1.11 christmas lights up

277 11 49

december 2008
houston tx

Awsten ends up going to Ellie's house more and more often.

He still hasn't met her parents yet, because it's only ever been just the two of them whenever she invites him over.

She's explained that she wants to ease them into the idea of her being such close friends with a boy— of course, Awsten understands and respects that.

Christmas is creeping closer, and Awsten's Secret Santa present for Jawn has been done for weeks now; he got prepared early, and has kept it hidden until everyone decides on a day to exchange their gifts.

On their way home from school, Ellie invites Awsten over again. Her parents are out for another session of counselling, and she finds that his company is much better than sitting by herself all evening, wondering how things could be going.

Today, Awstem notices that there are a few more pictures hung in the hall, and the house feels much more homely than it has previously— as well as some Christmas decorations.

He laughs when Ellie makes a comment about wanting to leave the Christmas lights up until January, because she loves them so much.

He hopes that the additional family pictures mean that things are working out with her parents, though.

Awsten focuses in on a picture of Ellie stood between her parents.

"This your mom and dad?" He points to the photo, glancing at Ellie over his shoulder.

"Yeah," she sighs, standing next to him now. "We actually look happy there," Ellie mutters, dryly, causing Awsten to shoot her a concerned look; Ellie seems to breeze past it, though.

Awsten returns his eyes to the picture, looking more closely.

Ellie notices the way he narrows his eyes when he's focusing.

"If you're about to say I look like either my mum or my dad, please just don't say it," she cuts Awsten off, before he can even open his mouth to speak. "Everyone says I look like one or the other. I hate it."

"That's not what I was gonna say," he replies.

"Oh," Ellie responds, sheepishly. "Good."

"I was gonna ask about your sisters," Awsten says.

"Oh," she repeats, with a much lighter tone. "I've got pictures with them in my room," Ellie takes his hand, casually, leading him upstairs.

His heart still aches whenever she drops his hand from her's.

Awsten sits on the edge of her bed, feeling much more comfortable in Ellie's room, compared to the first time she'd invited him over.

She takes a seat next to him, with another photo frame in her hand that she'd picked up from her desk.

"These are my sisters," Ellie shows him the picture, proudly. "That's Emma. She's only two years older than me," she points to a blonde, the shorter of the two girls. "And that's Elena. She's the oldest— six years older than me. She's the one that had the baby," Ellie explains.

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