1.22 sandy

193 9 40

houston tx
february 2009

"Where have you been?" Awsten strolls up to Ellie's locker.

"Driving lesson," she retorts, mimicking his tone. "Where have you been?"

"Math class," he grumbles in response. "I've got a driving lesson after school, though."

"Oh," Ellie frowns.

"What?" Awsten tilts his head, his voice becoming more gentle.

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come over after school," she shrugs. "But, you're busy, so it's fine. We can do it another time," Ellie works up a small smile, but it falters.

"Hey, I can come over," he says, softly. "I'll stop by after my lesson," Awsten suggests. "What do you wanna do?"

"I was just going to show you some—"

"Hey, Ellie!" Ryan calls, walking through the corridor, briefly stopping at her locker. "The casting sheet is up," he tells her.

Ellie's eyes widen, as she looks from Ryan to Awsten.

She grabs Awsten's hand and runs to the end of the corridor, where the bulletin board is hung on the wall.

She weaves through the small crowd, pulling Awsten with her, to get to the front.

Scanning the list, she starts from the bottom, reading the names in the ensemble, then the background characters, searching for her name.

She doesn't find it, though, and her heart rate picks up— until she reaches the top two names.

Sandy — Ellie Bennett

"Oh my god," she gasps, pointing to her name at the very top of the list. "Oh my god!" Ellie repeats, and Awsten picks her up into his arms.

"I told you!" He exclaims, proudly. "I fucking told you that you'd get it, didn't I?" Awsten sets her down, wanting to see the smile on her face.

"You did," she nods, giddily.

Ellie takes a brief look around, and realises she can't see Ryan anymore.

She then looks to the casting sheet again, and Awsten does the same.

Danny — Nicholas Matthews

"Shit," Awsten mutters, feeling Ellie leave his side, as she attempts to find Ryan.

She doesn't have to look very far, as he's sat on the floor, having slid down the wall. He doesn't look quite as disappointed as she thought he would.

"Hey," she nudges his arm, sitting beside him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Ryan nods, offering her a smile. "I got Doody," he adds, with a small smile. "He's my favourite T-Bird, anyway."

"Hey! And you know what that means, too, right?" Ellie raises her eyebrows.

"I get to sing Those Magic Changes," Ryan smiles more fully.

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