows who would buy them? Joey walked out soon after. His arms were more full of stuff and Sausage chuckled.
   "He had a lot of armor!" Joey protested before throwing the pile of stuff inside the barrel next to where Sausage was.
   "Mine only had a few leg pieces, arm pieces, and boots" Sausage said calmly, closing the barrel tightly, not bothering to lock it. He turned his head to a lever on the wall. "Did you close the cell behind you?"
   "Yes" Joey answered curtly. "I'm not stupi— Woah" Sausage had pulled the lever on the wall. Suddenly the two rulers started to stir slightly as a strange aura pulsed off of them.
   "Mining Fatigue" Sausage said, "It prevents them from digging their way out."
   "Now we wait for them to wake up" Sausage chuckled and leaned against the dark oak pillar, setting his scythe to the side and stretching out his fingers. Joey sighed blinking his dark red eyes. He grumbled and pushed himself up pacing along the room.
   "How long will it take?" Joey grumbled, swinging his head around to look at Sausage.
   "Dunno maybe a couple minutes" Joey groaned throwing his head back and causing his crown to slip slightly. He quickly fixed the crown but not before a slight flash of light brown blinked through his eyes. Joey shook his head and looked back up at Sausage who had his arms crossed.
   A soft groan sounded from the cell to the right. Gems cell. Joey jumped up on his feet and walked over to her cell.

AN: Alright I just want to say that whenever I type 'Joey' it autocorrects to "Hoey" and then I have to change it. Why is this happening. Someone tell me. Have a good day my wonderful mers!

~ Confused Syre

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