1.25 brighter

231 10 16

houston tx
april 2009

Awsten drives with an excited grin on his face to Ellie's house in his new car.

Well, his dad's old car, but it's now his new car.

He beeps his horn as he pulls up outside her house, and she peaks out of her window, offering him a wave.

She quickly pulls on her shoes, running downstairs and out of the door, grabbing her house keys on the way.

"You passed!" Ellie cheers, now running down her driveway, as Awsten gets out of the car.

She leaps into his arms, and he catches her easily, laughing at her enthusiasm.

"I'm so proud of you!" Ellie beams, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you," Awsten grins, still laughing as he sets her more firmly on the ground. "Come on, I wanna take you somewhere," he nods towards the car, stepping away from her to open the passenger side door. "M'lady," Awsten bows, courteously.

"Thank you, kind sir," Ellie giggles, as she slides into the passenger's seat.

Awsten smiles at her reaction, as he skips around to the driver's side, hopping in, and clipping in his seatbelt.

"Any news about that car you wanted?" He asks, beginning to pull away.

"No," Ellie sighs, sadly. "Apparently the guy who's selling it is deciding between me and one other offer he's been given," she explains. "It's so annoying because now I've got my licence, but can't get a car to do anything with it," Ellie grumbles, frustratedly.

"Well, we could always get you put on the insurance for this car," Awsten suggests. "We go most places together anyway," he adds, with a shrug.

"That's sweet of you," Ellie smiles. "I would still want my own car anyway, though. This is your car now, you know?"

"Yeah, totally," Awsten nods.

"So, where are we going?" Ellie asks, curiously.

"You'll see," he hums, turning up the radio ever-so-slightly.

Ellie pouts at him, and Awsten laughs as he glances briefly over to her.

"Don't give me that face," he mocks her expression, before cracking a smile.  "You'll find out when we're there."

Ellie sighs dramatically, sitting back in her seat and facing the road ahead.

She glances towards Awsten every once in a while, though, and she's surprised to often catch him doing the same. They share a sheepish smile each time they catch each other's eye.

After a few more minutes, Awsten begins to park the car.

Ellie hadn't even registered where they are, so she begins looking around.

She shoots Awsten an odd expression, to which he only shrugs, getting out of the car to open her door for her.

"What are we doing at The Continental Club?" Ellie asks, curiously. "Is there someone cool playing here tonight? Oh! Is it that local band from last time? I can't remember their name...But, we really liked them, remember?"

unbreakable heaven • awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now