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Tw: non-consented suggestive actions, reader discretion is advised, I will add a short summery for those who do not want to read.

A few minutes of walking later, they arrived at a large building with three floors and a sharply pointed roof. The guards led Scott and Rel inside, to be met by a warm looking lobby with blood red carpet and dark oak walls. There was a desk to the left and a lounge to the right with a large fireplace crackling away. Shubble was sitting on the couch with a mushroom tipped upside down in her hands. She seemed to be doing something with it but Rel couldn't tell what it was.
   On the couch across from Shubble, sat a beautiful woman with light brown hair. Her feet were tucked up under her and her long grass green dress flowed around her like water. She held a recipe book in her hands and seemed to be concentrating quite hard. On her head sat a crown of glistening glass flowers that refracted the light of the windows around the room. Scott's eyes lit up in recognition,
   "Wait just a moment please Calvin" Scott said before walking towards the woman on the couch. "q'V6Ej! 1G iT 5zGÊ 1'N 8'VË hyN!" (Pearl! It's nice to see you!)
   "8z1N?" (Scott?) The woman on the clinch looked up from her book, pushing her hair out of her face. Scott waved. Rel had no idea what the two were saying but the language sounded like Old Elvish. "9yN 7EË hyN?" (How are you?) She smiled standing up.
   "x'N2H, 2P hyN?" (Good, and you?) Scott walked towards her wrapping his arms around her in a short embrace. She hugged him back. Rel was angry. Who did this woman think she was? Rel kept their cool walking up behind Scott and wrapping their arms around his shoulders.
   "Who is this?" Rel said, gesturing towards the woman. The woman smiled, sticking out her hand.
   "I am Queen Pearl of the Agriculturia empire, pleased to meet you!" Rel did a double take, she was a queen! So that must have meant that they were friends. Rel shook Empress Pearl's hand.
   "The pleasure is mine," They bowed before tugging Scott's arm slightly and making a strange hooting sound, Scott had taught them a few words of owlish, Go stairs up. Scott smiled at them,
   I will meet you there, take Calvin with you, Scott clicked clicked back though Rel heard I — meet you there, take Calvin — you, Rel nodded that they understood and walked back to where the two guards were standing.
   "Calvin," Rel said stopping in front of him, "Scott has told me to let you know to take me to the room, please" Calvin looked over to where Scott was talking to Pearl, Scott caught Calvin's eye and nodded before turning back to Pearl. Calvin smiled,
   "Let's go" He led the way up three flights of stairs to the top floor of the building. They walked out into a long hallway lined with numbered doors. He slowed down slightly as he walked. The two of them arrived at a door that said '310'. Calvin pointed to a door to the right, '312'.
   "That is Lady Katherine's room" Flowers were creeping out from under the door, so Rel could have guessed. "And that," Calvin pointed to room '308', "Is Professor Gemini and her student's room.". Calvin pulled a brass key out of his pocket, inserting it in the door and unlocking it. As the door swung open Rel stepped inside, gazing around.
   The room was a good size, shelves lined the right wall, a small fireplace situated in between them. Two dark blue armchairs were situated in front of the fire, a dark oak table in between them. A rug was placed inbetween the armchairs and a raised platform on the left side of the room. On the platform sat a large canopied bed and a dark oak desk, along with a large painting on the wall and a clock. Rel walked to the door that was directly in front of them, opening it. In front of them stretched the kingdom of Mythland. The balcony overlooked the main town, villagers bustling through their busy workdays. Rel noticed that, yes, the three balcony's were connected. They turned and walked back inside.
   Rel sat down on one of the armchairs. The second was within arms reach and Rel could imagine sitting here and reading with Scott, without having to hide. They had hung their cloak on a hook next to the door and taken their shoes off. They had unlaced the top laces of their shirt and rolled up their pants slightly.

~~Tw start~~

   As Rel was sitting on the armchair reading, they felt a hand rest on their shoulder. They flinched, turning to look over their shoulder. Calvin was standing behind them, his helmet and gloves placed to the side. His rough hand resting on their shoulder, he had a strange look on his face. Rel opened their mouth to tell him to get his hands off of them but Calvin leaned in and pressed his lips to theirs. Rel immediately shoved him off of them an angry look on their face.
   "What in Aeors name was that for?!?" Rel tossed their book on the armchair before standing up and turning, only for Calvin to come up to them and shove them against the wall, trying to kiss them again. Rel turned their head away trying to push him off again, it didn't work and they were stuck between the wall and Calvin.
   "Scott does not deserve you" Calvin said, pulling Rel's wrists up above their head and trapping them with a single hand. "He deserves to be alone forever for what he has done to our family" Rel looked at him in anger as they realized what was happening. This wasn't Calvin. Calvin was a sweet boy who just graduated guard training with his twin brother. This, this was someone or something else. And Rel knew who.
   "Let him go" Rel hissed trying to stomp on his foot.
   "Who? The puny little guard?" Not-Calvin's face suddenly seemed to melt and change until the dark skin and red eyes appeared. Xxornoth had found them.
   "Let him go Xxornoth"
   "No I think i'll keep him for a bit," He used his free hand to grab Rel's chin and force it still as he leaned in closer until their noses were touching. "That way I can make Scott give you up"
   He closed the small space between their faces, kissing Rel. Rel tried to move their hands and feet but nothing worked. The demon was kissing them and they were trapped. There was a sudden loud bang and Xxornoth broke the kiss, sprouting wings and flying off the balcony.

~~TW end~~

(Basically Calvin said some suspicious things about Scott and kissed Rel, before turning into Xxornoth (ooh scary) and threatening Rel. He got scared my a bang and flew away)

   Rel had tear-stained cheeks as they slowly slid down the wall, more tears filling their eyes. They pressed their face into their knees pulling them close to their chest. They could vaguely hear someone talking, so they looked up. In front of them were four people, Rel couldn't tell who they were just that one had blue hair.


AN: Welp there we go, we getting into some serious shitaki now. I wonder who the four people are, JK I know 😂 I am all knowing Syre! Anyway I hope you all are having a good day! Also I would like to know my reader's age range if you are comfortable sharing, I just want to make sure I am writing something that is appropriate for my dear Readers. Also I was thinking about calling y'all my Mers, just because, Syren, Mermaid, Mer... just let me know your thoughts!



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