7: Im not crying!

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The Emperor, Xander's father has been quiet for the whole time. He reached out for the spoon and started eating, the Queen, Danae soon followed him and ate. Xander had his head down and eyes staring at them, he almost drooled. Danae noticed this and stopped, "Your Highness Prince Xander, you don't have to wait. Kristian put some food on the prince's plate."

Kristian obeyed, he put a steak on Xander's plate and started to slice it into small pieces. Xander immediately stopped him and said, "Uncle you dont have to do that, i- i can handle it!" Kristian smiled, "As you wish Your Highness." It seems like he has a soft spot for this little guy.

The Queen looked at them in shocked, did this little prince just call him uncle? And he(Kristian) didn't react negatively. Did the cold and indifferent right hand of the emperor just smiled genuinely?! She stared at the two for a while, one trying his best to cut his steak while the other giggling while standing beside the younger if ever he was needed. She sighed, and happily continued to eat im bliss.

Xander had a hard time but managed to cut his food. He took a bite and his eyes shone bright stars, it was so delicious. He kept on eating forgetting his posture, he crouched a bit but still looked elegant, flowers were blooming behind him. The servants took notice but didn't care, he was cuter than before. Their hearts were healed and eyes were blessed, smiling, they had silly faces on. Even the Queen was happy looking at Xander, she thought 'i hope my children would be as cute as him.'

But the peaceful scene was ended when i clack was heard. Xander stopped, and so did the others. The emperor had put his spoon and fork down wiping his mouth with a handkerchief, "It seems as if the prince doesn't know proper etiquette."

Xander looked down pressing his lips together, he puts down his hand that was holding the slice of steak he was about to eat and fixed his posture. "I'm sorry Your Majesty." His voice was very low and soft.

The Emperor scoffed, "Atleast you know how to apologize, your not as dumb as i thought." Xander clenched his fist on his lap, 'you're the dumb one here.'

"Honey, don't say that to him! He's your son!" The Queen got mad and yelled at her husband. The servants including Mel and Kristian had their head low, they really wanted to defend Xander but was afraid to do so.

The Emperor slammed his hand on the table, and all the other people flinched. "Who said that this thing is my son?! He is not related to me and i will never acknowledge him as my family!" He yelled angrily and stand up, stomping towards the door.

Xander was trembling, his eyes were wet holding down his tears. He wanted to cry, he knows he's not the real Xander, but it still hurt him, he felt his heart was bleeding. A sob was heard, he could no longer hold it in and started to cry silently

Danae looked at him worried, she went to Xander and patted his back she felt sad looking at him crying and couldnt help herself from hugging the poor child , "There there its fine, your father didn't mean it." Xander hugged her back crying on her arm.

She looked at Kristian signaling for him to let the servants leave. Kristian nodded and waved his hand, he pointed to the door which the servants understood that they needed to go. They slowly went out, as Mel was about to step to the door Xander called for her, "N-nanny Mel please don't go" he cried out.

Mel looked at Xander and towards the Queen, Danae nodded for permission. She(Danae) let go of Xander and let Mel hug him instead.

"Its gonna be fine Young Master, dont cry now" Mel wiped the tears on Xander's eyes as she continued to pat his back. Xander sniffed, burying his head on Mel's shoulder "Im not crying." His voice was a bit hoarse. "Yes, yes you're not crying at all" Mel chuckled, Xander pouted still tearing up.

Danae smiled softly at the two of them, 'Mari, looks like you don't have to worry about Xander anymore.' Her eyes held sadness as she remembered Marianne, Xander's mother and her one and only best friend.

As Mel kept on comforting the child, Xander's eyes became heavy, he felt sleepy from the crying he did earlier. He hated being a child, he gets tired easily and he had to take naps everyday even when he wanted to do something else. Danae watched him dozing off and called for Mel, "Why don't we go to the guest room, it seems like Prince Xander is tired."

Mel looked at Xander, seeing him rubbing his eyes. She nodded and asked Xander to allow her to carry him. Xander nodded, he felt being lifted and got a bit scared but calmed down in just a second, he held onto Mel and wrapped his arms around her neck.

Mel followed Danae from behind with Xander om her arms. They walked, Xander ended up sleeping halfway through, for a few minutes. They arrived, Danae opened the door for them and Mel thanked her.

The room was large, the ceiling had a chandelier and the walls were white. There was a large window at the side, a bed in the middle. There was also a table and chair, it looked simple yet magnificent. Danae whispered Mel to put Xander on the bed and Mel did as she said.

"Mel" Danae called out, whispering softly as to not wake the sleeping boy. Mel turned to the Queen and bowed, "Thank you for letting His Highness to sleep, My Queen" Danae smiled, "No need to thank me Mel, i'm only doing the right thing." Mel was glad that Her Majesty didn't treat Xander badly.

"Thank you" Danae blurted out, Mel was confused on what she did to make her say thank you. "It looks like you're confused" Danae laughed out, Mel felt embarrassed and scratched the her neck. "Let's go outside, shall we? Dont want wake up the child" Mel agreed. The two women then walked out of the room.

"Thank you Mel" Danae thanked again, "W-what ever do you mean Your Majesty?" mel stuttered.

"Isnt it obvious? Thank you, for taking care of Xander. I know he had a hard time on his own, but you were there with him. Earlier ago when Xander was crying, you were the first person he called out. It seems you did your best to raise him." Mel felt happy, "It is my job, as His Highness' personal maid and nanny."

"Yes, you are his personal maid and nanny, but you know you could have still did your job just by feeding and staying with Xander. But looking at how you treat him, it seems you think of him as his child" Mel widened her eyes, "No im sorry Your Majesty, i was being disrespectful"

"Mel, don't say sorry. Im even glad you treat Xander as your child. Xander didn't get to see his mother once, i'm sure that he wanted to. But you were there, as his second mother" Danae looked at Mel's eyes seriously making her(Mel) feel nervous. "Marianne said to take care of Xander before she passed away, but i couldn't take care of her son because i was too busy helping with affairs of our kingdom, and now that in pregnant Lucas won't allow me to go outside, so im thankful for you and i'm sure Marianne, the former Queen would be relieved having you as Xander's mother figure"

"Your Majesty" Mel's eyes were teary, she felt so happy. "Now now don't cry" Danae wiped away her tears. "But Mel you must remember, i won't lose to you. I'll also become Xander's mother figure, got that?" Danae playfully said, both of them laughed. Danae excused herself to rest and walked away. Mel looked at the fading figure and smiled. She couldn't explain how happy she was today.


Marianne in heaven:

A woman with soft silver hair in an elegant room-


"You *beep*, why did i even marry you?! You *beep*" Marianne cursed but was replaced with a beep, she threw a vase at a holographic screen when she saw the scene at the dining room.


"Melie, Danie I love you two so much. I should've married one of you instead of that *beep*" Marianne dramatically cried when both woman comforted her son.

"Please stop saying bad words Miss Marianne" an angel beside her said.

"Shush! I'm watching my baby sleep"

"I don't know why and how you ended up here".

"Shoo shoo go away"

The angel facepalmed.

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