6: Entering the Castle

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And so he finally got back the courage and confidence he lost today.

Is what he said but now that he's in front of the gate he was frozen in fear. Xander's legs were shaking uncontrollably, his heart beating inhumanely fast, his palms were sweaty and you could see tiny beads of sweat on his forehead. Xander internally cried and cursed to himself, courage and confidence his ass, he couldn't even move an inch. He wanted to go back home, fuck gain favor he would rather die.

As Xander was contemplating, Mel was talking to the coachman. After she finished she looked for Xander and saw him frozen in place and legs shaking, she didn't even took 5 seconds to realize what was happening. She was a hundred percent sure that Xander was nervous since she too could relate, though she looked like she wasn't but if you look close enough anyone could see her legs were also shaking.

Mel clenched her fist and 'bravely' walked towards Xander, she patted his shoulder and she was met with a tiny shriek. Xander turned around to see his nanny behind him and sighed, he put his hands on his chest as it was beating faster than before if it was possible. He almost got a heart attack.

Mel was comforting Xander until a butler came to them. He looked very average but was very tall, he looked around he was in his early thirties, he had a very fierce look and had a very well toned body. He told them to follow him and that he was their escort

~Time skip brought to you by author's laziness~

Three figures were walking down the hallway, one man walking gracefully with a stoic face, a young lady walking behind following and a very short boy beside her walking stiffly. No one made the initiative to talk first, it was just silent and awkward and Xander couldnt handle it. In his past life his best friend Aria was very talkative and she would always be the first to think of a topic and could never be silent for more than 5 minutes. And because of that he was not used to be in a silent situation like this so he took up the courage to say something.

"Sir?" Xander said, it was very quiet that both Mel and the butler almost couldn't hear it but managed to. Both of them looked at him without stopping to walk and Xander could only smile awkwardly while scratching his neck. Unexpectedly the butler smiled softly.

"No need to be so formal with me Your Highness, i am but a mere servant"

But don't be fooled though he looked like a sweet butler on the outside, it was the opposite on what he was thinking. The Emperor had asked him to escort the prince to the dining room and to also test wether he was nothing but a spoiled brat. He too thought of nothing special towards the young prince, he was expecting for him to be arrogant like any other noble children specially when he is a prince.

"Then what should i call you sir?" Xander asked again, he was afraid if the butler would not like what he(Xander) would call him(The Butler).

The man didn't even thought for a second and answered still having his stoic face, "My name is Kristian, you can call me anything you want Your Highness"

The butler was expecting for the prince to call him by his name but what he heard made him stiffened.

"Then i'll call you Uncle!" Xander immediately put a hand over his mouth, he was still nervous so he blurted out what was in his mind first. When he was still Kenji he had a habit of calling people family nicknames, one time when a teacher gave him food since he was very hungry but forgot to bring lunch or money with him, he accidentally called her big sister after he thanked her, he was embarrassed so he immediately ran away.

Kristian stopped on his tracks causing Mel to bump into his large figure. Mel touched her red nose and Kristian fake coughed before answering Xander again. "If that is what His Highness wants" The man tried his best to keep his stoic face but couldn't hide the blush on his ears, it was his first time hearing someone call him Uncle and he felt kinda happy. He cleared his throat and continued to walk.

Mel who was still silent looked at the butler's back and towards Xander who's face was red from embarrassment, she chuckled a bit before reminding Xander to continue walking if they didn't want to get left behind.

10 minutes passed and they finally arrived. 'Damn that was tiring, why the heck did they make the hallway so long' Xander cried out. Standing infront of a large golden door, Xander's eyes sparkled. Kristian bowed and asked Xander if he was ready to go in. Xander gulped, Mel patted his head to comfort him. He nodded towards the butler signalling that he was ready. Kristian opened the door and Xander walked in not forgetting about his etiquette with Mel following him from behind.

Inside the room was a long table filled with delicious looking foods. Sitting on the edge was the Emperor wearing a royal outfit. His long dark blue hair was tied into a ponytail, his eyes were sharp and cold. And on the Emperor's right side was a very gorgeous woman, the Queen, she had beautiful purple hair left swaying on her back. She looked ethereal even with the big bump on her belly indicating that she was pregnant.

Kristian told Xander to go and sit with his family which he obediently obeyed. Xander walked towards the table and picked where he wanted to sit which was on the other side of the woman and 2 seats away from his father. Xander had a hard time trying to climb on the chair which was very high, he tried and tried for the whole minute. The servant awed at the cute scene he looked like a helpless little puppy, they wanted to help but couldn't do anything without receiving an order. The beautiful woman noticed Xander having a hard time and so ordered the servants to help, he raised her hand saying " What are you all doing help His Highness right now". Her voice was strict but tender.

Kristian went and helped the little prince. Xander was embarrassed, why did the chairs have to be so high. His face was blushed and his eyes were moistened, he looked like he was about to cry. The servant's hearts were struck by an arrow and apologized to Xander in their mind.

Xander thanked both Kristian and the Queen, and a smile was returned to him.

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