1.29 you belong with me

249 7 13

houston tx
may 2009

"I can't believe you finally asked her on a date!" Zakk nudges Awsten's shoulder. "You really took your time," he adds, earning a lighthearted glare.

"Yeah," Jawn laughs, clearly amused. "I know I said it'd end up being the better half of a year, but that wasn't a goal."

"Y'all are hilarious," Awsten deadpans. "Really. Have you ever considered careers in comedy?" He continues his sarcastic tone, flatly.

"We're only messing," Zakk dismisses. "Okay, but..." He slows his pace, dropping his tone. "Y'know Ellie's like, my best friend, right?"

"Yeah, of course," Awsten nods, slowly. "What's up?"

"I just...I'm gonna have to be all defensive best friend here for a sec," Zakk frowns and Awsten almost laughs; until he sees that Zakk doesn't find it too amusing.

"Oh, you're not kidding," he murmurs.

"Yeah, no, I'm not kidding," Zakk shakes his head. "You know what she's been through just as well as I do. And, Awsten, I swear, if you even—"

"Okay, woah," Awsten cuts Zakk off, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let's take a second, alright?" He suggests, gently. "You have to know that I wouldn't ever anything to hurt her on purpose. I care about Ellie just as much as you do— if not, more."

Zakk takes a moment to digest Awsten's words, his stern and serious facade beginning to loosen, before he scoffs.

"You think you care about her more than me?" He raises his eyebrows. "Doubt it."

"Oh, come on," Awsten rolls his eyes, as they reach his locker. "You know that's not what I was—"

"I care about her more than you do," Zakk states, smugly. "She's my best friend."

"So, what?" Awsten fires back. "She's my best friend, too—"

"Hey, I'm stood right here, man," Jawn feigns a hurt look.

"Yeah, you can't have two best friends," Zakk teases.

"Stop this. We're not five," Awsten retorts, putting a few of his books away in his locker. "It's two very different kinds of best friends," he adds, more softly. "I wouldn't wanna ask Jawn on a date."

"Ouch, okay," Jawn chimes in again, earning a glare from Awsten.

"The point is, you don't have to worry about me being a douchebag because I actually care about Ellie, okay?" Awsten turns back to Zakk, his voice sincere and heartfelt.

"Who's a douchebag?" Ellie asks, popping up out of seemingly nowhere, clearly startling both Zakk and Awsten.

Awsten jumps so harshly that he bumps into his locker, knocking the door closed with a loud clang.

"I'm starting to think you're the douchebag after that," Zakk lets out a long breath, placing his hand over his chest as he hunches over.

"Don't be dramatic," Ellie rolls her eyes at Zakk, before turning her attention to Awsten. "Hey," she greets, sweetly.

"Hi," he smiles, wrapping a casual arm around her shoulders as she leans into his side. "Are you, uh..." Awsten begins, trying to keep his focus on Ellie, but finds himself distracted by Jawn and Zakk staring at the two of them intently. "Do y'all mind?" He shoots them a glare.

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