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Trigger Warnings: ...

King Scott sighed and watched the plumes of steam rise from him mouth into the atmosphere. They had been riding for around an hour and the sun still wasn't up. The cold mountain air stung at his nose, but Scott was used to it by now.

A cliff slowly came into view and Scott pulled on his black mare's reigns as to stop her from falling over the edge. The rock cut away steeply and at the bottom sat a little grove of flowers before the line of trees overtook them. Scott dismounted, handing the reigns over to a guard. The other guard did the same before coming up behind him.

"are you sure about this your highness?" the guard said "We could just go around"

"No" King Scott straightened his back and strapped something onto his back. "The Lady said this was urgent, we must get there as fast as possible"

"Very well" The guard strapped the same thing onto his back and positioned himself next to the King. Scott suddenly stepped off of the cliff only to soar up into the sky on fabric wings. The guard sighed and followed suit, jumping off the ledge and soaring up behind his king.

A short time later, the region of House Blossom came into view. Scott tilted the wings downwards slightly, to glide safely down and land in front of the doors of the castle. He took off the wings and handed them to his guard whom had landed next to him. The guard crouched down touching the ground while Scott walked immediately up to the gates and knocked hard. The door was opened and he (and his guard) was let in.

As they were led through the pathways outside of the interior castle Scott looked around. There were flowers everywhere and the grass seemed to sparkle. The walls were made of white quartz, similar to his Church, however they were smoother and more maintained. The gate guard led them up a small set of stairs to the grand entrance of the castle. The doors towered over Scott, they seemed to be made of dark oak and they had intricate carvings chiseled into them.

The doors opened to reveal a short woman with long, dark brown hair that was pulled up into a half bun. She had beautiful blue eyes that were dim with stress and an intricate glass flower crown adorned her head. She wore simple clothing, similar to the messenger's clothing, but less dirty and more regal looking. The purple skirt hung to her ankles and her feet were bare. The one thing that set her apart from the citizens, was that she had a fluttery pair of translucent wings attached to her back.

"Lady Katherine" Scott exclaimed bowing deeply to the woman.

"King Scott, thank the roses you are here" Katherine said bowing just as deeply before grabbing him arm and pulling him into the castle. Both guards stood at the entrance in confusion before the Rivendell guard stepped inside and the doors were shut.

"My scouts have found a small camp along the border of our kingdom. The people haven't crossed yet, however my scouts say that they look very peculiar." Katherine rattled off rushing through the halls of the castle. Pausing only to let a servant child pass. She suddenly stopped at a door fixing her crown and skirt.

Katherine entered the room, beckoning Scott to follow her. As he did he was met by a large room lined with bookshelves. On the ceiling hung stalactites of amethyst and the floor was made of quartz bricks. In the center of the room sat a large map of the House Blossom empire. There was a little pink flag resting on one of the sides that was leading away from the region of Emaraldia. Katherine trotted over to the flag and pointed at it.

"That is about where the earthquake came from, and that is also where my scouts found the camp." Scott walked over and looked at it. It was not far from the boarder between House Blossom and Crystal Cliffs.

"Has Gemini contacted you about the quake?" Scott asked

"No but i wouldn't be surprised if she and her trainees were effected"


Rel looked around at the small camp Shubble had made. It consisted of many little tents and a fire pit. The villagers that survived the attacks were staying in some of the tents and Shubble got one to herself. Rel also had a tent although she was staying in the medical tent at the medical tent for now. The little elf's short brown hair rustled in the wind. It was a lot stronger here than it was in the Undergrove.

The sun was bright and the ground was squishy with dirt. It seemed to have just rained as the many flowers were dripping with dew.

Rel snuck off into the forest to look for something. As she reached a small dark clearing a voice resounded in their ears. A figure stepped into the clearing. It was a man in a red tunic and maroon pants. His eyes were a bright red and he had shaggy black hair.

"I haven't found him I swear" Rel hissed backing away ever so slightly.

"Don't forget your promise, Girl" The man hissed before fading away into the shadows.

Rel immediately collapsed clutching their left hand with their right. "I need to find him" they looked down. The three stubs of their fingers illuminated by the sun.

"I need to"

AN: Thank you guys so much for reading. Just for your information Rel is non-binary, however Xxornoth thinks that they are a girl. I hope y'all enjoy! Also, I know that Shubble's empire is next to Joey and Fwhip, i'm getting there.

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